my wifes dream


A Disturbance in the Force
I'm trying to figure out of my wife's dream, she had this night.

Everything was in grey-bronze colours. She was in the middle of bog. There was a child about 4-year old human like, trying to pull down a tree on her. The child jumped into mud with the tree, not able to hit my wife. The child was taken by bog - not able to survive. She felt child like evil.

It's interesting for me because she felt like it would be one of 'that dreams'. She has few same dreams which have always same meaning for example:
Shes loosing her teeth one after one - something bad will happen soon to her /us.
Shes paying with rats. - someone she knows will die very soon.
What's interesting the meaning of dreams are usually comes true.

Do anyone have idea what could it mean? After all she's not hiten by tree ;) .
Morpheus, how has your wife been feeling lately, emotionally? Sometimes our dreams are reflecting back to us a current emotional state. What I thought when reading the dream was that the little girl (we usually think of as being pure and innocent) represents situations or people around us that appear to be innocent but will exhibit behavior demonstrating otherwise.

Is there someone around her that perhaps she trusts and her subconscious is conveying a message of awareness? Just thoughts on this since it apparently matters to her and to you. Sometimes our dreams simply serve as outlets for repressed emotional states..... :huh: So I usually ask myself after I've had a troubling dream how it made me feel.

I know she will uncover the meaning for herself.

Well let's see...dream symbols can be very personal and therefore not all have the same meaning. (for instance, Rats for another person might signify a traitor)
But having said that sometimes they do share a basic meaning.

The general meaning of the tree could mean hope, knowledge, growth, life. You should ask your wife how the tree was as this makes a difference.
If it was a healthy tree it could be a symbol of a flourishing, vibrant life, strength . If it was a diseased tree it could mean that something in her life is out of balance or something needs her attention.
Here is some info on what seems to be the key symbols in the dream.

Trees (taken from
To see lush green trees in your dream, symbolize new hopes, growth, desires, knowledge, and life. It also implies strength, protection and stability. You are concentrating on your own self-development and individuation. To see bare trees in your dream, indicate used up energy. You have put your all into some relationship or project and now you are exhausted. Perhaps you are even feeling depressed. Alternatively, the dream signifies the cycle of life or the passage of time. To see a withered or dead tree in your dream, indicates that your hopes and desires have been dashed. You are experiencing some instability and setback in your life. Alternatively, the dead tree represents infertility or a lack of virility. Perhaps it signal an end to a familial line (as in a family tree).�If you dream of crows perched on the dead tree, then it symbolizes the end of some cycle or behavior. It is representative of death.

To dream that you are climbing a tree, signifies achievement of your career goals and attainment of higher positions in life. The speed at which you climb the tree will parallel the speed of your achievement of these goals.

To dream that you chop or cut down a tree, indicates that you are wasting your energy, time, and money on foolish pursuits. Alternatively, the dream may be a comment on your sexual fear or guilt.�

To see a falling tree in your dream, means that you are feeling off balance and out of sync. Perhaps, you are off track and headed in the wrong direction. **View Dream Bank: "Scissors In The Forest"

Here's some info on the child symbol.

taken from:
{1} If the child in your dream is you as a child, the significance of the dream may have to do with a childhood experience. But don't be too ready to understand it this way {see Childhood Recollections at bottom}.

{2} The child may be a symbol of your true self, that which is essentially you and which you are capable of unfolding. That fact that your real self is represented by a child suggests that your true self is a beautiful unspoilt product of Nature; that it is worthy of unreserved love; and that it needs the nourishment of your love if it is to grow and unfold all its loveliness.

{3} If the child has some divine aura {e.g. if it is the Christ-child}, waht is symbolized is as in {2} above. The aura represents the transcendent nature of the self: it is much more than your conscious ego or your present image of yourself; it holds together the opposites that are within you {e.g. conscious and unconscious aspects, 'head' - intellect and 'heart' - intuitiveness and compassionate giving, extroversion and introversion, masculine and feminine}, and it is your ultimate goal and fulfillment.

{4} The child may represent {the possibility of} a new beginning, a new development in your psyche - a new attitude to life, a new set of values, a new balance of your psychic forces, a new reconcilation of previously conflicting forces. The child in you is the growing-point in you.

{5} There is a child in all of us - our emotional self - that often needs reassurance, to be told that all is well and there is no cause for fear, or anger, or guilt, and that love makes all things good and dissolves all pain. At the same time the child sometimes needs to be chided and corrected if it is eventually to - as it should - grow up.

