New Age – from radiating love to collecting guns


The Living Force
Now the Cs have said that Nazi Germany was a ‘trial run’, and the topic has been discussed frequently on this forum. So tonight I just finished The Wave, Book 1 and lay thinking about the similarities of the time just before Nazi Germany and today.

So coincidently, I read up on the New Age Movement in my Element Encyclopedia of Secret Societies. As I mentioned in another thread, this book includes any group of people with a certain belief system, so the title isn’t appropriate.

What I did find interesting, was that this book written objectively enclyclopedia/factual style, would make a comparison between today’s New Age movement and early twentieth-century Germany:

The Element Encyclopedia of Secret Societies said:
New Age Movement

One of the most recent branches of the alternative realities scene in the western world, The New Age movement took shape in America in the 1950s in the UFO-contactee scene, a network of people who believed they were in touch with aliens from other planets by way of trance mediums.

All through the 1950s and 1960s, contactees had been bombarded with claims that an apocalypse was about to occur and usher in a new age of the world. During the 1970s, several groups in the network began to suggest that, instead of waiting for the new age to dawn, people ought to start living as though it already had. By living their lives as though the promised Utopia had arrived, they suggested, people could inspire others to do likewise and show that a living alternative to the status quo was possible. See ages of the world; unidentified flying objects (UFOs).

These concepts caught on rapidly, and during the Seventies the movement attracted avant-garde thinkers from the scientific community. As the movement expanded, though, it became a focal point for any imaginable form of alternative thought, and the original momentum of the New Age idea faded. By the middle 1980s, nearly every form of rejected knowledge, from alternative healing to perpetual motion to conspiracy theories and the hollow earth, found a welcoming audience there.

A surprising amount of what makes up the New Age movement today is anything but new, and the Theosophical Society in particular contributed a huge amount to the current New Age scene. The hole New Age movement has been described as “Theosophy plus therapy”, and though this is not strictly accurate, the fusion of nineteenth-century occultism with today’s alternative healing methods and psychological theories does characterize a great deal of New Age thinking. See hollow earth; rejected knowledge; Theosophical Society.

It’s hard not to sympathize with the desire to create a better world through personal example and living one’s life in harmony with one’s ideals, and to the extent it has fostered this project the New Age movement has contributed much to the world.

In recent years, though, it has become a hunting ground for proponents of increasingly paranoid conspiracy theories, and a growing number of people who identified with the New Age have turned from radiating love to collecting guns and circulating rumors about the New World Order.

While this transformation may seem surprising, much the same change occurred in the alternative spiritual scene of early twentieth-century Germany and helped lay the foundations for the Nazi movement of the 1920s and 1930s.
See Germanenorden; National Socialism; New World Order.

It was just interesting for me to see this book make this comparison, after the Cs have mentioned it, and we can already see Alex Jones helping it along. So it looks like the same way the 'Germanenorden' was the precursor of Nazi Germany's 'dress rehearsal', the New Age movement is the precursor of the US 'live show'.

Session 3 Sept 2008 said:
Q: (L) Okay. Why do you introduce tonight's adventures with "US is headed for destruction"?

A: Passed the point when anything could possibly be done to change the outcome.

Q: (L) What is this outcome?

A: Increasing inner turmoil. Review what happened in Germany.

Q: (L) Well, what happened in Germany in what period?

A: Towards the end of the war. Hitler's madness and the hatred of the world towards Germany.

Q: (L) Wasn't a pretty picture, was it? (J) In Germany, the rest of the world bombed Germany...

A: Yes. Expect it in the USA ultimately.
Thanks for the interesting post, E.

I've thought briefly about the background of the New Age movement. It does go back to the late 19th century with Blavatsky and the Theosophical movement. If we keep in mind that the hyperdimensional masters of this planet have time travel capability, a whole lot of things become understandable. The whole Theosophical thing is really intriguing. It seems that it was to be the laying of the foundation for what was to come over the next 100 years or so.

It seems that Theosophy was used as a way to blunt and muddy the waters of Gurdjieff bringing out to wider audiences the esoteric knowledge kept from vanishing for millenia. G brought a few different systems/teachings -- Eastern and Western -- together and pieced this knowledge and world view back together as best he could. And one of the bombshells in the teachings is that humans are a "food source" for something.

