My wife's scary 'dream'


The Living Force
Here is the dream my wife had somewhere between 11.12.2009 and 28.12.2009.
She sends it to the quantumfuture or Cassiopaea e-mail address over 2 years ago I think. We didn't know about this foru at that time. Here the
I was falling asleep around midnight (not sure at all). I have frequently tried to catch and consciously experience the process of falling asleep out of pure curiosity and it always seemed unpleasant, involving a lot of fear during the part where you’re being ‘sucked into’ the dream. I was dreaming of a dark bedroom (not mine) and of a friend I know since my childhood for a couple of minutes, then I was ‘sucked out’ of that dream by these beings whom I couldn’t see at the moment but whose presence I felt. I would like to insist upon the way I felt the first dream was really just a dream, whereas the second part felt distinctly different in nature and not like a dream at all, but like what we would call a real life experience. I don’t remember how I got to the next location but the next thing I remember is standing in front of what sort of looked like a loona-park full of elevating tracks for these spheres made of some kind of light that made them look a little transparent. They were lifted up diagonally. They carried people (humans for sure). What’s important to note in all this experience I had is that right from the beginning until the end I had about 2 or 3 (most probably 3) transparent/lit little creatures accompanying me at my left, levitating –still. It was obvious to me in this ‘dream’ that they were showing and teaching me as I was standing still and looking at the big scene in front of me. The strange thing is that I never bothered to look at them but stayed transfixed on the scene they were showing and teaching me about. Information was communicated to me directly through thought and emotions which were perceived as my own but I knew even then, in my ‘dream’, they came from them. This didn’t even surprise me then – it seemed normal, apparent, logical etc. I watched the transparently lit bubbles carry people. I looked at one bubble that seemed to carry about 3 children who laughed and chattered away merrily and such sadness filled me as I looked at it all. Everything from the beginning until the end of this ‘dream’ was in darkness and I knew that it wasn’t just dark because it was night time, but because such was the earth’s normal state. Everything was dark and that’s just how it was normally. The sadness filled me up when I heard the laughter because one thought came to my mind: “They laugh away, they are so ignorant, poor things. They really believe that it is with no outside help that they have achieved such technology...” I also knew something terrible was coming. I don’t know what information was passed to me from these transparent, white-lit frog-faced creatures, but there must have been more if I was not even surprised to see and feel them near me. As soon as I finished watching this scene, the next thing I remember is being put back into my bed from the air and they were still levitating at my left. That was when I started to feel great fear in my chest. One of them lit a red light right at my face in bed and my fear started to get way overwhelming! The bright red light started to get bigger and bigger until the fear was sooooooo strong I thought my heart wouldn’t handle it and my chest would explode! They then gradually disappeared into thin air as they moved to the right (I think). I wish there were words to point out how vivid all of this felt. I called Sergiy, as soon as I calmed down my fear a little.
Correction: The three transparent creatures where always levitating at my right hand side and not at my left and at the end of this experience they moved towards the left while disappearing gradually.
A detail I missed out: The bubbles were a mean of casual human transportation.
Another detail I missed out: Nobody except the 2-3 creatures (most probably 3) saw me at that ‘loona-park scene’.

How do you think was it an abduction experience? If so, what do you thing was the purpose of this?
Hi Serge,

I'm responding because I'm sure you're on tenterhooks waiting for an answer and I just want you to know your post has been read. It probably hasn't been responded to because the vast majority of people don't remember abductions and if they do they very often have a different perception of the event.

I'm sure someone will be able to offer more than that. I'm sorry I couldn't be of more help.

For what it's worth, and this is most definitely my unqualified opinion, it has the feel of an abduction or "spiritual" event similar to the artificial DMT type. Your wife may have slipped naturally into a state others require drugs to experience. I hope someone can give you a more definitive answer.
Richard said:
For what it's worth, and this is most definitely my unqualified opinion, it has the feel of an abduction or "spiritual" event similar to the artificial DMT type. Your wife may have slipped naturally into a state others require drugs to experience. I hope someone can give you a more definitive answer.
A definitive answer to an occurrence such as this is unlikely to be gotten to osit. Hypothesis based on the knowledge and experiences of others can be formulated, but a straight forward answer is doubtful.

Serg, have you read The Wave, there are many possibilities here such as screen memories, etc.
Richard said:
Hi Serge,

I'm responding because I'm sure you're on tenterhooks waiting for an answer and I just want you to know your post has been read. It probably hasn't been responded to because the vast majority of people don't remember abductions and if they do they very often have a different perception of the event.

I'm sure someone will be able to offer more than that. I'm sorry I couldn't be of more help.

For what it's worth, and this is most definitely my unqualified opinion, it has the feel of an abduction or "spiritual" event similar to the artificial DMT type. Your wife may have slipped naturally into a state others require drugs to experience. I hope someone can give you a more definitive answer.

