New Cat


The Living Force
I have been out of sorts for two+ weeks because a little guy wanted to live here. I'll explain.

Saturday night, May 18th, the big, fluffy, tiger cat that lives in the apartments next to us, had a stray cat in tow. He lead him to me as I was having a smoke. The stray walked tentatively up to me making these short, little meows while the other guy held back. I bent down and started to pet him. He was really thin and his coat felt oily. I noticed the other guy leave. I finished my smoke and bid the little guy goodnight and went back to my place.

Two days later, May 20th, Victoria Day, I noticed this same cat sitting on our DIY compost bin at the far-side of the garden. I went out to greet him and he came right up making his little meows. I knew he was hungry so I opened a can of 3 year old tuna and put half of it on a plate. I brought it out to him and he tucked into it. At the beginning, he ate everything I put in front of him. I knew I'd be in trouble if I fed him 'cause he'd stay. And he did. I put an old, shredded mattress cover on top of the dry leaf pile in the compost bin (that never worked very well anyway) as a makeshift bed which has since become his permanent snooze spot.

There have been many trips to the pet store since; food, an outdoor litter box, litter, litter scoop, different food. I haven't had a cat since I was 5 or 6 so there is quite a learning curve. I still don't understand his eating habits but at least I can't feel only his backbone anymore and his coat feels soft.

Now for some backstory because I know some of it. I had seen him wandering around (like all the other cats in the neighbourhood) from time to time but never knew where his home was. This little guy came from a fourplex a few doors down and across the street/back alley from us. It's a well known, notorious drug den/flop house. I don't know what it is with these morons but if your bike gets stolen, it's probably there in the basement. There's also an RV parked in the back that houses at least four guys. Anyway, this little guy, I'm guessing, didn't want to live there anymore, so he left. About a week-and-a-half after he started living with us, I was standing in my usual spot having a smoke in the back alley. One of the guys that lives in the fourplex was walking up the alley heading for home. The cat was sitting beside me as the guy walked by, looking at him. Finally, he turned around and asked me if that was my cat. I said 'yes'. The cat had walked up to him and he was petting him. He remarked, "I used to have a cat just like that. His name was Boots." He walked on not realising that that was his cat! A few days ago, I was out having a smoke again and a different guy that lives in the fourplex also mumbled (more to himself then to anyone, I think) that he, too, used to have a cat like mine.

This little guy doesn't have a name yet, but I'm not calling him Boots. Early on, I joked about calling him Attis because he's neutered but I thought that would be cruel. I also thought of calling him Darth Meow but he's way too friendly to be a Darth. I could make a Clint Eastwood joke but it's been done.

He's a lap cat. He's also a 'parrot cat' (apparently called this because he likes to sit on my shoulders). He will fall asleep on you. Literally. The problem is mom believes that all cats are barn cats and do not belong in a house. I can tell he wants to come in but he is not allowed. Not sure what is going to happen once winter hits.

He purrs very easily around me. I've also heard him growl at other cats (it's kinda cute) but the weirdest sound he's made is 'chirping' which he makes when he sees a little bird. Suprised the crap out of me when I heard it the first time.

He's tough to take a picture of. I got lucky with this one. When he sits, he always curls his tail around his feet, and when he lays down he always curls his paws under him. He's put on more weight since this photo. 🐈‍⬛

Cat With No Name_8 (rs).jpg
Saturday night, May 18th, the big, fluffy, tiger cat that lives in the apartments next to us, had a stray cat in tow. He lead him to me as I was having a smoke. The stray walked tentatively up to me making these short, little meows while the other guy held back. I bent down and started to pet him. He was really thin and his coat felt oily. I noticed the other guy leave. I finished my smoke and bid the little guy goodnight and went back to my place.
Isn’t that interesting the fluffy cat took the little guy under his wing and said “come with me, I know a good guy down the way, let’s get you away from these losers”.
I don’t know why, but when I saw the picture the first thing that popped into my head was “Carl”. Funny thing is I don’t normally give pets human names, but somehow I get “Carl” from this guy. You’re welcome to disregard that idea, of course.

