-Hi everyone,
Zadig if you already informed them with all the risks what comes with it and even had send them articles which point out to that.
I guess you did everything you could do.
Which I find curious is that they didn't intend to vaccinate their infant. They say they find it ridiculous. But still they make an exception. Odd.
EDIT: Just got a idea: Instead of articles which you have tried. Maybe it's a good idea into sending them video's about the casualties of this vaccine.
Like this one:
- To give some insight in how the Vaccination propaganda in the Netherlands and several other things are proceeding. Some things I found remarkable this week. To give you a short view of how things 'works' over here. If you are interested.
At first when on the road this week I dropped half into a conversation on the radio between ‘Frits Spits’ which is the host and some ‘expert’ at how important it is to take the vaccine. Than the shift turned to those ‘conspiracy theorist’ claiming otherwise.
At the end the host asked:
Is this
freedom of speech or
Which the ‘expert’ answered:
It’s dangerous, if this kind of paranoia is actually believed it can cause a lot of dead people.
...but of course it’s freedom of speech.
This ‘Frits Spits’ radio program has a lot of listeners.
Than Wednesday on TV I watched ‘Paul & Witteman’ on the Vara. It’s a program where every night a lot of guests mostly of ‘high standards’ are interviewed. It’s highly popular.
...It’s started with Israel concerning that Avigdor Lieberman, Israels minister of foreign affairs was visiting the Netherlands.
They had invited 'Joël Voordewind' which is a member of our parliament because he had spoken with him.
Some interesting remarks:
Joël Voordewind said:
Israel is fully investigating the so called ‘war criminals’ Has already put several them on trail.
Besides that, Israel has already a independent organization who is investigating the last war in Gaza.
Another guest: (Harry de Winter) made a remark that:
Lieberman had said that if he was able he would end Palestine the same way the USA finished of Japan.'
Joël Voordewind responded with:
Well those are rumors. And actually he responded on that. He told us he never said that and besides it would also be suicide for Israel.
In general Joël Voordewind message was:
It is terrible that Israel was under attack. To make his ‘argument’ stronger. What if Belgium would launch missiles towards us every day.
Some interesting remarks:
Interviewer: Well all here are Doctors.. All a good set of brains.
You must be capable. Indeed.
Doctor: We are.
Than the third guest 'Willem Middelkoop' wasn't going to get it there way.
Willem middelkoop: The vaccine has never been tested. The outcome is unclear.
Doctors: Well we vaccinate before. It isn’t something new. That just isn’t true. And besides it hasn’t has to do anything with this discussion. It’s about who should get a vaccination and who not.
Willem middelkoop: There where citizens who had bring to court the people who where responsible in making the vaccine.
They asked: What are the test results. Can you give us crucial information about it. They where denied 3 times. It’s Remarkable.
- They couldn’t answer him on the test result. They just kept repeating themselves. Actually avoiding the question. Into basically saying: Vaccines are here to keep us alive. Experts are working on it.
Than 'Harry de Winter' suddenly made a remark:
I already had the vaccine. Still alive and well. Also had the normally flu vaccine.
Willem middelkoop: Vaccination of the normal flu has increased the last 10 years to 30% to 80%. Remarkable people who death of the normal flu. Kept the same.
Interviewer: So you are not going to get the vaccine. (everyone looking confused,surprised at him)
Willem middelkoop: Without a doubt. No.
The fake economy
Some interesting remarks:
- 'Willem Middelkoop' Gives his view what actually in a similar fashion portrays the same about how SOTT sees the economy
Willem middelkoop: It’s already over. The economy is fake. They have dragged us away towards the gates of hell. But the doors are still widely open. It’s a matter of time. It can be over any day.
- And going into much detail. About what is happening in the shadow such as ‘Goldman sachs’
- He was at a convention in Brussels and asked ex Belgium central banker ‘Bernard Lietaer’ how long this fake system can hold on. Which his reply was.
Maximal 2 years but it can also happen next month.
And as last I have I certain article from Elsevier. A magazine formed of highly educated people, professors in general. It's quite popular.
It had the subject:
'Absurde complottheorieën rond griep kosten doden' > Translation:
'Absurd conspiracy theories about the flu are causing deaths'