New Supernova

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What I found interesting about this article is that:

i) scientists didn't previously know about these objects

ii) if they didn't know about these objects, this implies they do not know how they are formed

iii) this further implies that they don't know when they were formed - some may be recent, some may be millennia ago

iv) despite not knowing when or how they are formed, they can state that they are supernova remnants. While the supernova aspect is what initially attracted me to this story, I now have questions: how can they state it is necessarily & absolutely from a supernova, since they didn't observe the supernova event (if they had, then they would know what type of star or object creates these new objects, and when).

Despite the reservations above, what affect might their output be having (if any) upon this planet?

Here is the article:

National Geographic News said:
New Kind of Cosmic Object Discovered
Brian Handwerk
for National Geographic News

February 15, 2006
A multinational team of astronomers has discovered an entirely new kind of cosmic object. The small, highly compressed neutron stars, named Rotating Radio Transients (RRATs), are likely related to pulsars.

Neutron stars are the staggeringly dense cores of massive stars left behind after supernova explosions. The objects contain one and a half times the mass of our own sun packed into a space the size of a large city.

"These [new objects] are basically a new type of neutron star, but we're not exactly sure how they fit together with the other types," said astronomer Ingrid Stairs, of the University of British Columbia in Vancouver.

"They are clearly related to radio pulsars somehow, but we'll need more research [to understand the relation]."

Pulsars are neutron stars that spin about once a second and are often described as cosmic lighthouses. Their magnetic poles emit electromagnetic radio waves, so each time a pulsar spins, it sends out a radio blip.

But the RRATs' short, intermittent bursts are less frequent, spaced from four minutes to three hours apart.

"They're kind of like a flickering lighthouse, one where the power is going out on a regular basis," Stairs explained. "So instead of a blip every time it spins, there is one every few minutes or every few hours."

The RRAT radio waves were spotted using Australia's Parkes Radio Telescope. The find is reported in this week's issue of the journal Nature.

The objects could otherwise be normal pulsars that are less able to emit radio waves because of age, a different magnetic field structure, or some other unknown reason.

New Objects May Be Plentiful

Eleven RRATs have been identified so far, but researchers suggest that the new objects may far outnumber conventional radio pulsars.

"These things were very difficult to pin down," said Dick Manchester, a member of the research team and a scientist with the Australian Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization.

"For each object, we've been detecting radio emission for less than one second a day."

Because the new objects are usually silent, the odds of spotting one are low. The identification of 11 RRATs therefore suggests that many more—perhaps several hundred thousand—are silently spinning in the galaxy.

Scientists are particularly interested in neutron stars because they offer a look at super high-density matter.

"Pulsars in many ways are the most extreme objects out there, next to black holes," Stairs, of the University of British Columbia, said.

"They have extreme conditions that you could never produce in a lab."


Astronomers have detected a new type of cosmic outburst that they can't yet explain. The event was very close to our galaxy, they said.

The eruption might portend an even brighter event to come, a supernova.

It was spotted by NASA's Swift telescope and is being monitored by other telescopes around the world as scientists wait to see what will happen.

Neil Gehrels, principal investigator for the Swift mission at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, called the event "totally new, totally unexpected."

If the eruption indeed precedes a supernova, then it would reach peak brightness in about a week, scientists said.

Experienced backyard astronomers can see the explosion with a telescope by using these coordinates: RA: 03:21:39.71 Dec: +16:52:02.6
The event, detected Feb. 18, looks something like a gamma-ray burst (GRB), scientists said. But it is much closer—about 440 million light-years away—than others. And it lasted about 33 minutes. Most GRBs are billions of light-years away and last less than a second or just a few seconds.

Other aspects of the newfound eruption were inexplicable, astronomers said. It was dimmer than most. Even so, the newly spotted point of light in the sky outshines the entire galaxy in which the event occurred.

"This could be a new kind of burst, or we might be seeing a gamma-ray burst from an entirely different angle," said Swift scientist John Nousek at Penn State University.

Astronomers don't fully understand gamma-ray bursts (GRBs). But they theorize that when one is pointed our way, it appears brighter than when the beams it produces shoot off in other directions.

The explosion has been catalogued as GRB 060218. It is the second-closest GRB ever detected. But it's not clear if it will ultimately be called one.

Italian researchers using the European Southern Observatory's Very Large Telescope in Chile found signs in the event's optical afterglow that it may become a supernova. The scenario outlined by some researchers is that a very massive star has collapsed into a black hole and then exploded.

