NBC: CIA warned of risks of war in the Mideast


Padawan Learner

I remember Hilary Clinton stating that they, the congress, made their decision to vote in support of military action was based off of the intelligence available. Either this is a lie, the CIA intelligence being realesed is or the congress did not get this bit of information. None of these are really the point.

The media, which promoted and advertised and aroused the Americans thirst for redemption, sold this invasion hook line and sinker to the American people. Very few were willing to step up and seriously challenge the assertions of der Fuhrer. Those who did were shot down and lambasted as liberal nut jobs, conspiracy whackos or anti-american or as people who hate freedom, with the latter being the strongest tool used. Yet here we are 4 years later with intelligence reports, 4 years old, that state what the courageous few were cautioning us against 4 years ago.

So where are the apologies? Where are the recantations and retractions?
notanothermonday said:
So where are the apologies? Where are the recantations and retractions?
There won't be any. Remember, they are just creating another reality. They create a reality and we are suppose to study it. Then they create another reality and we can then study that reality. Psychopath think.

It's in Joe's SOTT Focus article here that discusses this. They are history's actors. Hooboy!

So I doubt that you will hear anything on the point that they were wrong. But, then, you probably already know that. :(
Millions of us knew it was a scam, so there's no excuse for any member of Congress. That doesn't even matter -- they voted for pre-emptive war, which, even if they actually believed everything they heard (not a chance), they still voted for, basically, killing the person next to you because you're afraid and, think he might hurt you. Unethical all around.
Plus, this sounds like what they did after 911 - admitting a small crime in order to cover up a big one. After 911 the government admitted that they were irresponsible, that they had evidence of al qaeda planning attacks but did not do enough to protect us based on that evidence, which allowed 911 to happen. Shame on them for being negligent and incompetent right? This benign slap-on-the-wrists admission distracts from the fact that they, together with Israel, were the ones responsible for planning and execution of these attacks to begin with, not any foreign terrorists.

Similarly in this case it looks like "Oh yeah, we had evidence that this war was going to be really costly and that those terrorists are very smart and deadly and our country will suffer more than we let on." This makes them look slightly bad that they didn't consider this evidence enough, but hey it's a sacrifice they had to make to protect us, something that they knew we wouldn't understand at the time, so while hiding this evidence from the nation was bad, they did do the right thing in the end!!

Again, this distracts from the fact that this war was based on complete and utter lies, everything about it is a lie. The whole point is to control the middle east, and control the population at home, for the benefit of the psychopaths in Israel. But by making this irrelevant and benign "crime" of negligence and possible incompetence or overambition seem like a big deal and waving THAT in everybody's faces and being really sorry about it, they end up hiding the much much bigger crime, distracting everybody from it.

If they knew how bad it would be, why did they go into the war anyway? Of course, because it was necessary, they had no choice, but they are so sorry for not telling us about this evidence right away! *slaps wrists*

The sad part is, this is the tactic school kids learn very early, it works on teachers, it works on parents, etc. It tends to not work on other kids who know what's going on, and of course the victim. Like when a kid skips class and gets caught, he comes up with a plausible reason to skip to make them pity him or to make it look like he had no choice, or wasn't his fault like losing his schedule etc. Then it doesn't sound nearly as bad as skipping intentionally and instead doing something else like partying, smoking pot, or beating someone up perhaps.

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