Mystery Lights Seen Over Arizona & Florida


A Disturbance in the Force
It appears that two light formations were seen in Arizona & Florida. This appeared on Drudge Report, and they linked to two local news sites in those areas where people give descriptions of four lights (in both cases) remaining visible for around 13 minutes. I'd love to get Laura's take on this.

Here are the links:

In both cases, the Air Force denied aircraft even being in the sky at the time, and air traffic control saw the lights but had no communication with aircraft in that airspace.
Well, I find the story in Phoenix to be more interesting especially that clever remark:
reminiscent of a similar event 11 years ago.
Has it been 11 years, really?

Bizarre. I just did a search of the transcripts for the word "Phoenix" and there are 11 entries... The most interesting seems to be the session on August 28, 1999, excerpts following:

Q: We have been discussing the strange visitors to our website. It seems that there is a lot of interest from groups that are connected with intelligence and military organizations. Can you tell us what their interest is in our material?

A: Material is largely accurate. ...

Q: Do we have to be concerned about any ramifications as a result of their interest?

A: If so, the need for concern began with your respective births!

Q: Why did the interest begin with our births?

A: Not interest we speak of; destiny.

Q: Well, since we have revamped the website, there has been a huge amount of interest, so we have decided that it would be a good idea to get a book out since I can already see signs of plagiarism on other sites, and they are taking whole chunks of our material and passing it around on some of the news groups. I need to put the whole thing together.

A: Tell the story as it happened.

Q: I had thought that I would limit the story and concentrate on the material.

A: The material is part of the story. So are the participants.

Q: What about all the peripheral people
  • .

    A: Each deserves mention commensurate with input/impact.

    Q: I have this book, this Marcia Schafer thing: "Confessions of an Intergalactic Anthropologist," and its a bunch of channelled stuff; one thing she says: "the snake is associated with the sign of wisdom and higher learning, and is often regarded quite highly in mystical circles." She had an interaction with a rattlesnake, for which she felt sympathy, and she also has sympathetic interactions with Lizzies. I would like to have a comment on the idea of the snake as a "sign of wisdom and higher learning." Does this, in fact, represent what the snake symbolizes?

    A: Snake is/was reported in context of the viewpoint of the observer.

    Q: Are you saying that when the observer's viewpoint is that the snake is a symbol of higher learning, maybe...

    A: Maybe the observer was just "blown away" by the experience.

    Q: Clarify, please.

    A: If you were living in the desert, or jungle, about 7,000 years ago, as you measure time, would you not be impressed if these Reptoid "dudes" came down from the heavens in silvery objects and demonstrated techno-wonders from thousands of years in the future, and taught you calculus, geometry and astrophysics to boot?!?

    Q: Is that, in fact, what happened?

    A: Yup.

    Q: Alright. I want to get a couple of quick questions in about these books...

    A: The books? Consider them to be trolling bits and pieces of info from ethereal sources.

    Q: One thing she says here: "Reptilian species are a common visitor, at least for me. They always wear a uniform... their civilization emphasizes culture and educational training..." She also writes that she read a book by another gentleman who described his experiences with creatures that was "hauntingly similar," though his encounters were not with Reptoids. She judges the other guy's account to be authentic based on her own experiences, and sort of draws a connection between this other group of aliens and her own group based on the name similarity. She then says that "this is a very loving society, and I do not believe that the name mix-up, if there was one, would be due to misguided humor." The conclusion she draws by making the comparison, based on the name is that the Reptoids are a "loving society.' She says here that "the Grays have always regarded her with friendliness and treated her well." Here she says: "We are now having a lot of contact with Andromedans. I keep seeing a very human looking being resembling us a bit when I try to remember their image. They are very scientifically advanced. Many people who have a finely developed scientific or medical intellect have ties to this planetary civilization. I say this, because when I meet these folks, I am telepathed about their civilization. The Andromedans have a strong presence..." Well, I guess she isn't aware that the Andromedans are most likely the invention of someone else's wild imagination after borrowing a huge chunk of our text files!

    A: Wolves do well when they present in sheep's' clothing.

