NASA calls comet Elenin 'wimpy'


Dagobah Resident
The most interesting thing about this video from the International Business Times is the description of just how large the uproar has become about the Elenin rumors.

With all this insanity about a comet it feels like we are living in the middle ages. It's not surprising given the patho-crazy environment and the toxic food, but it's still shocking that in our so called "modern" 21st century world people can work themselves into a bizarre frenzy over something like this. Sure mainstream science is missing/ignoring a lot of evidence for electric influences, but the hale-bop-esque blind panic and the wacky ideas being seriously entertained as "truth" is just bizarre to see.
Agreed. Great call on Laura's part earlier in the year, when she saw all this coming a mile away. It is even clearer now than before how important it is not to 'feed the frenzy' or to host others who do the same. Hopefully history will not repeat itself, in that no lives will be directly lost over this madness.

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