Blavatsky with her Theosophical Society was used to create the muddle of the New Age we know today. Just uncritical, misconceived "ideas" of all kinds thrown together into an incomprehensible salad. G, in his lectures, told his students about misconceptions about esotericism and said that Theosophists are the most ignorant of all the many who make wild theories and endlessly wiseacre. He said something like Theosophists are the worst because not only have they never been to an esoteric school, they don't even know anyone who's been near one.

Also, Blavatsky seems to have come out of nowhere and became an authority on all things "occult." It seems that what G was trying to do with preparing a "conscious nucleus of humanity for the needs that will arise" in our current time needed to be counteracted and this movement that set the ground and eventually became the modern New Age was just the ticket. Also, the "old time religions," having lost their apex of power since the Enlightenment period, a very powerful control system was losing its influence. Hence, the new systems of disinformation took up the slack.

Now adding in the "Time Loops" hypothesis -- we are trapped in a time loop -- Nazi Germany was the trial run for creating a truly ruthless, highly pathological "race" to implement the plans of the Hyperdimensional Puppet Masters.

I think we -- this network and especially the core QFG/QFS, and who knows what will develop with FOTCM -- are that "conscious nucleus of humanity" that G said was so important to develop. With all the efforts of this network, perhaps we'll be able to meet the "needs that will arise."
SeekinTruth said:
Thanks for the interesting post, E.

Sure. :) Let me add here what the book says about the Germanenorden, Adolf Hitler, and the Theosophical Society. Let’s start with the Germanenorden.

The Element Enclyclopedia of Secret Societies said:

The core element of the underground of racist secret societies that laid the foundations for the Nazi party, the Germanenorden (“Order of Germans”) was founded in 1912 by Hermann Pohl, a German anti-semite and right-wing political activist who belonged to the Reichshammerbund (“Reich Hammer Society”), the most influential anti-semitic organization in Germany. Like most reactionaries of his time, Pohl believed devoutly in the existence of a vast Jewish conspiracy.

He believed, though, that the only way to successfully counter this alleged conspiracy was to turn its own methods against it, and organize a secret society to oppose it. See Antisemitism.

By 1910 Pohl drafted an initiation ritual for a German anti-Semitic secret society. His sources include the rituals of the United Ancient Order of Druids (UAOD), a fraternal secret society that had a large presence in Germany at that time; the Ariosophical teachings of Guido von List (1848 – 1919), an Austrian racial mystic whose writings were a major influence all through the German far right of the time; and the musical and philosophical works of composer Richard Wagner. In 1911 Pohl and a group of fellow antisemites organized the Wotan Lodge around the new rituals.

In the following year the Germanenorden drew up its bylaws and began recruiting members through the Reichshammerbund, and by the end of the year it had six lodges and over 300 members. See United Ancient Order of Druids (UAOD).

The Germanenorden quickly became a significant force on the German far right. From the beginning, though, its members disagreed on the approach the order should take. Pohl himself argued that the Germanenorden should concentrate on fostering an “Aryan-Germanic religious revival” through its ritual and occult work, but a majority of the membership wanted to concentrate on secret political action instead.

These differences finally came to a head in 1916, splitting the Germanenorden in two. The more occult half, under Pohl’s leadership, took the new name Germanenorden Walvater of the Holy Grail and began a systematic campaign of expansion using cover names to camouflage its existence. Walvater member Rudolf von Sebottendorf founded what would become the order’s most successful local lodge in Munich, under the cover name Thule-Gesellschaft (Thule Society), which played a crucial role in bringing the Nazi party into being. See Thule Society.

As the Nazi party grew into the dominant party on Germany’s far right, members of both branches of the Germanenorden joined it, while others helped it directly or indirectly. Adolf Hitler’s inauguration as Chancellor of Germany in 1933 was thus the fulfillment of the Germanenorden’s ambitions, but it also proved to be the end of the road for the order. Along with all other secret societies outside the Nazi party the Germanenorden was ordered to dissolve shortly after the Nazi takeover. Further reading: Goodrick-Clarke 1992.

Now, interestingly enough, this Rudolf von Sebottendorf mentioned above, later started a new ‘occult society’ in 1918, called the Thule Gesellschaft which was, amongst others, inspired by the writings of Madame Blavatsky!

Here’s the link:

… and why does freemasonry always pop up EVERYWHERE?!?

I’ll add the rest now-now.
… and why does freemasonry always pop up EVERYWHERE?!?