Hi Richard,

Thanks for reply, and yes, I really was waiting. It's not surprising that people don't remember their abducrion, I don't even remember almost all of my dreams, let alone abductions.
Interesting is that she has never has any drug experience in her life.
bngenoh said:
Richard said:
For what it's worth, and this is most definitely my unqualified opinion, it has the feel of an abduction or "spiritual" event similar to the artificial DMT type. Your wife may have slipped naturally into a state others require drugs to experience. I hope someone can give you a more definitive answer.
A definitive answer to an occurrence such as this is unlikely to be gotten to osit. Hypothesis based on the knowledge and experiences of others can be formulated, but a straight forward answer is doubtful.

Serg, have you read The Wave, there are many possibilities here such as screen memories, etc.

Hi bngenoh,
I agree with you. But I wasn't looking for sraight forward answer. I just want to hear what people think about it, and if they have similar experiences.
So far, I've read only 14 chapters.(I'm confused with what to read, because I find it harder (and slower) to read in English then in Ukrainian or Russian. I've 'Bringers of the Dawn' by Barbara Marciniak on Russian, I also can find 'Gnosis' by Boris Mouravieff, ISOTM, etc on Russian) I started reading the Wave not so long after my wife's dream. She started readig a little bit after i had.This 'dream' was one of the reasons why I even started reading. I read the intro and the first chapter of the Wave. I was impressed by that hypnosis session and what the woman described under hypnosis. It was very similar to my, at that time, girlfriend's 'dream'.
If I understand correctly what screen memories are, this 'dream' becomes even more scary.
Serg said:
I agree with you. But I wasn't looking for sraight forward answer. I just want to hear what people think about it, and if they have similar experiences.

Well, in the past I would read many abduction stories, whether they were truly abductions is the question of course. But the typical way it went was like your wife's dream; seeing creatures, getting information, seeing other people etc. Not saying it is per se an abduction, but it could be. Now this dream occurred three years ago and I understand that such a nightmare can be traumatic in a way, which could be a reason why it's still on both of your minds. I would recommend doing the EE program, which helps us overcome fears, worries, traumatic events in a gradual way. Thing is, one can think for a long time about what a certain dream could be about, but in the end, what will you achieve?

So I think, reading the Wave series as suggested, and doing EE weekly, can help you and your wife gain more understanding and healing. And as the C's have said, knowledge protects!
For what it's worth. I read Castenada many many years ago. In one book he was about to go on a perilous spiritual journey to look for an "ally" under the influence of mesacaline (I think). Don Juan told him to protect himself by protecting his solar plexus area, curling up, as this is where the attacks happen.

Perhaps sleeping on your side in the fetal position rather than on the back may help as protection. Weird thought but there it is.
Richard said:
For what it's worth. I read Castenada many many years ago. In one book he was about to go on a perilous spiritual journey to look for an "ally" under the influence of mesacaline (I think). Don Juan told him to protect himself by protecting his solar plexus area, curling up, as this is where the attacks happen.

Perhaps sleeping on your side in the fetal position rather than on the back may help as protection. Weird thought but there it is.

Interesting thought. My wife is always sleeping on her back (feeling all imortant :D) . I, however, always fall asleep in the fetal position and stir a lot.
Serg said:
Interesting thought. My wife is always sleeping on her back (feeling all imortant :D ) . I, however, always fall asleep in the fetal position and stir a lot.

Hi Serg,

I used to fall asleep on the back and a lot of weird things were going on but before I was practicing the EE program linked by Oxajil above.
I think it has really helped to clear up issues that were resurfacing during the night in this way, osit.
Oxajil said:
Serg said:
I agree with you. But I wasn't looking for sraight forward answer. I just want to hear what people think about it, and if they have similar experiences.

Well, in the past I would read many abduction stories, whether they were truly abductions is the question of course. But the typical way it went was like your wife's dream; seeing creatures, getting information, seeing other people etc. Not saying it is per se an abduction, but it could be. Now this dream occurred three years ago and I understand that such a nightmare can be traumatic in a way, which could be a reason why it's still on both of your minds. I would recommend doing the EE program, which helps us overcome fears, worries, traumatic events in a gradual way. Thing is, one can think for a long time about what a certain dream could be about, but in the end, what will you achieve?

So I think, reading the Wave series as suggested, and doing EE weekly, can help you and your wife gain more understanding and healing. And as the C's have said, knowledge protects!
Hi Oxajil, Somehow, since I was little, whenever I had a question that bothered my mind I found it very difficult to stop thinking about it. When adults used to tell me that to I don't need to know about smth I would get really annoyed. And now whenever I start wondering about smth it just can't get out of my 'head'.
Thank you for advice. I recently join the sott translatio group, I think I'll be working on some Wave chapters and other text, in that way I'll continuing reading. As for EE, I'm doing only pipe breathing for few times a day. I've been trying to start EE for a long time, hopefully I'll started today.

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