    Q: Aside from most of the absurdities in this book, there was one thing that did disturb me: On March 19, 1997, she says that she had a major abduction. She remarks that "I recall being present at a meeting with hundreds of other humans. In retrospect, this bothers me. We were told that we were being tested to see how well we could recall specific training we had been given over our lifetimes to work their technology. Each of us had a partner and we were assigned to activate small 3 seater spacecraft. I don't know what the other people were told, but I do recall what happened to me. They had a lot of information and it was given in pieces. I was informed that I would no longer be allowed to dismiss or repress my work with others not of this planet. They said that the time had come, and I must have complete recall. They showed me a life review. They revealed all the visits and interactions I had in this lifetime. As they were about to start this, I recall arguing heatedly with them. In fact, I remember saying "No f__ing way! I'm not going through this. In retrospect, I find this kind of funny in a juvenile type of way, that I swore at them. I received back the telepathic response: 'Way!' In other words, I had no choice and this was going to happen. Generally my wishes were respected in things of this matter. But, not now; they said it was 'time' and I was being brought into 'full activation' in accordance with schedule, whatever that means."

    It just so happens that this event occurred at about the same time of the major UFO sightings out in Phoenix, and, if I remember correctly, you commented at the time that things were really getting ready to heat up, though we were unaware of these sightings then, being so busy with travelling back and forth to Gainesville. You did indicate that this had something to do with the fact that Ark and I were together, finally, and the beginning stages of some grand destiny were falling into place.

    [We had a session on the night of the 15th, and I asked the question about what had made me so violently sick the previous night, and for several nights previous to this, I had awakened startled and fighting, feeling presences in the room and things touching me. Also, on the night of this session, the spider descended on the table in the middle of asking our questions about protons.]

    Is there any relationship between what was occurring with this Marcia Schafer, and what was occurring with us?

    A: Well, best to consider this book, and the author, as an amalgamation of things read and things imagined.

    [... Marcia Schafer topic dropped]

    Q: (L) There were several dark streaks seen in the sky at the time of the recent solar eclipse. There has been a great deal of comment about this at various sites on the internet including some of the 'hard science' astronomical ones, yet there is no general consensus as to what they were. There were also strange lights and objects seen around the sun, and later, crossing the surface of the moon. There is also an ongoing discussion about some sort of 'Incoming Object' as though there is an anomalous object in our solar system that is creating this effect. Now, I realize that you said before that we ought to watch for something AFTER Comet Lee, the exact words being:

    'Now, you need to know the composition of this comet... And any other closely following same. We have alluded to the increased cometary activity before. Oort, and that which cyclically disturbs it.'
    So, it does seem that what you were alluding to is transpiring at the present. I mean, 'closely following' probably means close in terms of time, also. And you did say that such comets as have been disturbed would approach in a 'scatter pattern,' which would mean from any and all directions. Can you comment on these current events?

    A: Not yet.

    Q: Why? Is there something we should be watching for?

    A: Best to keep watching....

    Q: Anything in particular we should be watching for?

    A: No. Be open to all possibilities.

    Q: Are we on the verge of a) an alien invasion; b) a cometary impact; c) the appearance of a twin sun, a death star in our solar system?

    A: Wait and see.

    Q: I don't want to wait and see! (A) Wait and see! When it hits us, we will know! (L) Let me ask this....

    A: What a glorious transition to 4th density STO. With maybe a quick stopover in 5th just to pick up a few things for the trip!

    Q: Are you saying that we are getting ready for the Big Kahuna?

    A: Only Don Ho knows for sure.

    Q: What?!

    A: Well, you did say "Kaahuna," yes?

    Q: Okay, you have repeatedly, in the past year, alluded to something that we are supposed to be watching for, that we are supposed to 'enjoy the show,' and all that sort of thing. Now you have made this remark about 5th density, where 3rd density goes at death. Are you suggesting that a lot of folks are going to check out?

    A: Maybe we were trying to Lighten things up a bit!

    Q: That's all fine and good, but I just want one word here, a clue about what is coming down in the near future that you are making all these hints about... just a one word clue?

    A: KABOOM!

    Q: Now wait a minute! You can't DO that! What do you mean 'kaboom?' I changed my mind, I want two words! One more word!

    A: SPLAT!

    Q: Okay, a word that applies to us sitting right here....

    A: Florida.

    Q: We KNOW its Florida! What about a word that will give me a clue about our location?

    A: Hot.

    Q: (A) I guess that means it will be hot here, but safe.

    A: Okay. Hot but safe, maybe.

  • Since I wanted to find the session from the time of the Phoenix lights, I needed a search term and picked "spider" since I had put in the note that this was the night the spider descended on the table during the session. So, I do a search for "spider" in the transcripts... 33 returns.