Interesting isn't it? That and the already mentioned occult. I don't know how many times I've researched someone and have come across these two subjects.
[quote author=truth seeker]
Interesting isn't it? That and the already mentioned occult. [/quote]

And the rest is no exception.

The Element Enclyclopedia of Secret Societies said:
Adolf Hitler

Austrian politician and occultist, 1889 – 1945. Born in the small border town of Braunau-am-Inn, Hitler was a moody and difficult child with a passion for reading, philosophy, and art. He dropped out of school in 1905, and in 1907 went to Vienna in the hope of enrolling in the prestigious Vienna Academy of Art. He failed the entrance exams twice, however; unwilling to return home, he ended up on Vienna’s mean streets, eking out a living as a postcard painter and male prostitute while staying in cheap rented rooms or a shelter for homeless men.

A friend of his Vienna days reported that Hitler spent much of his free time reading books on occultism, astrology, hypnotism, and mysticism. He also read Ostara, the virulently racist Ariosophical magazine issued by the Ordo Novi Templi, one of the major occult secret societies in Austria at the time. See Ordo Novi Templi (ONT).

In 1913 he emigrated to Germany and settled in Munich, finding a home in the Munich counterculture and continuing his studies. When the First World War broke out in 1914, he enlisted in the German army and served on the Western Front for the duration of the war, earning an Iron Cross for bravery under fire. He was in a military hospital, temporarily blinded by Allied poison gas, when Germany collapsed and the war ended.

Thereafter he returned to Munich and earned a small salary as an informer for German army intelligence. In 1920 he attended a meeting of the German Workers’ Party (Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, DAP), got into a heated discussion with one of its members, and was invited to join. His acceptance marked the beginning of one of the strangest political careers in modern history.

The DAP was a front group for an Ariosophical secret society, which had links to right-wing occult groups across Europe. Hitler never became a member of the Thule Society, but its members and allies soon recognized his remarkable gift for oratory and brought him wealthy and influential supporters.

As the DAP grew into the National Socialist German Workers’ Party (National-sozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, NSDAP), Thule members Rudolf Hess and Ernst Röhm took important roles in the organization, while Thule ally Dietrich Eckart, a widely read writer and an Ariosophical occultist, became Hitler’s mentor and helped him polish his manners and oratory.

Eckart has often been identified as one of Hitler’s occult instructors as well, and was certainly capable of filling that role, though proof one way or another is lacking. See National Socialism; Thule Society.

From the early 1920s on, Hitler’s private life lay hidden behind a carefully crafted public image, and little is known for sure about his activities outside the realms of politics, diplomacy, and war. Comments preserved in his table talk, and in the memoirs of associates such as Brownshirt chief of staff Otto Wagener, show that he had not lost his interest in occultism, but most of the documented occult activities in the Third Reich’s upper levels were the work of Heinrich Himmler, a passionate Ariosophist who became chief of the SS in 1929 and turned into something even mainstream historians call “Nazi Freemasonry”. See SS (Schutzstaffel).

In the public sphere, Hitler and his party gained momentum slowly at first, contending with scores of other small right-wing parties in the political chaos of Weimar Germany. An early attempt at a coup in 1923 failed dismally, but Hitler’s defense of his actions at his trial won the battle for popular opinion and the Nazi Party flourished thereafter.

In 1933 Hitler became Chancellor, forced an Enabling Act suspending the Weimar constitution through the Reichstag, and took absolute power. For the rest of the decade he was all bur invincible, transforming Germany into one of the world’s great powers and bringing Austria and Czechoslovakia under German rule without a shot being fired. When Germany’s invasion of Poland in 1939 began the Second World War, the British and French expected an easy victory, only to find themselves outmaneuvered at every turn by the Führer.

Yet Hitler’s victories conviced him of his own infallibility and led him to make a series of disastrous mistakes, culminating in hid invasion of Russia in 1941. As Germany faced a two-front war it could not win, and the Wehrmacht struggled to hold the sprawling empire it had seized, Hitler retreated more and more from the public eye. An assassination attempt in 1944 by a clique of top generals left him permanently disabled, but he held onto the reins of power in Germany until his suicide in 1945, a few days before Russian troops seized Berlin.