If the event is indeed a supernova in the making, scientists may get the first look at one unfolding from start to finish.

The eruption occurred in the constellation Aries.
Here's what Paul La Violette proposed back in the 80's:

Prediction No. 12 (1983): In his dissertation, LaViolette proposed that a superwave produced by an explosion of our Galaxy's core could be immediately preceded by a very strong gamma ray pulse, 10,000 times stronger than what could come from a supernova explosion. He pointed out that upon impacting our upper atmosphere this burst could strip electrons and induce a powerful electromagnetic pulse which, like a high-altitude nuclear EMP, could have serious consequences for modern society. It could knock out satellites, interrupt radio, TV, and telephone communication, produce electrical surges on power lines causing widespread black outs, and possibly trigger the inadvertent launching of missiles. He was among the few to suggest that Galactic core explosions could produce high intensity gamma ray outbursts that could affect the Earth.
In 1989, under the sponsorship of the Starburst Foundation, LaViolette initiated an international outreach project, to warn about the dangers of such astronomical phenomena. He pointed out that our Galactic center could produce seriously disruptive low intensity outbursts as frequently as once every 500 years and that we are currently overdue for one. This was the first time a widespread gamma ray pulse warning of this sort had been made.

Verification (1997): In December 1997, astronomers for the first time pinpointed the source of a gamma ray burst and found that it originated from a galaxy lying billions of light years away. This led them to conclude that these are mostly extragalactic events having total energies millions of times greater than they had previously supposed, thereby confirming LaViolette's earlier proposal of the existence of high intensity gamma ray bursts. If this particular outburst had originated from our Galactic center, it would have delivered 100,000 times the lethal dose to all exposed Earth life forms.

Verification (1998): Some months later, in August 27, 1998, a 5 minute long gamma ray pulse arrived from a Galactic source located 20,000 light years away in the constellation of Aquila. The event was strong enough to ionize the upper atmosphere and seriously disrupt satellites and spacecraft. It triggered a defensive instrument shutdown on at least two spacecraft. Astronomers acknowledged that this marked the first time they became aware that energetic outbursts from distant astronomical sources could affect the Earth's physical environment. These events reaffirmed the validity of warnings LaViolette made 9 years earlier about the potential hazards of such gamma ray bursts.
Green Manalishi, are you by any chance an early Fleetwood Mac fan? Here's another GRB link:
Perhaps an update to the previous unexplained burst, or perhaps something altogether new:

Mystery Object Found in Supernova's Heart
By Staff

posted: 06 July 2006
02:00 pm ET

Embedded in the heart of a supernova remnant 10,000 light-years away is a stellar object the likes of which astronomers have never seen before in our galaxy.

At first glance, the object looks like a densely packed stellar corpse known as a neutron star surrounded by a bubble of ejected stellar material, exactly what would be expected in the wake of a supernova explosion.

However, a closer 24.5-hour examination with the European Space Agency's XMM Newton X-ray satellite reveals that the energetic X-ray emissions of the blue, point-like object cycles every 6.7 hours-tens of thousands of times longer than expected for a freshly created neutron star.

It is behavior that's more commonly seen in neutron stars that have been around for several million years, researchers say.

"The behavior we see is especially puzzling in view of its young age, less than 2,000 years," said study leader Andrea De Luca of the Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF) in Milan. "For years we have had a sense that the object is different, but we never knew how different until now," De Luca said.

The finding is detailed in the July 7 issue of the journal Science.

Novel stage?

Called 1E161348-5055, or 1E for short, the object is embedded almost in the exact center of RCW103, a supernova remnant located 10,000 light-years away in the constellation Norma. Astronomers think that 1E and RCW103 were both born in the same catastrophic event.

Like other neutron stars, which form when a star at least eight times more massive than the Sun runs out of fuel and explodes as a supernova, 1E is estimated to be only about 12.5 miles (20 km) across.

One explanation for the neutron star's strange behavior is that it might be a magnetar, an exotic subclass of highly magnetized neutron stars. Of the dozen or so magnetars that are known, however, most usually spin several times per minute-much faster than 1E.

This explanation might still work, however, if the magnetar is surrounded by a debris disk that is helping to slow down the neutron star's spin. This scenario has never been observed before and would mark the discovery of a novel stage in neutron star evolution if confirmed.

One or two?

Another explanation, scientists say, is that 1E is part of a binary system with a normal, low-mass star with only half the mass, or less, of our Sun.

Such X-ray binary systems are known, but they usually involve systems that are millions of times older than 1E.