    Here's the excerpt from the session that was taking place at about the time of the Phoenix lights 11 years ago:

    15 March 1997

    [... discussion about physics, electrons, protons, etc,]
    Q: (L) You said that protons come from seventh density. In exactly what sense
    did you mean that?

    A: In the ultimate sense.

    Q: So, a proton is a little manifestation of the consciousness of God?

    A: No.

    Q: Well, that would be what I would understand as the ultimate sense. Correct me please.

    A: Too complex.

    Q: (L) Okay. (F)Spider! (A) Indeed! A spider! [It seems that at this precise moment, a spider descended from the ceiling on a thread.] (L) Teensy weensy spider....(A) It's a spy! (F) Yes, but a second density one. (A) But it has a lot of protons! (F) That's its connection with 7th density. [The spider is rescued and put elsewhere.] (L) Now, back to the questions. Could you just give me a clue on this proton business?

    A: Ask.

    Q: Okay, a proton is matched by an electron... (V) Does 7th density delegate how many protons come down or are available at any given time? (L) I think that would be a question that would take us way beyond where we are now...

    A: Yes it would.

    Q: (L) Just calm down V. I have a spider web on my hand. Okay. The protons. (V) Aren't protons just smaller bits of energy. (L) A proton is a fermion. (A) Yes. A proton is a fermion. Okay, there is a question with this proton. Is it something eternal, or is it something that decays? If it is seventh density... How long does a proton live?

    A: Atomic explosion blends density window.

    Q: (A) What do they mean blend? It explodes! Blend with what?

    A: Where do protons fit into the atomic chain reaction equation?

    Q: (L) What happens to protons in an atomic chain reaction? (A) Okay. I will have to check. I will have to take a look. But what does it have to do with this? (L) Well, if a proton is from 7th density, it is obviously a window. (A) Yes, a window. A very small window. (V) I have to leave. (L) Okay, we will stop for now and come back to the atomic chain reaction after we know how to ask the questions.

    Q: (L) The last few nights I have been having very strange things happening to me while I sleep. Waking startled or fighting or feeling something touching me... What is going on?

    A: Burial ground.

    Q: You mean the place we are staying used to be a burial ground?

    A: 400 years ago.

    Q: Swell! Just what I needed to hear! Is there anything I can do to limit this activity?

    A: No,

    Q: Is it particularly harmful or just annoying?

    A: More the latter.

    Q: (L) How come it bothers me and not Ark?

    A: Sensitivity profile.
    Now, what strikes me about these two sessions that I find connected by the numbers 11 and 33 is that the one from August 1999 is the "Kaboom! Splat!" session that talks about a glorious transition to 5 D... and then, going back to the original session that was taking place right about the time of the Phoenix lights, there is this discussion that is going along and then, all of a sudden, a mention of atomic explosion kinda right out of the blue. And this AFTER the spider drops on the table.

    Then, the discussion of the graveyard that supposedly formerly occupied the place where the house we were staying in up in Gainesville had been built.

    The next bizarre thing about this is that as I read that part about the graveyard having been there 400 years ago, the factoid was pulled up in my mind that St. Augustine, the other city mentioned in the reference to the recent sightings, is 400 years old. I went to Wikipedia to check my facts on that:

    St. Augustine is the county seat of St. Johns County [1], Florida, in the United States. It is the oldest continuously occupied European-established city, and the oldest port in the continental United States. ... St. Augustine was founded by the Spanish in 1565. ... The city was founded by the Spanish admiral Pedro Menéndez de Avilés on September 8, 1565. Menéndez first sighted land on August 28, the feast day of Augustine of Hippo, and consequently named the settlement San Agustín.
    That makes St. Augustine 443 years old. We also notice that the first session I quoted above that discussed the Phoenix lights in retrospect was on August 28, 1999, 434 years to the day since Menéndez de Avilés sighted land...

    Does any of this mean anything?

    I dunno. Just before I came to see what was going on in the forum, I was reading a passage from our 9-11 book and happened, at one point, to glance at the computer time and it was 9:11.

    For all we know, these types of lights, often associated with earthquakes, could be precursor activity to some sort of geological event. Also, for all we know, geological events produce EM that "blends densities" or opens portals. Chicken or the egg?