Hitler’s occult involvements were no secret to occultists before and during the war, but in the years since his death an immense and almost totally fabricated mythology of Nazi occultism has emerged in the alternative-realities scene. Louis Pauwel and Jacques Bergier started the process with their wildly speculative Le Matin du Magiciens (The Morning of the Magicians, 1960), which linked Hitler to the Vril Society and Tibetan adepts, and Trevor Ravenscroft’s 1972 book The Spear of Destiny built on this with a wholly fictional tale of Hitler’s quest to seize and control the Spear of Longinus. From there, the new mythology of Nazism has spread to embrace every aspect of rejected knowledge, from flying saucers to the Hollow Earth. See hollow earth; rejected knowledge; Spear of Longinus; unidentified flying objects (UFOs); Vril Society.

Parallel to this, and often borrowing from it, as an equally fabricated but far more noxious mythology that redefines Hitler as the messianic savior of Aryan humanity. These beliefs have become central to the growing neo-Nazi occult scene, which has largely supplanted Satanism on the dark side of contemporary occultism. See Black Sun; neo-Nazi secret societies.
Further reading: Goodrick-Clarke 1992, Hitler 1974.

I, for one, did not know that Hitler was a male prostitute! Somehow the picture in my mind doesn’t quite work… :whistle:
E said:
I, for one, did not know that Hitler was a male prostitute! Somehow the picture in my mind doesn’t quite work… :whistle:

Neither did I. The work "yuck" doesn't quite cover my feelings on this. But when I think about it, it kinda figures. I remember reading somewhere that he was very, err, disgusting sexually. That just fits with the psychopath M.O.
Odyssey said:
E said:
I, for one, did not know that Hitler was a male prostitute! Somehow the picture in my mind doesn’t quite work… :whistle:

Neither did I. The work "yuck" doesn't quite cover my feelings on this. But when I think about it, it kinda figures. I remember reading somewhere that he was very, err, disgusting sexually. That just fits with the psychopath M.O.

Well, take that remark with a grain or two of salt. I've read a lot about Hitler and I've never come across any serious work that says such a thing about him. That's not to say it isn't true, it is just that it is not known to be a fact as far as I have studied the matter.

Which brings up the observation that it is a rumor added onto what purports to be a factual, objective work. That taints the reliability of the work if it includes such things as facts. Is there a source footnote for that item?
[quote author=Laura]
Is there a source footnote for that item?

No Laura, just their 'further reading' recommendations:


Goodrick-Clarke, Nicholas (1992),
The Occult Roots of Nazism: Secret Aryan Cults and their Influence on Nazi Ideology (New York: New York University Press)

- (2002), Black Sun: Aryan Cults, Esoteric Nazism and the Politics of Identity (New York: New York University Press)


Hitler, Adolf (1974), Mein Kampf (London: Hutchinson)

Have a look at this piece:

Why Is The ADL Promoting Alex Jones?

This site goes a bit far, IMO, and they don't discuss pathology but rather blame everything on the Jews, so as far as I can see, they, themselves, are probably an arm of the Zionists. Anyway, they have an interesting take on Jones and some links in the piece. Also note that in Red Symphony, the remark is made that they never officially attack anything that they do not want attention drawn to and whatever they want people to take notice of, gets officially attacked.

That's one of the reasons we figured we never get official attack, but rather slimy third party attacks from the likes of Bridges, Williams, Pepin, et al.
[quote author=Laura]
Also note that in Red Symphony, the remark is made that they never officially attack anything that they do not want attention drawn to and whatever they want people to take notice of, gets officially attacked.

That's one of the reasons we figured we never get official attack, but rather slimy third party attacks from the likes of Bridges, Williams, Pepin, et al.

Very revealing link, this one, even if there is an agenda behind it - "no such thing as bad publicity" - and that goes for Icke as well!
Laura said:
Which brings up the observation that it is a rumor added onto what purports to be a factual, objective work. That taints the reliability of the work if it includes such things as facts.

Well, now that you have questioned the book's objectivity, I noticed that the book has no problem spilling the beans on just about everybody, except...Zionism. Zionism is hardly mentioned anywhere, and when it is, those who believe in it, are grouped with neo-Nazis. The book also says The Protocols of the Elders of Zion is a "crude hoax". I will have to include those passages now, even if it is just for interest sake.

I somehow missed this ... :-[

Turning the book around, it says this:

Journey through the mysterious labyrinth (do people even know the difference between a maze and a labyrinth?) of the world's secret history...