Despite the many speculations, the short answer is that scientists simply don't yet know how to explain 1E's strange behavior.

"RCW103 is an enigma," said study team member Giovanni Bignami, director of the Centre d'Etude Spatiale des Rayonnements (CESR) in France. "When we do figure this out, we're going to learn a lot more about supernovae, neutron stars and their evolution."
And there is this as well, discussing magnetars:

Origin of the Universe's Most Powerful Magnets

By Michael Schirber
Staff Writer
posted: 01 February, 2005
7:00 a.m. ET

If a magnetar flew past Earth within 100,000 miles, the intense magnetic field of the exotic object would destroy the data on every credit card on the planet.

This is not likely to happen, though, seeing as there are not many magnetars around. Recent research postulates that magnetars come from the death of very massive stars, which may mean that the dozen or so magnetars so far seen may be all our galaxy holds.

"The source of these very powerful magnetic objects has been a mystery since the first one was discovered in 1998," said Bryan Gaensler from the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. "Now, we think we have solved that mystery."

Gaensler and his team investigated the gas around the magnetar called 1E 1048.1-5937, located 9,000 light-years away in the constellation Carina. They found evidence that the original star, out of which the magnetar formed, had a mass 30 to 40 times that of the Sun.

"A star of that size is very rare," Gaensler said.

Such a hefty beginning would help explain the difference between magnetars and their close cousins, pulsars.

Card eraser

Pulsars are stellar corpses that serve as the radio lighthouses of the galaxy. Spinning around several times a second, they flash the galaxy with a beam of radio waves.

Magnetars are similar, but they flash X-rays, and at a slower rate - about once every 10 seconds. They also occasionally let out a burst of gamma rays.

There are about 1,500 known pulsars, but less than a dozen firmly identified magnetars. What makes magnetars special is their magnetic field, which is thousands of times stronger than that of normal pulsars and billions of times stronger than that of any magnet on Earth.

"Magnetars have the highest magnetic fields in the universe - nothing else comes close," Gaensler said.

These credit-card-erasing fields can be measured by observing how quickly the spin of the magnetar slows down. A rotating magnet gives off energy, and the greater the magnetic field, the faster the energy loss. Magnetars exhibit rapid deceleration, which implies a huge magnetic field.

Gaensler has estimated that after 10,000 years a magnetar will slow down enough to turn off its X-ray flash.

Mighty wind

Magnetars and pulsars belong to a class of objects called neutron stars, which are big balls of tightly packed neutrons no larger than a big city.

Here's how they form: When stars above about eight solar masses run out of fuel to burn, they explode in what is called a supernova. What remains can collapses into a neutron star.

To have such large magnetic fields, magnetars are thought to originate from the supernova of very massive stars. Gaensler and his colleagues have found evidence for this in an enormous void - more than 70 light-years across - that showed up in their radio data.

"The empty bubble is exactly centered on the magnetar and it is expanding," Gaensler said.

He explained that the magnetar's radiation cannot be the cause of the cavity, since that would require the absorption of too many of the X-rays that are seen. Instead, a stellar wind from the progenitor star of the magnetar must have cleared out the gas.

This wind would have been five times faster than the Sun's wind of charged particles -- the source of space weather and the Northern Lights -- and a million times denser. The implied energy is 25 million times that of our solar wind.

It takes a very massive star, some 30 to 40 solar masses, to generate such a powerful gust. If this is the correct explanation, then the progenitor star lived 5-6 million years before it exploded - creating the magnetar in its ashes. (Massive stars die young. Our middle-ages Sun, by comparison, is about 4.6 billion years old.)

Crash diet

In sweeping out the huge bubble around it, the heavy star blew off 2 to 3 solar masses of material. But even losing 10 percent of its mass in this way, the supernova remnant would have been too heavy to form a neutron star and would instead have collapsed into a black hole, theory holds.

"Astronomers used to think that really massive stars formed black holes when they died," said Simon Johnston from the Australia Telescope National Facility. "But in the past few years we've realized that some of these stars could form pulsars, because they go on a rapid weight-loss program before they explode as supernovae."

Gaensler said that, at the very end of its life, the star likely lost 90 percent of its mass, which would make it skinny enough to become a neutron star, as opposed to a black hole.

Wild adolescence

It is possible from the wind bubble data to estimate that the supernova detonated about 3,000 years ago. Other magnetars are also thought to be a few thousand years old.