    Anybody have any feedback? Notice anything else? Ideas? Intuitions?
Geez, this is wierd. You mentioned 'spider' and today we get this:

Is this just a coincidence?
A friend of mine called me last Friday and said he had a sighting of those kinds lights, of merging and separating balls of light, on a bus last Thursday night travelling east on I-90 about 40 miles east of Boston. He said the whole bus saw them, everyone was pointing and looking. He said it lasted about a minute or a minute and a half and that they seemed to be 500-600 feet above the tree line.
Laura said:
Anybody have any feedback? Notice anything else? Ideas? Intuitions?
Last 4 days I was under very, very bad virosis, lying in my bed with high fever. Today I'm a bit better, but steel feeling overall weakness. Lying and suffering so in my bed from time to time I was thinking how I wasn't so ill at least last 11 years! Actually I had same symptoms and same pattern of illness in February 1997, just two days prior to leaving for military camp, after finishing my education (it was obligation back in dose days in Croatia). Now, I find two things from my military days very interesting in relation this thread.

First, during my basic military training I was stationed on outskirts of one small northern Croatian town, type of clean air, no heavy traffic etc. One of the things I always remember from there is how comet Hale Bopp was extraordinarily visible and very fascinating sight. Looking at, through clear night sky was some experience for me considering back home I can see only few brightest stars on clear night.

Second thing was this dream I had. I'm still in the same base. I was stationed there for two months, from early February till' early April. At that time I hadn't any kind of knowledge about C's and related subjects, except I was always interested in UFO phenomena. So this dream was very vivid and short, like you are actually there. In this dream I was standing outside of barracks, looking towards building in which I actually am and I am watching in fact big dark disk like UFO, which is hovering silently and spinning over building.

I did some transcripts search over Hale Bopp and find this sessions interesting:

Session 970809
A: Just pay attention to the signs, please! It is not helpful to place yourself in a vacuum of awareness.
Q: I don't think I am in a vacuum of awareness. Now, this JD is printing a lot of stuff that reminds me of the Hale Bopp
incident. There is a lot being said about the sightings out in the Southwest area. They are saying that this is the 'new'
imminent invasion or mass landing. Can you comment on this activity?
A: Prelude to the biggest "flap" ever.
Q: And where will this flap be located?
A: Earth.
Q: When is it going to begin?
A: Starting already.
Q: Is this biggest flap going to be just a flap, or is it going to be an invasion?
A: Not yet.
Q: Not an invasion?
A: Yes.
Session 980613
Q: Okay, so what is the point of who spoke for Andromeda? What does that have to do with the 1/3 of 33?
A: Your searches sooner or later "net" results.
Q: Okay, one interesting thing that we just discovered was that Hyakatuke and Hale Bopp both crossed the eye of
Medusa, the star Algol, on April 11th exactly one year apart. What is the significance of this?
A: You must remember mosaic, matrix... When you are on the verge of quantum changes or discovery, the realities begin
to reveal their perfectly squared nature to you.
Q: Is that the only thing you want to remark about the crossing of the comets in front of the eye of Medusa?
A: Can you not picture all reality as a curving and bobbing journey through a transparent, undulating matrix mosaic?
Q: Well, do you have anything else to say about Andromeda? (It's VERY HOT in here!) Okay, Medusa 11. So, this
was 11 of the 33, and assuming that you were not saying that there were 11 heads, but that Medusa was one of three
heads, is that what we are getting at here, that there are three heads and Medusa was one?
A: Or both times 2.
Q: What do you mean? I don't understand.
A: Both times 2 is your square, my dear. In other words, perfect balance.
Q: Okay...
A: No! Ponder; do not jump around so much, lest ye lose the chance to learn!
Q: So, Medusa represents both heads times 2, and that is the square and balance. But that is only 22 or 121. So where
does the 33 come from?
A: All these 1s 2s and 3s... hmmm...
Q: Well, if Medusa is one of the heads, what is the other head called?
A: Who are your prime numbers?
Q: The dwellings or the mystics, or do you want specific numbers?
A: Yes.
Q: (A) Who?
A: Who?
Q: How do we find out who are the prime numbers? Do we plot...
A: Who are the first 3?
Q: Father, Son and Holy Ghost?
A: Numbers!!!
Q: (A) 1 2 3 are the first three prime numbers...
A: Yes, thank you Arkadiusz!!!! Laura is dancing around in wonderland; meanwhile all of creation, of existence, is
contained in 1, 2, 3!!! Look for this when you are trying to find the keys to the hidden secrets of all existence... They
dwell within. 11, 22, 33, 1/2, 1/3, 1, 2, 3, 121, 11, 111, 222, 333, and so on! Get it?!?!
Q: When you say that the secrets of all existence dwell within 1 2 3 or variations thereof, what kind of secrets are we
talking about here?
A: All. Well, name two at the top of the list just so I know where we are going here?
A: You can do that!
Q: Are we talking about secrets of physics?
A: Yes.
Q: Are we talking about secrets as in encoded words?
A: Yes.
Q: Are we talking about the Fibonacci series?
A: Yes.
Q: (A) Continuous fractions?
A: Yes.
Q: (A) That means all...
A: Yes.
Q: So, how can we most effectively utilize this information in some way that makes it useful?
A: You have.
Q: How have I utilized it?
A: By receiving it.
Just a few tid bits to add here. Firstly when Laura mentioned the following:

Laura said:
For all we know, these types of lights, often associated with earthquakes, could be precursor activity to some sort of geological event. Also, for all we know, geological events produce EM that "blends densities" or opens portals.
It brought up a memory of something I have heard mentioned in one of “Cliff Webbot’s” talks given a few years back on the Mysteries of the Mind show with George Noory. He mentioned that his bots had been picking up a vast number of UFO and strange light/phenomena sightings in areas where there were large natural disasters, and specifically earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. He said that the phenomena would occur in advance of any such activity, and also for a time after. He also said something similar to Laura, in that he didn’t know if such events were attracting these phenomena, or whether the earthquakes and volcanic activity were happening as a cause of the phenomena, but that it was interesting to find these hotspots of strange/paranormal activity regularly wherever these earthquakes, volcanic events or natural disasters happened, and that statistically speaking, such events were attracting increasing numbers of the phenomena with each passing year.

The energy released around such events as natural disasters such as earthquakes and volcanic events (so were told in press releases) can be many times more than nuclear explosions. This brings up the idea that it’s possible this energy could be harnessed in some way to allow the odd window faller to enter into our reality. I also think that as well as the obvious energy driving such event’s there would also be a large amount of emotional energy being released from the people and likely wildlife in the area, such as fear, pain and panic when such an event happens. This energy could also possibly be used by those who may feed on such energy forms to pop open the window through to our reality, as the C’s have mentioned before, if any STS entities want to “come into” our reality, it uses up/takes a lot of energy to do so.

Another odd thing about this sighting is that when I was still waking up and having a cuppa this morning, I saw this story on the MS news on the morning puppet show in the UK, GMTV. It is not only odd and out of place for such a story to be carried by any of the news shows in the UK (as it has been a very long time since I can remember any mention of UFO’s in the news, I would say at least two years), but they also went to the lengths of interviewing the man responsible for taking the footage and asking his opinions and feeling on the sighting. The guy being interviewed had alluded to the same event that Laura has mentioned 11yrs before, and went on to debunk any rational way of explaining the lights (such as had been done with the previous sighting by suggesting military flares) such as Military flares or planes, due to the apparent angle of ascent of the objects.

Apologies if this is just noise and doesn’t help much, but I thought these bits may have been worth a mention.
The first thing I'd want to know is what's the significance of 4 objects? The transcript cited above mentions the first three primes. 4 isn't a prime, so it must mean something else. What?

The second thing I'd want to know is the reason they felt it was important to reveal themselves to us. My brain keeps telling me that there was far more there than we saw, and that what we saw that night was some sort of defense mechanism against something we couldn't see. We all know that intuition doesn't equal accuracy, but it's what keeps coming back into my mind. If that is truly the case, who were the defenders, and whom/what were they defending against? This line of questioning further begs that we inquire about return times, next possible encounters, impact dates.

The third thing I am curious about is the locations the sightings occurred. Laura made mention of Florida in her transcript above as the site where something big was going to happen. If Florida is an impact site, what is the significance of Phoenix? Is Phoenix the edge of the hot zone, beyond which relative safety lies? There must be a reason Phoenix was chosen, thought it remains elusive.
idontwannatell_76543 said:
The first thing I'd want to know is what's the significance of 4 objects? The transcript cited above mentions the first three primes. 4 isn't a prime, so it must mean something else. What?
Why does it have to mean anything? Four, six, twenty. I doubt that the number of objects means anything at all - it's just the number required to do whatever job is assigned.

