My poems.


Jedi Master
"The Road"

As i drive along the road, trees over-hanging.
Its late at night, and i cant see far-ahead.
I keep going, picturing the beauty of nature in daylight.
There are many turn-offs and diversions along the way.
I trust myself and keep going straight forward.
As the sun rises, the world around me comes alive.
I was right all along, this is where i belong.
I created you, you are mine.
Do as you are told , follow orders. Conform.
Dont wear that shirt, dont walk that way. What have i told you? Conform.
This isnt your planet, this isnt your mind, Do as you are told. Conform.
You arent going anywhere, stay in this cage, Dont you listen? Conform.
One day you will understand its for the best, be like everyone else, Conform.
Break-free if you want, but you will see how lonely it is, Conform.
Stay quiet, dont tell anyone, most people are happy how they are, Conform.
Things arent what they seem, i dont want to live life as a lie, i dont want to CONFORM!
Pain abounds
Pain is grounds
For looking around
And seeing what is real
Pain of body, pain of mind, pain of soul
Pain is thoughts
Thoughts are pain
Check your thoughts again and again
Aware that only the real remain

The First of February
A long lone branch reaches out beyond the tangled intertwined clusters.
Reaching to the point of the rising sun,
getting ready to be the first to feed its hidden buds.
The masses of smaller branches huddle together against the mid winter cold.
Do they know they will soon begin to fill with the life of spring?
Do they know their beauty will burst forth in the endless cycle?
Do they know they are all as one, a part of a great fullness?
The setting sun casts all in shade. They blend in the darkness as they come another day closer to their destiny.
They are life, they are joy, they are peace, they are harmony.

The Backyard
The spring colors are gone
The dandelions have given over their gold to billowing fuzz.
The daffodils have shown their glory, drooping leaves lying on the ground.
All is green-light, dark, in between; small, thin and growing large and strong.
Their pollen fills the air, the haze clouds my eyes as a haze clouds my mind.
A sun breaks through and dries the spring damp. The breezes move the clouds.
New growth in the ground, sprouts poking forth in the garden.
Birds bringing morsels for new hatchlings
Who will soon take wing.
The cycle goes on with God’s creations.
Does human kind do so?
Do we grow in spirit?
Are we always learning?
Oh that we would waken as the earth.
How we would grow in joy as the birds and lilies and the trees and the grasses.
That our beauty would glorify God as it does all His creation.
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