Discover 10,000 years of the shadowy side of our world in this treasure trove of alternative history. The Element Encyclopaedia of Secret Societies features detailed information about secret societies from Freemasons to the Bavarian Illuminati, lost civilizations from the Mayan culture to Atlantis, and key figures from Da Vinci to Hitler. Complete with intriguing insights about unsolved historical mysteries like the location of the Holy Grail and the fate of the Knights Templar, plus conspiracy theories, ancient wisdom, and forgotten sciences, it's everything you need to dig deeper into the hidden histories of our world.

And about the author (I somehow missed this…as well!)

John Michael Greer

John Michael Greer has published numerous books about occult traditions and the unexplained. As well as researching the immense scholarly literature on occult traditions and secret societies, Greer is a practicing occultist, Grand Archdruid of the Ancient Order of Druids in America (AODA) and 32nd degree Freemason. His recent works include Monsters: An Investigator's Guide to Magical Beings and The New Encyclopedia of the Occult.

This makes it even more interesting that he compares today's New Age to the time just before Nazi Germany. I will still include the Theosophical Society as well, since there's an interesting mention about the Aryans and Atlantis, which shows why Blavatsky's writings may have inspired key figures in the rise of Nazi Germany.

Anart in Icke thread said:
The battle for the human mind is fully controlled and relentless

I think I'm starting to see that now...
The Element Enclyclopedia of Secret Societies said:
Theosophical Society

The most influential force in the great renaissance of occultism in the late nineteenth century, the Theosophical Society was founded in New York City in 1875 by colorful Russian occultist and adventuress Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, her American promoter Col. Henry S. Olcott, and a handful of other students of the occult. According to Blavatsky, the society was sponsored and supported by the Brotherhood of Luxor, an American occult secret society. See Blavatsky, Helena Petrovna; Brotherhood of Luxor.

During its first two years the Theosophical Society was simply one more group in the crowded New York occult scene, sponsoring lectures by local authors and researchers. For a time it operated as a secret society with its own passwords and grades of initiation, though these went by the board as the fledgling Society struggled to define itself. The publication of Blavatsky’s first book, Isis Unveiled (1877), ended this period and transformed the Society into a major player in the western world occult scene.

Isis Unveiled was the largest and most comprehensive occult critique of religious orthodoxy and scientific materialism in its time, a sprawling two-volume work that challenged nearly all the preconceptions of its Victorian audience. Much of the material in it was drawn from the occult literature of the time, especially the writings of Eliphas Lévi and P.B. Randolph, but it presented an extraordinary and rather quirky occult philosophy all on its own, different in many ways from the later system of Blavatsky’s The Secret Doctrine (1888). See Randolph, Paschal Beverly.

The year after Isis Unveiled saw print, Blavatsky and Olcott travelled to India by way of England and established a headquarters for the Society at Adyar, near Bombay. From 1879 to 1884 Blavatsky remained at Adyar, writing articles, performing minor miracles to awe visitors, and working closely with the Arya Samaj, a movement for Indian national and religious revival, against the British colonial government. During her stay in India she stopped talking about the Brotherhood of Luxor and began claiming that her teachings came from two Tibetan Mahatmas, Koot Hoomi (Kuthumi) and El Morya. Historian K. Paul Johnson, in a controversial book on Theosophical history, has argued that these names were pseudonyms for two important Indian political and religious leaders of the time. See Masters.

In 1884 Blavatsky and Olcott travelled to England on a lecture tour that attracted huge crowds, and established several European sections of the Theosophical Society. During their absence from Adyar, however, an investigator from the Society for Psychical Research arrived there and learned from Blavatsky’s housekeeper Emma Coulombe that the “miracles” were simple sleight-of-hands tricks. The scandal that followed earned newspaper headlines on five continents. In the aftermath of the revelations, Olcott forbade Blavatsky to stay in Adyar, and she moved to London, where she spent the rest of her life.

While at London she wrote, lectured, and debated with the Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor, an influential magical order of the time. She also founded the Esoteric Section of the Theosophical Society, an inner circle that received instruction in practical occultism. Finally, and most significantly, she wrote a second vast book, The Secret Doctrine, which was published in 1888. Unlike Isis Unveiled, which drew most of its material from Western occult sources, The Secret Doctrine took its inspiration from Hindu traditions and presented an immense vision of a cyclic cosmos in which souls, called monads in Theosophy, descend from cosmic unity to pass through a series of evolutionary journey through the elemental, mineral, vegetable, animal and human kingdoms and beyond. In order to pass through the human level, the souls of humanity must make seven “rounds” or circuits of a sequence of seven “globes” or worlds, while being incarnated in seven different root races on each world during each sequence.

