NASA study proves CO2 COOLS the atmosphere


The Cosmic Force
Just found this article today which totally blows apart the false hypothesis that CO2 causes warming.

I think it is going to be pretty difficult for the global warming crowd to dispute this 7 year satellite study by NASAs Langley Research Center. Most likely they will try to keep it out of the news as much as possible because if this gets around their scheme would certainly be finished.

There is also a downloadable booklet in PDF format here which goes into more detail:
Well, actually, it looks like "Principia Scientific" are misinterpreting the press release:


The press release itself is here:

psychegram said:
Well, actually, it looks like "Principia Scientific" are misinterpreting the press release:


Misinterpretation is everywhere in everybody, that's why we always need to at least double-check any information and be part of a network composed of vigilant minds...
Thanks for sharing

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