Trevrizent said:
Hi opossum
Dream action is about the dynamics of your own life (hopes, fears, questions, conflicts, way out of difficulties, possibilities, etc.) The dream action may use images from experiences of the previous day or so before, as well as others. The dream symbols may be both literal and symbolic interpretations – be curious and naïve in your interpretation.
Here are some questions to ask your-self, they may help. Or not.
Q.When you re-experience the experiences in the dream, do they remind you of anything in life?
A.The entity in the dream reminds me of people I have met in my life who have had a lot of trauma and have a very bad opinion of themselves, people who feel hopeless like drug addicts who have hit bottom.
Q.The setting, what does it feel like there? Does it remind you of anything in current life, any situation in life?
A.It actually felt peaceful , like I was almost finished with a horrible chore and I was confident in the outcome, but without any sense of grandiosity or triumph attached to it.
Q.Who is ‘my former landlady’ (tell me on the basis that I don’t know ‘my former landlady’), what is ‘§my former landlady’ like? What kind of personality? What does ‘my former landlady’ mean to you? What kind of person might you consider ‘my former landlady’ to be like?
A . She was the lady who owned the apartment in real life. I did not know her well but she was kind and pleasant. She seemed unhappy though with somewhat low self esteem, a regular fundamentalist Christian type of lady but not gossipy or pushy at all. She seemed to like me and my daughter , although I seldom had contact with her and usually left the rent in her mailbox .
Q.What is ‘my former landlady’ like in your dream? What is ‘my former landlady’ doing in your dream?
A. She was exactly like her real self as I remember her. When I contacted her about the apartment she was sitting alone at her home and was glad to hear from me and immediately agreed to my renting the apartment.
Q.What is your working, etc., relationship with ‘my former landlady’ like?
A. Not much of a relationship as we rarely saw each other, just a genuine mutual respect for one another.
Q.Is there some part of you that is like ‘my former landlady’?
A . MMM, this is very strange and I never thought about it before but I think she had a similar vibration as me, there was nothing discordant.
Q.Ask similar questions about ‘a sickly “black woman”’, ‘a man in disguise/entity’, and ‘authorities’.
A. This one gets me thinking about attachments. In the dream I was aware that it was not really a woman and maybe not human, but disguised and "stationed" at the entrance. It reminded me of some homeless people I used to see on the streets of Seattle. Being at the entrance keeping anything from going in or out. I thought perhaps it is an entity attachment that I will have to have some help from "authorities" to dislodge. Guardian angels, guides etc. come to mind.
Positive characters are about strengths and achievements.
Negative characters represent conflicts in life (personification of attitudes, beliefs, habits, etc) "
Q.What does the ‘key’ mean to you? How does it ‘work’? What is it used for? (ask on the basis that I know nothing about it)
A. A device to keep a door (cabinet, window, etc.) from being opened when it is turned a certain way. When the key is turned, it turns a metal bolt that inserts into a hole in the door frame. It is used to keep intruders out by preventing them opening a door or window.
Q.What is the ‘key’ like in your dream? How do you feel about it?
A.In the dream it was made by putting some soft material into the lock which hardened and could not be removed so as to make the door unlock-able because it could not be taken out easily and was turnable on the outside of the door. I feel like it was a badly made and will be time-consuming, yet easy to remove.
Q.Does ‘key’ in your dream remind you of anything, any part of you, or anyone in your life? How?
A . It reminds some song lyrics. "She got a lock on her door, but she gave me the key, she don't walk the floor, but she worries about me" Also reminds me of my ex, possible psychopathic or possessed or MPD partner.
Q.Ask similar questions about ‘artificial key’, ‘lock’, ‘real key’, ‘door’, ‘big floppy hat and woman’s clothes’, belongings cluttered’.
A. Artificial key= a break in tool, illegitimate. Lock= a device to secure something, keep it safe. Real key= the one made for the lock in possession of the rightful owner, legitimate. Door=entryway. Big floppy hat and woman's clothes were a disguise. Belongings cluttered near the door= transient, ready to flee at moment's notice.
Q.Rooms suggest areas of concern – living = daily living; bed = private, tranquility, sex, refreshment, etc; basement/attic = concerns or values, unconscious, forgotten, rejected
a. it Was in the living room near the entrance/threshold.
Q.What does ‘former apartment’ mean to you? Similarly, ‘the town I moved away from’ and ‘my current location’?
A . Former apartment= where I used to live, even former state of mind, possibly. Same with current location, could be more metaphysical, I may have to think some more on this.
Q.The action, events in the dream, what do they remind you of in your waking life?
A.That there is something out of place, in the wrong place, preventing proper functioning, possibly an implant, attachment or even infection of some kind but it is weak and has now been discovered.
Again, thanks for the questions. I know I may be a long way off from complete understanding, but, I now have the key back, of this I am certain.
The last time I started the EE program, after this dream, I felt a presence in the room for a few seconds. It felt like the dream entity, weak and defeated. It kind of reminded me of my ex or something that was always lingering around my ex. A "dark" vibration. It vanished as soon as I started breathing and I was not much afraid of it. I am beginning to get a very clear idea. Thank you all again.