Ironically he does resemble quite closely my childhood cat whose name was, wait for it…Boots!!🤣
Benjamin, quelle belle et bonne idée vous avez eu de l'accueillir, ce petit ange, je ne sais pas pourquoi votre Maman ne veut pas de chat dans la maison mais c'est aussi leur place, il est dit qu'ils préservent des mauvais esprits qu'ils voient très bien et qu'ils soignent bien des maux en se mettant sur vous, certains chats savent détecter la maladie qui est là et apportent leur aide par magnétisme, certains dans des maisons de retraite vont se coucher sur le lit de la personne qui va décéder... Ce sont de merveilleux compagnons et celui-ci vous a choisi... Profitez bien du temps passé ensemble, la vie passe si vite surtout pour les chats qui vivent dehors...

Benjamin, what a beautiful and good idea you had to take in this little angel. I don't know why your Mum doesn't want a cat in the house, but it's their place too: it's said that they protect against evil spirits, which they can see very well, and that they cure many ills by putting themselves on you. They are wonderful companions, and this one has chosen you... Enjoy your time together, life goes by so quickly, especially for cats who live outside...
How about Bruce? Cats go by tones. And if he was once Boots, he’ll recognise “Bruce”. Enjoy your new home kit cat.
I always like human names for cats. They’re part of the family, they should have a good name.
Straw for the winter in an outdoor shelter will help, if he doesn’t find his way into your home 🏡
I agree with loreta, he is a beautiful cat and his coat looks quite healthy.
Isn’t that interesting the fluffy cat took the little guy under his wing and said “come with me, I know a good guy down the way, let’s get you away from these losers”.
Remarkable! Cats are good judges of character and they feel who truly like them and who don't.

It's wonderful that you are now taking care of him, Benjamin and it's very important work. I really hope that your mother will change her mind. Cats are also wonderful against mice and small rats around and in the home, not just in the barn. Can you come to some kind of agreement with your mother? Perhaps if you have the means take him to a vet first, in case it helps win her over?

Anyway, taking care of our feline friends gives us purpose and we receive a lot in return.
I think it is an honor that the cat has chosen you. I am not sure where I read it, maybe in the Wave, where Laura was asking why a cat had shown up at their place, and the C's answered that it was attracted to her FRV. So maybe this cat has done the same, and wanted to get away from a negative situation, and find someplace/someone with a higher resonance...🎵
Isn’t that interesting the fluffy cat took the little guy under his wing and said “come with me, I know a good guy down the way, let’s get you away from these losers”.

Basically, this was how I saw it, though I couldn't say if this is actually what happened. I also thought maybe the fluffy cat could see that 'our' cat couldn't make it on his own and needed an 'owner' to help and he picked one that was more stable, not trying to toot my own horn or anything.

I don’t know why, but when I saw the picture the first thing that popped into my head was “Carl”. Funny thing is I don’t normally give pets human names, but somehow I get “Carl” from this guy. You’re welcome to disregard that idea, of course.

Ironically he does resemble quite closely my childhood cat whose name was, wait for it…Boots!!🤣

See, that you thought of 'Carl' is very interesting to me. Did you tap into my history? Because out of all of the human names you could have picked, you chose my high school nickname given to me by my best friend at the time. We had a small group that would play a version of D&D and he was our 'dungeon master' and creator of this version. In his sword & sorcery world, he created a number of characters, one of which was named Carl Vadadkka, a fighting mage. He chose me to play this character. I created the official stats and gave him 'life' in the game but after a while, he just started to call me 'Carl'. Soon, all my friends started to call me 'Carl' and the name has stuck with me ever since with that group. It's like I was the outlet of his creation in real life. It's kinda weird actually, now that I think about it. I'm sorry to say that I don't think I want to call him Carl.

Boots? 😅 It must be a popular choice for tuxedo cats!

Benjamin, what a beautiful and good idea you had to take in this little angel. I don't know why your Mum doesn't want a cat in the house, but it's their place too: it's said that they protect against evil spirits, which they can see very well, and that they cure many ills by putting themselves on you. They are wonderful companions, and this one has chosen you... Enjoy your time together, life goes by so quickly, especially for cats who live outside...

Maman a grandi dans une ferme dans les années 40 et 50. Chez eux, les chats vivaient toujours dans les granges, jamais dans la maison. Lorsque nous avons eu notre premier chaton quand j'étais enfant (Boule de neige, blanc pur, six orteils sur la patte avant gauche), ma sœur et moi avons essayé de l'emmener dans la maison, mais cela ne nous a pas été permis. C'est la façon dont elle a été élevée. J'y travaille cependant, tranquillement.

