My own reply and translation of questions. But before the questionaire i will report on a clickable survey at
Which asks "Do you see your boss as a psychopath.results in so far
Yes 34%
No 47%
dont know 12%
havent got a boss 7%
15,503 have given in their votes so far.
now onto the questionaire.
The way to marking up the points in the following questionaire is a s follows.
To answer yes to any of the qustions in the heading and its subsection is 2 points. Only 2 points for each section even if you answer yes to all the questions in that section.One yes is enough to get the 2 points.
1 point for a partly or maybe.
0 points for no.
1)Does your boss show a lack of guilt and remorse when he hurts other people?
Is your boss more concerned about himself than the damage he inflicts on others and society as a whole?
Does the boss say he is sorry when he really is not?
Does it just sound like empty words when your boss is trying to show remorse.?
2) Does boss avoid taking on responsibility for his own actions?
Does your boss always come up with some kind of excuse?
Does your boss blame others for things he has done himself+
Does he refuse to take on any responsibility when the evidence is mounting upon him for the accidents he has caused?
3) Does he see himself Godlike (Full of himself etc )
Does he boast?
Is he arrogant ,superior,domineering?
Does he feel he is above the rules and regulations which apply to normal people?
Does he behave like he is the center of everything?
Does he have great expectations of his own future?
4) Is he well spoken and superficially charming ?
Does he have an appealing personality and is good at talking,entertaining and convincing,but maybe a bit to smooth?
Will he appear like an expert at a business meetings even though he does not know that much about the topic?
Does he often flatter other people?
Is he seductive but not real?
Does he tell funny,but improper stories about his glorious past?
Can he persuade his colleagues to support a certain standpoint one week,and then argue just as convincingly for the opposite standpoint the next?
Can he when appearing in public get away with saying something with no substance and wriggle his way around answering direct questions?
5) is he cold of feelings and lack empathy?
Does he not give a toss about other peoples emotions and well being
is he selfish throughout?
Does he ridicule others in a mean way?
Is he emotionally ,verbally rude towards employees,friends and members of his own family?
Can he sack people without any thought to how they will survive without a job?
Can he come up with remarks that seem completely improper in relation to a person who has suffered a personal loss?
6) Is your boss a pathological liar?
Has he recreated his own past to put it in a more ,better dramatic light such as claiming that he has fought his way up from a tough childhood even though in reality he has come from a nice middle class background?
Does he keep on lying even though he can easily be caught out lying?
When he gets caught out lying does he behave without any worries because he expects to wriggle his way out of it?
Does he enjoy lying?
Is he proud of his ability to trick others?
is it hard to determine whether he is aware that he is lying,or whether he tricks himself into believing his own stories?
7) Does he seem cold and reserved?
Even when some of his closest die or get seriously ill?
Does he visit them in hospital or participate in the funeral?
Does he come out with quick dramatic outbursts which is not more than a mask and a role which is being played for the effect?
Does he claim that the two of you are friends even though he only ever seldom asks about your private life,or mental well being?
Is he one of those rough business types that boast about emotions being only for losers and crier babies?
8) Is he a swindler or a master manipulator?
Does he use his ability to lie with the sole purpose to trick or manipulate others in his hunt for money, power,status and sex?
Is he good at exploiting others?
Can he talk them into participating in projects that they did not want to take part in?
Does he do dishonest things,such as cooking the books or mess with the expenses?
1-4 =Be frustrated.
5-7 = Be careful.
8-12 = Be afraid
13-16 = Be VERY AFRAID.