How many aliens does it take to change a lightbulb?

idontwannatell_76543 said:
The second thing I'd want to know is the reason they felt it was important to reveal themselves to us.
I don't think they think that way. You are trying to anthropomorphize the thing and that will get you nowhere. Does the deer hunter care if squirrels see him entering the woods?

idontwannatell_76543 said:
My brain keeps telling me that there was far more there than we saw, and that what we saw that night was some sort of defense mechanism against something we couldn't see.
That could possibly be the case. If they are space-time machines, who knows who saw what when? And how many were seen at "other times" that belong to the same appearance? For all we know, this IS the same appearance as 11 years ago... for them it is but a moment's difference, for us it is 11 years.

idontwannatell_76543 said:
We all know that intuition doesn't equal accuracy, but it's what keeps coming back into my mind. If that is truly the case, who were the defenders, and whom/what were they defending against? This line of questioning further begs that we inquire about return times, next possible encounters, impact dates.
Why even assume "defenders"? You are making an awful lot of assumptions here based on virtually NO data.

idontwannatell_76543 said:
The third thing I am curious about is the locations the sightings occurred. Laura made mention of Florida in her transcript above as the site where something big was going to happen.
That's not precisely what was said. It was not even the point. Please re-read. If you have that kind of trouble interpreting regular written language, how can you even remotely rely on so-called "intuition"? Where's your training feedback?

idontwannatell_76543 said:
If Florida is an impact site, what is the significance of Phoenix? Is Phoenix the edge of the hot zone, beyond which relative safety lies? There must be a reason Phoenix was chosen, thought it remains elusive.
More assumptions, mis-interpretations, concerns based on no data.

Geeze, if I had had any idea that these kinds of things were in your mind, I probably would have ignored the question. But, it seemed like a sincere question, though now it is obvious that it wasn't, that you were really only asking to get me to confirm something you had in your mind already. Sorry, that's manipulation.
Seems there are more than one sighting lately of "mysterious lights" in Pheonix.

In reading this interesting thread, I would like to mention my experiences in traveling on I-8 in this general area, at night recently. Heading eastbound around 9pm, my attention was suddenly pulled from driving to four bright lights hovering to the south, just about where the border would be. Common sighting surely, just "flares" I had thought(used for....I really don't know, "illegal aliens"?).

In watching the footage from the article on Sott ( I was seeing apparently the same thing. The lady speaking even says "flares don't act like that" which may be the case, but it looks exactly like what I saw, two months or so ago.

At the time and in talking with ex-military folks since, something military seemed appropriate. After all I recall the C's mentioning a base/bases in the deserts thereabouts.

Crossing thru the borders in this region a couple times recently has left me somewhat mystified. Many covert activities are apparently going on here, some worthy possibly of another thread/discussion.

FWIW the light pollution from Pheonix, apart from Vegas, is the worst I've ever seen.
No need for alarm people, go back to sleep... the MSM have a great explanation for this this set of lights ;)


A Phoenix man says he caused the red light display that mystified thousands of people as it floated across the north Phoenix sky Monday night.

The man, who did not want to be identified, said he used fishing line to attach road flares to helium-filled balloons, then lit the flares and launched them a minute apart from his back yard. He said he believed turbulence created by a passing jet caused the balloons to move around.

Lino Mailo said he saw his next-door neighbor launch the balloons.

``I saw the guy releasing the balloons with the flares on them," Mailo said. ``There is no doubt that they came from here."

He added, ``I don't think it's a cool prank because it can panic people."

Phoenix Police helicopter pilot Bruce Bates, who saw the lights, said the balloons explanation makes sense.

``People say they saw different shapes -- a square, a diamond, an arrow, all these different shapes. Well, that's just the balloons moving around in the wind currents," he said.

Some people will always think the lights were UFOs, Bates said.

``I think people want to believe what they want to believe."

A sky lantern company's web site said skylanterns can last for up to 20 minutes, rise about a mile high and can travel for miles.

Valley astronomer Steve Kates, better known as Dr. Sky, believes there's a reasonable explanation for the lights, although he doesn't know what it is.

``I believe life abounds in the universe, but I just have a hard time accepting many of the things that I'm hearing, or seeing, that it has a direct relationship to people or creatures coming from another world. Why not land? Why not show yourself? And where's the evidence?" he said.

While the Air Force and other military agencies said the lights were not connected to any of their operations, Kates said, ``The Air force and every other government agency, of course, has the opportunity to deny that their aircraft or anything that they were doing was going on at the time that we saw something in the sky."