Vous savez, je vais le dire avec précaution parce que c'est subjectif, mais depuis que je l'ai eu, j'ai vu cette "traînée blanche" transparente qui se promène dans notre jardin. Je l'ai vu deux fois. La première fois, c'était dans la cour arrière, le soir avant d'aller me coucher. J'étais assise sur l'herbe et il était sur mes genoux. Au moment où je regardais ailleurs, un mouvement soudain a attiré mon attention et a disparu. La forme était petite et rapide. La deuxième fois que je l'ai vue, c'était la nuit dernière. J'étais assise sur le pas de la porte, le soir, avec lui sur mes genoux. J'ai entendu un bruit dans les genévriers sous les fenêtres, mais je n'ai rien vu. J'ai détourné le regard, mais quelques instants plus tard, mon petit bonhomme a grogné et je l'ai regardé en train de fixer les genévriers. J'ai regardé, pensant qu'il s'agissait d'un autre chat, mais je n'ai rien vu. Au moment où je regardais ailleurs, je jure que j'ai vu une "traînée blanche" transparente s'éloigner de la lisière des genévriers, passer par-dessus l'allée et pénétrer dans la cour d'entrée. Mais il n'y avait rien. Ce qui est étrange, c'est qu'elle avait la forme d'un chat en train de courir. C'était peut-être un effet de la lumière ou de mon esprit, mais mon petit bonhomme savait qu'il y avait quelque chose alors qu'il n'y avait rien ! Je ne suis pas folle et je ne sniffe pas de l'herbe à chat.

Juste avant que nous soyons présentés, j'ai récité les prières de Crystal Connection avec diligence. Et je me demande si c'est le DCM qui nous a rapprochés. C'est un petit gars protecteur, mais qui ne manque pas de tact. Je l'ai observé hier soir, après la " traînée blanche ", lorsqu'un autre chat a erré de l'autre côté de la rue jusqu'à notre propriété. Mon petit gars a sauté à terre et l'a confronté de manière non-vocale. Après une discussion silencieuse, l'autre chat s'est approché de la piscine circulaire en béton qui se trouve dans notre jardin. Elle est pleine d'eau et il est venu boire un coup, puis il est reparti. Mon petit bonhomme était comme un gardien de sécurité. Mais ce qui m'a le plus surpris, c'est la taille de ce chat. J'ai une bonne connaissance de tous ou presque tous les chats du quartier. Je n'avais jamais vu celui-ci auparavant. Il fait facilement le double/le triple de la taille de mon chat ! Je ne connais pas les races de chats, mais il s'agit peut-être d'un Abyssin d'Égypte ou d'un Sphynx. Mon homme ne s'est pas laissé décourager. Il l'a arrêté à la limite de la propriété et a "négocié". Le gros chat savait que j'étais là et j'ai observé toute cette histoire, assez fascinante.

Thanks Perlou!

Mom grew up on a farm in the 40's and 50's. The cats around their place always lived in the barns, never in the house. When we had our first kitten when I was a kid (Snowball, pure white, six toes on her front left paw), me and my sister tried to bring her into the house but was not allowed. It's just the way she was brought up. I'm working on it though, quietly.

You know, I'm going to say this gingerly because it's subjective, but ever since I got him, I been seeing this transparent 'white streak' darting around our yard. I've seen it twice. The first time was in the back yard at night before I went to bed. I was sitting on the grass and he was in my lap. Just as I was looking away, a sudden movement caught my eye and was gone. The shape was small and darting. The second time I saw it was last night. I was sitting on the front doorstep at night with him in my lap. I heard a noise in the junipers under the windows but saw nothing. I looked away but moments later, my little guy growled and I looked at him staring at the junipers. I looked thinking it was another cat but saw nothing. Just as I was looking away, I swear I saw a transparent 'white streak' jump away from the edge of the junipers over the walkway and into the front yard. But nothing was there. What's weird is that it had the shape of a running cat. Now, it might have been a trick of the light or my own mind but my little guy knew something was there when nothing was! I'm not crazy and I'm not snorting lines of catnip.

