Netanyahu accused a former Palestinian leader of "inspiring the Holocaust."


Jedi Council Member

This is just ... sad

I posted the New York Times article about this on FB earlier today. It's nuts! Mr. Yahoo seems like he's trying to rewrite holocaust history to justify another holocaust against Palestinians. Absolutely disgraceful. Total psychopath.
PhoenixToEmber said:
Mr. Yahoo seems like he's trying to rewrite holocaust history to justify another holocaust against Palestinians. Absolutely disgraceful. Total psychopath.

He's always making accusations to justify Israel's position, same thing with happened with Iran. It's just... His accusations are just getting crazier!

I mean I don't want to laugh because it's a serious matter what's happening in Palestine but, this guy should be a comedian. I think he's in the wrong profession.

And yet he claims he's open to discussion with Palestine on a peace plan...


Yes it is crazy! If someone else had said this, she would have been accused of Holocaust denial and anti-Semitism. It seems to play his last card ... hum hum, it seems that an important event is coming. At the same time Putin and Bashar will say hello with a laugh, and Xi Jiping, President Chinese behaved in England today, as if he was at home. Prince William was surprised back and he seemed upset. Maybe it's the protocol. Canada's new president will withdraw its troops from Afghanistan. Washington DC and Israel seem increasingly alone. It looks like the balance of power is really changing.
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