Today’s humanity is on the fourth globe of the fourth round; Europeans, Indians, and other Indo-Europeans are believed to belong to the fifth, or Aryan root race, while other humans belong to the fourth or Atlantean root race. See Atlantis; Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor (H.B. of L.).

This is only a first glimpse at a portion of the sprawling cosmos of the The Secret Doctrine, but it may help convey the flavor of the book’s dizzying complexities. After Blavatsky’s death in 1891 these teachings became the Society’s core doctrine, and were developed and discussed in dozens of books by later authors. The new head of the Society, Fabian socialist and liberal political activist Annie Besant, helped transform The Secret Doctrine into an orthodoxy, and brought the Society into alliance with Co-Masonry, an offshoot of Freemasonry that admits women as well as men to membership, and the Liberal Catholic Church, an esoteric Christian church.

Schisms followed; William Quan Judge, a leading American Theosophist, broke with Besant and established a rival organization in America in 1895; widely respected occult scholar G.R.S. Mead left in 1909 to found the Quest Society, and Robert Crosbie and another dissident group founded the United Lodge of Theosophists in Los Angeles the same year. Most damaging of all was the defection of Rudolf Steiner, former secretary of the Society’s German section, who left in 1912 and took 90 percent of German Theosophists with him into his newly founded Anthroposophical Society. See Anthroposophical Society; Co-Masonry; Fabian Society.

Steiner’s split was caused by one of Besant’s most serious missteps – her identification of a teenage boy named Jiddu Krishnamurti as the next World Teacher, a messianic figure who would rank with Jesus and the Buddha. In 1911 Besant and her close associate Charles Leadbeater founded the Order of the Star in the East to promote these claims. Highly successful in the year following the First World War, the Order collapsed overnight in 1929 when Krishnamurti courageously disavowed the claims made about him and disbanded it. See Order of the Star in the East.

The implosion of the Order of the Star in the East nearly shattered the Theosophical Society. Most Theosophical groups outside the English-speaking world quietly disbanded, while Theosophists in Britain, America, Australia, and India went to ground and carried on their work well out of the limelight. In the meantime, however, dozens of groups inspired by Theosophy or derived from it took over large portions of Theosophical teachings and practice. In the “Theosophical century” from 1875 to 1975, nearly every secret occult secret society in the Western world drew on Theosophy as a major (though often uncredited) source. By the 1970s, as occult groups abandoned Theosophical ideas for older or newer teachings, the New Age movement stepped in and adopted Theosophy wholesale. See New Age movement.

Several branches of the Theosophical Society remain active today, and the last decade or so has seen a modest growth in Theosophical numbers and activity. While the Society may never again play the dominant role it once had in the occult community, it remains a living tradition with an active publishing program. Further reading: Blavatsky 1877, Blavatsky 1888, Godwin 1994, Johnson 1994, Washington 1993.

Stranger than fiction.
I'm really enjoying the information you're pulling together, E - mostly because of your own realizations as it goes along. It's quite something to see!
Laura said:
Have a look at this piece:

Why Is The ADL Promoting Alex Jones?

This site goes a bit far, IMO, and they don't discuss pathology but rather blame everything on the Jews, so as far as I can see, they, themselves, are probably an arm of the Zionists. Anyway, they have an interesting take on Jones and some links in the piece. Also note that in Red Symphony, the remark is made that they never officially attack anything that they do not want attention drawn to and whatever they want people to take notice of, gets officially attacked.

That's one of the reasons we figured we never get official attack, but rather slimy third party attacks from the likes of Bridges, Williams, Pepin, et al.

Speaking of AJ, does anyone else find this little stunt alarming in terms of his mental stability?
Perceval said:
Speaking of AJ, does anyone else find this little stunt alarming in terms of his mental stability?

Ridiculous. On a related note, I get really annoyed any time I hear him say the word psychopath. It almost seems like he has adopted this phrase purely to stain SOTT's work on psychopathy. Like he is the one who has been tasked with taking all our work and dragging it into the trash.

Also, boy does he look ridiculous with that Joker make-up on...
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