Near Miss


The Cosmic Force
FOTCM Member
On the way home tonight we narrowly missed a kangaroo standing in the middle of the road.
I hope it made it home alright. We have whistlers on the car, but this guy could not have gotten out of the way if we had been in that lane, because of the fencing. That was a close one.
MusicMan said:
On the way home tonight we narrowly missed a kangaroo standing in the middle of the road.
I hope it made it home alright. We have whistlers on the car, but this guy could not have gotten out of the way if we had been in that lane, because of the fencing. That was a close one.

Glad to hear nothing happened and you guys are okay, beside the kangaroo.
Thank you for your kind thoughts Gawan.
I do feel sorry for the kangaroos around here, as a lot of them end up as road kill, along with the wombats, and they come out at twilight to feed so are very hard to see at that time and are unpredictable in their movement.
I saw another one today at my mate's farm. It had some legs sticking out of its pouch!
This is not a near miss, but it is about kangaroos.
Today we were invited to a friends' place about 20Km out of town to watch the kangaroos as she fed them. She runs a wildlife sanctuary, so they are all protected. Today we saw about 20 kangaroos, and about the same number of white cockatoos.

Friend goes out onto her verandah, and throws alpaca pellets out for them (kangaroo pellets are a bit scarce lately).
A message must have gone out, because they seemed to come from all directions.
They came right up to the house.
They were all sizes, with one big male.

One of the females had a big joey in her pouch, and as our friend was feeding the mother some slices of bread (wholegrain) it growled loudly at her.
She said it was nervous because of the strangers (us).
I've never heard a kangaroo make a noise before.
(Notwithstanding the pseudo-kangaroo noises on the TV series "Skippy".)
It's a shame that we have such a design for our transportation needs; such a high risk to other people and animals. Where are those teleport pods? :huh: Glad to hear you and hopefully the 'roo are ok. Last year on Christmas and the year before at Thanksgiving I hit a deer respectively. Or with those guys, it's almost accurate to say they hit me...but I guess the deer isn't around to argue the semantics :/
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