NASA and Maunder Minimum


Overview of ice age possibility, NASA and complexity of variables

This article has a couple of interesting links. One, what Obama's chief science advisor was saying about a potential ice age in the 70's and secondly the link about 'cosmic rays' and cloud formation


The original paper (71 pages pdf document) is available here _
I don't know yet if they present any projections to the near future (must read through the paper) but it is clear from the actual data (see for instance _ that solar activity is going down.
mkrnhr said:
The original paper (71 pages pdf document) is available here _
I don't know yet if they present any projections to the near future (must read through the paper) but it is clear from the actual data (see for instance _ that solar activity is going down.

Well, the site wouldn't let me have the paper.
Alada said:
There’s a copy of the article up on SOTT here: How solar variability affects our planet

Yes, thank you for pointing that out-wanted to add the two links that are of interest from the blog article. So Obama's chief science officer knows what is going on, and then there's those whacky cosmic rays of which know one can talk about with any kind of authority. They are still somewhat of a mystery. Can't help wondering, since they are fast particles whether they affect Earth's (crystallized ammonia) core?
ziggystarlust said:
Yes, thank you for pointing that out-wanted to add the two links that are of interest from the blog article. So Obama's chief science officer knows what is going on, and then there's those whacky cosmic rays of which know one can talk about with any kind of authority. They are still somewhat of a mystery. Can't help wondering, since they are fast particles whether they affect Earth's (crystallized ammonia) core?
Concerning cosmic rays, there is a theory by Dr. H. Svensmark (_ according to which variations in the cosmic ray flux modulates Earth's albedo (capacity to reflect solar radiation, hence allowing more or less thermal forcing) by modulating the creation of clouds and other aerosols through ionization in the atmosphere. According to this theory, the Earth's temperature is modulated by the incoming cosmic rays and how solar activity modulated these (solar magnetic field affects charged particles and shields more or less the Earth from the incoming cosmic rays depending on its activity). He shows good evidence to support his hypothesis (anti-correlation between temperature and cosmic ray flux) and the first results from the "CLOUD" experiment (_ at CERN seem to validate his model (I think they were published last year but I'm not sure).

Edit: Regarding the hypothetical crystalized ammonia core, it is interesting that the most important marker for cometary deposits in the atmosphere is ammonium. Don't know how it can related though.

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