"We do know these magnetars are an adolescent stage of neutron stars," said Jeremy Heyl from the University of British Columbia. Heyl was not involved in the work.

If magnetars arise out of more massive stars, then only 10 percent of neutron stars will go through the magnetar stage - ruling out some theories that all pulsars spend some time as magnetars.

The researchers estimate that in our galaxy there are only about 10 neutron stars from a massive enough progenitor and at the right age to be magnetars right now. There could be many more "dead" magnetars in the galaxy, however.

Whether these results, which appear in an upcoming issue of Astrophysical Journal Letters, are the end of the story is too soon to say.

"Right now, it is only one object that they have measured," Heyl said. "You can't make a very strong conclusion, but the hint is tantalizing."
[quote]10-year-old Canadian girl discovers a supernova

Astronomer dad helps daughter become youngest to find stellar blast
By Nancy Atkinson
Universe Today
updated 1/4/2011 10:46:07 AM ET

A 10-year-old girl from Canada has discovered a supernova, making her the youngest person ever to find a stellar explosion.

The Royal Astronomical Society of Canada announced the discovery by Kathryn Aurora Gray of Fredericton, New Brunswick, (wonderful middle name!) who was assisted by astronomers Paul Gray and David Lane.

Supernova 2010lt is a magnitude-17 supernova in galaxy UGC 3378, in the constellation of Camelopardalis, as reported on IAU Electronic Telegram 2618. The galaxy was imaged on New Year’s Eve 2010, and the supernova was discovered on Jan. 2, 2011, by Kathryn and her father Paul.

The observations were made from Abbey Ridge Observatory, and this is the third supernova seen from this observatory. It was Lane’s fourth supernova discovery, Paul Gray’s seventh, and Kathryn Gray’s first.

The discovery was soon verified by Illinois-based amateur astronomer Brian Tieman and Arizona-based Canadian amateur astronomer Jack Newton.

Since a supernova can outshine millions of ordinary stars, it can be easy to spot with a modest telescope — even in a distant galaxy such as UGC 3378, which is about 240 million light-years away. The trick is to check previous images of the same location to see if there are any changes. That’s what Kathryn was doing for the images of the galaxy taken by her father.

Supernovas are stellar explosions that signal the violent deaths of stars several times more massive than our sun, and can be used to estimate the size and age of our universe.

Supernovas are rare events. The Chandra X-Ray Observatory found evidence of a supernova explosion that occurred about 140 years ago in our galaxy (although no one saw the explosion take place), making it the most recent in the Milky Way. Previously, the last known supernova in our galaxy occurred around 1680, an estimate based on the expansion of its remnant, Cassiopeia A.

Source: Royal Astronomical Society of Canada. Universe Today report: "10-year-old girl discovers a supernova."[/quote]

Thanks Jerry. Posted on a few days ago. :)
A new supernova was discovered last month in Messier 101. This is likely too far away to materially affect us, but then that might be a topic to ask the Cs.

A supernova… one of the most spectacular and violent explosions in the universe, where a single star blasts out more energy in a few days than our Sun generates in its lifetime. While several dozen of these fleeting exploding stars are discovered every year, few become bright enough to see in a small telescope. But a couple of weeks ago, a supernova exploded in the galaxy Messier 101 in the constellation Ursa Major… the brightest such event in nearly 20 years. Here’s how to see this magnificent stellar explosion.

This new supernova, now called SN 2011fe, was first seen on August 24 by Caltech astronomers. The star was at first a dim magnitude 17.2, visible only in images. But it has since brightened to magnitude 10. That’s about as bright as the nucleus of the galaxy itself and easily within reach of a 4-inch telescope. Since M101 is a galaxy some 22 million light years away, so the star must be amazingly bright to see with a modest instrument.

Unfortunately, M101 is a little hard to see this time of year because the Big Dipper is low on the horizon for most of the night. And I’m sorry to tell you it’s all but impossible to spot M101 from the deep southern hemisphere this time of year.

Lots of links to articles and images here:



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from article said:
...congrats to Dr Steve Fossey and his students for the discovery of the closest supernova to Earth since the Supernova 1987A and the closest supernova Type Ia since SN 1972E.

A much longer article plus sky map of this supernova at Universe Today

MrEightFive said:
Well, again it's still in another galaxy, therefore it doesn't matter. Or does it?..

They say it's 12 million light years away. That means, this actually happened 12 million years ago.
I wonder, would it be possible, and in any way interesting to calculate a trend from the recorded supernovas of known distance/magnitude/location.. ?

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