Childhood Recollections

{1} Many dreams repeat or allude to childhhood experiences and impressions. Nearly all such dreams have a therapeutic purpose, giving us a clearer view of ourselves, perhaps showing us some attitude or pattern of behaviour that has been with us since childhood, and perhaps, even showing us the original cause of it.
Unfulfilled instinctual desires provide the energy for many of our dreams, and the fact that an instinctive desire remains unfulfilled may be connected with the traumatic experience in childhood. That experience has probably been repressed because it was traumatic - causing guilt, anxiety, fear of punishment. See Repression Your dreams may, therefore, be helping you to uncover the source of these blockages which inhibit the free flow of the natural forces within you.

{2} Recurring dreams may represent soem psychic disturbance or problem that orginated in chilhood. Here are some examples:
Dream of being naked may sometimes represent recollections of, and perhaps longing for, the paradise of childhood when one walked around unclothed without embarrassment. {Sometimes these dreams, as Freud said, express a deisre for someone of the opposite sex to present himself/herself in the nude, and stem from sexual frustration}.
Dreams of flying or falling may derive from childhood enjoyment of swings and see-saws. They may express straightforward yearnings for the remembered joy of childhood, but they may also reflect one's problematic adult life. A problem is not a thing; rather, it is a relationship - for example, a relationship of conflict either between your external circumstances and your inner wishes {in which case the solution consists in either removing yourself from the circumstances or modifying your wishes} or between one part of your psyche and another {in which case the solution is to integrate the part that has been neglected}.

Dreams of failure stem from childhood fears of disapproval from parents. However, the fact that your dreams contain these recollections suggests that you have programmed yourself for anxiety. If so, begin by loving the child that is still within you: reassure it, tell it that everything is all right and that there is no such thing as failure where there is love.

{3} Dreams which contain recollections of yourself as a free and happy child may indicate a desire to find your true self. The child is then a symbol of the complete and permanent inner freedom and joy which are enjoyed only when you have become acquainted with all the forces within you - both conscious and unconscious - and have established harmonious relationships among them.

{4} The child may represent the primitive psyche {see Archetypes}which your conscious ego needs to get acquainted if wholeness is to be achieved. This primitive psyche is the mind of humankind in its infancy, before the development of self-consciousness and reasoning. This original awarenes is stil within us, but buried in the unconscious.

For Bog you could try looking up mud, marshland and swamp
here's a little on mud: (taken from
Spiritual Meaning:
Spiritually mud represents the very basic materials of earth and water from which we are all formed, and thus its appearance in dreams indicates the need to go ‘back to basics’.

Psychological / Emotional Perspective:
Mud represents the fundamental substance of life, which, handled properly, has a tremendous potential for growth but, handled badly, can be dangerous. Many cultures believe mankind was fashioned from clay mud to give him structure. In dreams, if the mud is too dry we have suppressed emotion, if too wet, like marshland, we cannot develop a proper way of working.

Everyday Material Aspects:
Mud in a dream suggests that we are feeling bogged down, perhaps by not having sorted out practicality and emotion (earth and water). Mud can also represent past experiences or our perception of them, which has the ability to hold us back.

Hope that helps shed some light on the situation! :)
Thx for all replays.

I've also notice that the dream image is equal to some slovian archetypes of drowned person. After some research I've found that following dream might symbolize the release or daemon. It's interesting clue, especially that after it my wife's felt release.
I am glad that your wife feels relieved about the dream meaning.
I can offer you my understanding of the dream according to own experiences.
Firstly, color:grey/bronze. I'll say that's the color of the current energy here in 3D.
Mean child: sometimes our brain twists images according to our belief system. The child image is more like disguise for entities approaching to us since our childhood. We recognise them, deeply, otherwise, how your wife would know it is an evil being.
Bog: 3D material life. Your wife is trapped, like all of us, in our physical being.
Attack: the being wasn't able to hit your wife, it failed. That means she out it's range, for now.

It is very important that your wife is able to distinguish her dreams' quality:"it was one of those dreams".

My suggestion to her is to write down all "those dreams" and her feelings about it.
I suppose that she felt relieved in her dream as well when the "child" has gone. It tells me that she was aware of the danger. That was not the first meeting they had.

If that is my dream that's how I will explain it to myself.
Hopefully this didn't afraid both of you. Knowledge protects as you can see.

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