Just before we were introduced, I was reciting the Crystal Connection prayers diligently. And I do wonder if the DCM brought us together? He is a protective little guy but not without tact. I watched him last night after the 'white streak' when another cat wandered from across the street to our property. My little guy jumped down and non-vocally confronted him/her. After some silent 'discussion' the other cat walked up to the circular, concrete pool we have in our front yard. It's full of water and he/she came to have a drink, and then left. My little guy was like a security guard. But what surprised me the most was the size of this cat. I have a good understanding of all/most of the cats in the surrounding neighbourhood. I have never seen this one before. Easily twice/thrice my cat's size! I don't know cat breeds but maybe something like an Egyptian Abyssinian or Sphynx. My guy was not deterred. He stopped him at the property line and 'negotiated'. The big cat knew I was there and I watched this whole, quite facinating, thing.

How about Bruce? Cats go by tones. And if he was once Boots, he’ll recognise “Bruce”. Enjoy your new home kit cat.
I always like human names for cats. They’re part of the family, they should have a good name.
Straw for the winter in an outdoor shelter will help, if he doesn’t find his way into your home 🏡

The moment I read "Bruce" this movie from 2007 popped into my mind! 🤣

Benjamin what a lovely story. Super happy to know you guys have found one another; I definitely feel that other cat was tuned into your FRV and knew you two would be a match. That white streak sounds interesting. Sound like this kitty is keeping watch and managing his turf intelligently, he clearly knows how to stand his ground and doesn't need to leap into full on confrontation.

I know what you mean about the noise he makes with the birds, my cat does that too. It's very cute. (Meanwhile I am having a conversation with him about how birds are our friends, that he is NOT allowed to touch them. He doesn't chase them, but he does like to talk to them and tell them what he thinks :lol:)

Name suggestions that might fit him:
Alfie - wise counsellor
Arlo - brave as a bear
Jasper - treasure

Some gentle suggestions:

Get some worming treatment / flea treatment.
As the C's say: Parasites are always the first order of business - to me that means human or furbaby! Can guarantee you he hasn't been wormed in a long time - maybe once, since he has been to the vet to be desexed. Check his fur all over and skin to see if he has any skin issues, ringworm etc. These are easy to treat. Your mother might also feel better about him being in the house later on if she knows he is well cared for and treated for parasites, fleas and can use a litter box.

Have a good look at his teeth. If anything looks wrong he definitely needs to go to the vet. Care for his teeth by giving him chicken necks to chew on (never chicken bones!) but the neck is all sinewy and good for teeth cleaning - once a week. I just buy a bunch of free range ones from the butcher and freeze them individually.

Buy good quality food. Cheap cat food leads to health problems, same as human food. Quality food will result in much healthier coat, overall health and much less chance of intestinal issues, blockages or urinary infections (which male cats in particular can be susceptible to, especially when stressed). Really cheap cat biscuits are loaded with 'fillers' that expand like a gel and can get stuck in a cat's intestines - a lot of cats die from intestinal blockages from cheap food with fillers every year.

If he is kinda skinny you could mix his dry food with some dry kitten food (maybe half and half for a few weeks / a month) to help him put on weight, also give him some quality raw mince with a little bit of fat in it once in a while. You can buy some and freeze into small portions in freezer bags. I would also buy a good quality food from the vet that you know has everything he needs nutritionally, but they still need quality wet food too.

Pooping / private business
Cats don't like going in the same place if there is a lot of poop in one area, so they will literally go and dig holes all under the house if they can get in there and poop - and then in summer when it is hot it freaking stinks. If you have a large property and the cat just goes off into the bushes that's all good, but if not It helps to create an area for your cat out in the garden that has a 'litter pit' or a litter tray in a covered area / shed where the cat likes to go that has privacy and it feels safe. I buy a fine clay litter for the inside litter tray - the clay is 100% biodegradable, lasts a long time, controls any odours. It costs a lot of money but is worth it. I just scoop out the 'present' my cat leaves every day and put it in one area of the garden away from the house. If you are going to have a litter tray in the house, put it in a big box with high sides but no top, they feel they have privacy but also the litter won't go flying all over the floor when he is vigorously covering any 'evidence'. Some cats are so thorough you are sure they are digging their way to China. Or perhaps into another dimension 😂

If you can show your mother that you care for him, are willing to be responsible for him, can and will pay for all his food and care, that he is free from pests and diseases etc, she might soften about the 'inside situation'. You could maybe negotiate having him in your room at night (as well as a litter tray) so that he is warm in winter. If not, you could have a chair outside in a covered area so at least you can sit there and read and keep him warm, leave him with a warm blanket to snuggle up in.

