cbi said:La Campora, a hidden group which pulls the puppets' strings in Argentina, is in fact, the very actor of this move. There are heavy connections between Zionism and them; don't forget that "Madame the President" and her son -the leader of La Campora- are jewish.
Curiously, there was a zionist strategy during WWII to "buy" the Patagonia (south of Argentina); from where the Kirchner's were governors.
loreta said:It is true, and not long ago I read or listen that this idea of "invading" the Patagonia is still in their minds.
I think Madame la Présidente needs to play "populism" because her politics, lately, did not give her many points. She was very criticized when the train accident. We know that populism is a trick, for politicians.
cbi said:La Campora, a hidden group which pulls the puppets' strings in Argentina, is in fact, the very actor of this move. There are heavy connections between Zionism and them; don't forget that "Madame the President" and her son -the leader of La Campora- are jewish.
Curiously, there was a zionist strategy during WWII to "buy" the Patagonia (south of Argentina); from where the Kirchner's were governors.
Yozilla said:Just for Now a LOT of for brave Mrs President of Argentina!
With Argentina finally signing the agreement, Israel can now freely trade with the bloc with no restrictions.
In 2010, Israeli companies did 1.8 billion dollars of business with Mercosur countries, but only about 130 million with Argentina, because of high tariffs on Israeli goods there. With the expiration of the tariffs prescribed by the free trade agreement, Israeli officials are very optimistic that trade with the bloc will increase substantially.
It should be noted that Israel is the only country outside of Latin America to have such an agreement with the Mercosur countries.
Hi loreta!loreta said:Really, this world has crazy, crazy leaders.
I ask myself why this is happening (the nationalization) now, in this terrible moment of global crisis, particularly in Spain. Surely this is part of an agenda. Now, you see, all people here are talking of this problem instead of talking about the big and enormous crazy laws and measures that the government is taking. The attention here is: our king that kill elephants and Repsol. This situation also will put oil prices very high, but who cares? People are so sheep, here. They accept everything. The majority, evidently. I think that very soon I will have to take out my bicycle...
Hi Yozilla,Yozilla said:Do they have Internet on Cuba cause i would like to send an e-mail to comrad Fidel
Ailén said:Another thing is that, even though President Menem destroyed the economy by privatizing companies by YPF, and created a huge debt with the IMF, the more recent governments have reproached Chavez the fact that he tried to help, by paying a large part of the debt (sure, with interests, and all, but he got Argentina partially off the grip of the evil IMF!). So, this could be a strategy to get rid of Chavez indirectly, and to give more power back to the US (and Israel) on South America. I'm just speculating here, but I wouldn't be surprised if something like this was the real motivation. I mean, come on, YPF, Repsol, all oil companies. And we know how interested in them are the pathocrats. With the Venezuelan government having control over all oil in South America, they're probably trying to get some control back. And Cristina probably loves it!
This was also my first thought - I mean US militarists are threatening different country every other day (almost) - except Israel ...Yesterday it was Libya, today Iran and Syria, for tomorrow it is North Corea and day after tomorrow it could be Argentina ... Well I am curious why they don't attack Cuba when they are so mighty?Graalsword said:I also think that Argentine government is purpotedly preparing the stage to turn Argentine into a military target by USA-UK-NATO, which will lead to the final take over and destruction of this particular country.