Next level in camera surveillance.


The Living Force

Not really sure what this clip comes from but it shows a new type of speakertower/CCD-camera.
Boiling frog-syndrome (if you can call it that).

edit: Im not really sure if this was worth posting, please excuse me if you find it to trivial.
GRiM said:
edit: Im not really sure if this was worth posting, please excuse me if you find it to trivial.
I think this post to be totally appropriate. It is unbelievable that there have been no protests to this kind of public intrusion, as stated at the end of the clip you linked.

I'd just flip the camera the finger and continue on my way. Though I'm sure in some cases the police would then come after me, but so be it.

The kind of surveillance depicted, that goes on in Britain is so over the top I don't have words for it. As is the argument, "If you're doing nothing wrong you have nothing to
worry about..."

Sadly, I'm sure this is coming to a street-corner in the US near you.
I can see where this leads. As people get used to it, I see people just ignoring the speakers and giving them the finger. Then what does the police do? Do they start running after those people? Arrest people who drop litter? How do they do that? They have to call a patrol. If there are 20 people doing this at the same time, whom they're gonna chase?

They have to tighten the laws or penalties, to make sure that people fear the cameras and obey. But the more pressure the more someone will somehow counteract that pressure. Maybe this is already happening.

But the police won't tell you this, because then they would have to admit that while the cameras may help in some cases, it created a whole lot of new problems.
ArdVan said:
I can see where this leads. As people get used to it, I see people just ignoring the speakers and giving them the finger. Then what does the police do? Do they start running after those people? Arrest people who drop litter? How do they do that? They have to call a patrol. If there are 20 people doing this at the same time, whom they're gonna chase?
Chase? No, just print out the pics and send a van round to pick you up at some point. Much like the arrests after the danish cartoons protests.
I would get a laugh if someone (somehow..) could play The 1812 War Overture (same as in V) in the speakers,
or maybe its just better on film.
Joshua said:
As is the argument, "If you're doing nothing wrong you have nothing to worry about..."
This seems to be one of those well-known paramoralisms that psychopaths use to control the rest of us. The fact is in this pathocratic world, that if you're doing nothing wrong you have PLENTY to worry about! The macro-social state of global society reflects this objective fact.

It is very interesting too, how this paramoralism is never applied to the psychopaths themselves (of course). For instance, surely if the Bush Administration is doing nothing wrong, there should be no reason not to release the security camera footage of the Pentagon Strike from a nearby petrol station (footage that was confiscated by the FBI). After all, if it confirms the government's story that a 757 hit the Pentagon, surely there would be no harm in it?

But instead we get excuses like "for reasons of National Security".... that must be one of the finest ever plausible lies invented to protect psychopaths, I reckon.
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