He said it's unlikely the lights were some kind of alien craft from outer space and said an explanation probably will surface after videos and pictures are analyzed.

The lights brought back memories of lights that hovered over the same area of Phoenix for about three hours on March 13, 1997.

Why does the Valley have strange light sightings?

``Clear skies, open spaces, wide skies to look at. That's probably one of the reasons why we're seeing it," Kates says.

He says it's really all kind of exciting, bringing special attention to the Valley.

``Maybe the governor will proclaim the state of Arizona ``the UFO-sighting state" or have a new license plate. Who knows?" he said.

Dozens of listeners called News/Talk 92-3 KTAR just after 8 p.m. Monday, reporting they were watching the four mystery lights.

``From my position, it looked like they were just hanging, not moving at all," said one man, who called 92-3's ``Gaydos After Dark." He said he ``absolutely" saw something.

A woman caller said, ``It looked like four red tower lights, but it was pretty high up in the air. I called my husband and he said, `Get home, what's wrong with you?'"

A man in north Phoenix told CBS-5: ``They were about 3,000 feet high, approximately. They looked as though they were kind of hovering or floating from west to east, very slowly. They were up there for 15 or 20 minutes."

Callers said the lights appeared at one point in a straight line, and also formed a square and then a triangle. They were visible for about 15 minutes around 8 p.m. before heading to the east and disappearing.

Deer Valley Airport, which was the closest air field to the lights, had no explanation for them. Neither did Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport or Luke Air Force Base, which said it had no jets flying at the time.

NORAD, the North American Aerospace Defense Command, said its command center at Peterson Air Force Base and Cheyenne Mountain Operations Center in Colorado Springs, Colo., had no information on the lights. It referred people to the American Meteor Society, Smithsonian Astrophysican Observatory and the Defense Department's Joint Space Operations Center.

Ian Gregor, a spokesman for the Federal Aviation Administration, said, ``A lot of people were reporting seeing some strange lights in the sky around Phoenix last night. Air traffic controllers at the control tower at Sky Harbor saw them. But, we have no idea what they were."

Gregor added, tongue-in-cheek, ``It could be aliens coming down to save us from ourselves, you never know. The only thing I do know is if they were coming down, they weren't talking to air traffic controllers."

On March 13, 1997, thousands of people reported seeing a v-shaped formation of lights over north Phoenix. They lasted about three hours. Some described them as forming a carpenter's square.

Among those who saw the lights in 1997 was former Gov. Fife Symington, who initially played down the episode. However, he said last year that he believes the lights came from ``crafts of unknown origin" and, ``It remains a great mystery."
I think this is just about the most absurd thing I have ever heard used to explain mysterious lights in the sky. Im now wondering how long your average flare would last after being lit (seeing as the time these lights spent glowing has been said to be around 15minutes), so I think I'll look into it.
I'm very suspicious of the overt military presence at all points near the border in this area. Possibly just the military-industrial-complex sucking in funds. But from your article, Appollymon, since the lights were seen NORTH of Pheonix, it might be possible that the "overuse" of flares(near the border) are a bit of a decoy.

Truly a strange area imo. And the military shooting off flares every night "looking for illegal aliens" might be just an excuse for something quite larger occuring in this locale. There is definitely a resemblence, based on the recent footage.

Your thoughts on "it's only flares, go back to sleep" is possibly spot-on.
I did a bit of research on commercial and emergency service road flares as these were the type the article mentions were used by the unnamed hoaxer. As far as commercial flares are sold, I found that they are generally sold in packs which burn for either 15 or 20 minutes. The type of road flares used by emergency services can last much longer than a typical commercial flare, but as these were called standard flares in the news piece, Im guessing commercial flares are what has been aluded to.

My problem with this explanation is that if there were sightings of these bright red lights, in the air for 15 minutes, and they were rising in altitude, and high enough for people over a wide area to see them, the flares had to have been set of and burning before they taken aloft. Were told the flares were set aloft a minute apart from one another, so by the time by which the last flare was set off, was three minutes after the first, and not only would this flare be significantly lower in the sky than the others, but from what Ive seen of the video, the lights don't seem to be in a formation that would suggest all being at different altitudes. This also means that the flares were burning for a long time, longer than I would expect from a commercially available flare anyway.

Also I find it a bit of a stretch to belive that random wind currents, blowing flares hoisted by helium filled ballons and at markedly differing altitudes could make geometric shapes such as squares, diamonds and arrows, or maybe that's just the skeptic in me.
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