He sounds like a very affectionate, precious soul with a discerning eye, who knew the Universe had something better in store for him than where he was. Shows you how much the 'owner' cared for him if he couldn't even recognise his own cat. Good riddance to bad rubbish! Onwards and upwards. Feels like you need and deserve one another.
May your path together be an absolute joy and delight. ✨🌈🐈‍⬛💕
I always like human names for cats. They’re part of the family, they should have a good name.
I agree. I have had cats since I was 9 years old (a very long time ago) and the majority have had human names. In more recent years I have given a home to a Jack, Tom, George and currently have a Bob and a Ruby. In my more youthful times I suggested to my family we call one huge and chunky black and white tom - Willow - I was downvoted and he became a much more sensible George.

That cat looks like he would make a lovely house companion. Tell your mum you don't have a barn and he will have to come inside...:-)
I have been out of sorts for two+ weeks because a little guy wanted to live here. I'll explain.

Saturday night, May 18th, the big, fluffy, tiger cat that lives in the apartments next to us, had a stray cat in tow. He lead him to me as I was having a smoke. The stray walked tentatively up to me making these short, little meows while the other guy held back. I bent down and started to pet him. He was really thin and his coat felt oily. I noticed the other guy leave. I finished my smoke and bid the little guy goodnight and went back to my place.

Two days later, May 20th, Victoria Day, I noticed this same cat sitting on our DIY compost bin at the far-side of the garden. I went out to greet him and he came right up making his little meows. I knew he was hungry so I opened a can of 3 year old tuna and put half of it on a plate. I brought it out to him and he tucked into it. At the beginning, he ate everything I put in front of him. I knew I'd be in trouble if I fed him 'cause he'd stay. And he did. I put an old, shredded mattress cover on top of the dry leaf pile in the compost bin (that never worked very well anyway) as a makeshift bed which has since become his permanent snooze spot.

There have been many trips to the pet store since; food, an outdoor litter box, litter, litter scoop, different food. I haven't had a cat since I was 5 or 6 so there is quite a learning curve. I still don't understand his eating habits but at least I can't feel only his backbone anymore and his coat feels soft.

Now for some backstory because I know some of it. I had seen him wandering around (like all the other cats in the neighbourhood) from time to time but never knew where his home was. This little guy came from a fourplex a few doors down and across the street/back alley from us. It's a well known, notorious drug den/flop house. I don't know what it is with these morons but if your bike gets stolen, it's probably there in the basement. There's also an RV parked in the back that houses at least four guys. Anyway, this little guy, I'm guessing, didn't want to live there anymore, so he left. About a week-and-a-half after he started living with us, I was standing in my usual spot having a smoke in the back alley. One of the guys that lives in the fourplex was walking up the alley heading for home. The cat was sitting beside me as the guy walked by, looking at him. Finally, he turned around and asked me if that was my cat. I said 'yes'. The cat had walked up to him and he was petting him. He remarked, "I used to have a cat just like that. His name was Boots." He walked on not realising that that was his cat! A few days ago, I was out having a smoke again and a different guy that lives in the fourplex also mumbled (more to himself then to anyone, I think) that he, too, used to have a cat like mine.

This little guy doesn't have a name yet, but I'm not calling him Boots. Early on, I joked about calling him Attis because he's neutered but I thought that would be cruel. I also thought of calling him Darth Meow but he's way too friendly to be a Darth. I could make a Clint Eastwood joke but it's been done.

He's a lap cat. He's also a 'parrot cat' (apparently called this because he likes to sit on my shoulders). He will fall asleep on you. Literally. The problem is mom believes that all cats are barn cats and do not belong in a house. I can tell he wants to come in but he is not allowed. Not sure what is going to happen once winter hits.

He purrs very easily around me. I've also heard him growl at other cats (it's kinda cute) but the weirdest sound he's made is 'chirping' which he makes when he sees a little bird. Suprised the crap out of me when I heard it the first time.

He's tough to take a picture of. I got lucky with this one. When he sits, he always curls his tail around his feet, and when he lays down he always curls his paws under him. He's put on more weight since this photo. 🐈‍⬛

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He's much better with you, and I wouldn't be surprised if he choose you! He's a beautiful cat but Boots doesn't suits him, he looks like a little gentleman with his tuxedo fur!
Let us know when you picked a name!
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