NGOs and propaganda in Aleppo


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
There's been a lot of propaganda lately coming out about how much civilian casualties has been inflicted by the SAA and Russia's Air Force in the city of Aleppo. I found a couple of good articles on it. A lot of this information has so far stemmed around the #AleppoIsBurning hashtag, but has more recently been supplanted by simply #Aleppo with people posting more common common sense and evidence-based information on the fact that it is TERRORISTS massacring civilians in Aleppo and not Assad.


“I would like to point out something, if you open the trending section in Facebook you will see that Aleppo, Syria is trending. They say the Syrian government is continuing air-strikes on Aleppo. The funny thing is we dont see or hear any planes.” ~ Marianne R Bedoun, Aleppo
The following photo was taken from Soros funded ANA Press director, Deiaa Dughmoch’s Facebook page. Translated as Aleppo citizens searching the skies for war-planes. According to Marianne Bedoun, they might be there some time.

Marianne was immediately targeted by hate speech from the followers of mainstream media and the US NATO governed propaganda outlets who are controlling the Aleppo narrative. This from one UK based Facebook responder:
“Its about hiding the truth that Assad is massacring the Syrian people to keep himself in power and the US and NATO are backing him up rather than engaging in any Wahhabi terrorist support operation. Its really quite racist to call those defending their homes and lives NATO backed terrorists but I guess you are so deep in this shit you cant see.” ~ Dick Gregory. [Juggler, also available for childrens parties]
Marianne responded from inside Aleppo:
You are right I am so deep in this I cant exit because I am a Syrian living in Aleppo. And please tell me where did you get your facts? Your brain-washing western media? I am telling you what I see every minute. Racist? We are the ones defending our homes against their brutal ways…hell cannons, hand-made missiles etc every day since day one”

Professor Tim Anderson
This social media exchange exemplifies the ever widening chasm between the reports from the Syrian people living in areas under siege or occupied by US NATO backed terrorists and the blatant bias from western and gulf funded journalists.
“The Pentagon has now designated “information operations” as its fifth “core competency” alongside land, sea, air and special forces. Since October 2006, every brigade, division and corps in the US military has had its own “psyop” element producing output for local media.
This military activity is linked to the State Department’s campaign of “public diplomacy” which includes funding radio stations and news websites. In Britain, the Directorate of Targeting and Information Operations in the Ministry of Defence works with specialists from 15 UK psyops, based at the Defence Intelligence and Security School at Chicksands in Bedfordshire.
In the case of British intelligence, you can see this combination of reckless propaganda and failure of oversight at work in the case of Operation Mass Appeal.
This was exposed by the former UN arms inspector Scott Ritter, who describes in his book, Iraq Confidential, how, in London in June 1998, he was introduced to two “black propaganda specialists” from MI6 who wanted him to give them material which they could spread through “editors and writers who work with us from time to time”. ~ US Government has Long used Propaganda against the American People
The Aleppo Spin
A very quick look at who has rapidly generated the #AleppoIsBurning campaign that has made red the new black on Facebook and Twitter brings us rapidly to the Purpose Manhattan PR company and their Syria cohorts. Syria Campaign, the White Helmets are implicated and the actual event has been created by none other than Rami Jarrah of Soros funded ANA Press based in Southern Turkey and operating with the explicit approval of chief terrorism supporter, Sultan Erdogan.

Rami Jarrah meeting with Erdogan to discuss the “difficulties” in maintaining media coverage of the “Syrian revolution”.
Note in this image, Erdogan makes no effort to conceal his support for the mythical Syrian revolution.

Rami Jarrah’s connections to Soros and his commitment to promoting the US NATO narrative are discussed in the two following articles:
George Soros: Anti-Syria Campaign Impresario
Oscar Spoiler: The Return of Syria Danny, as Actor Danny Dayem turns up in Rami Jarrah’s Latest Fictional Short
If we go to the Aleppo is Burning event page on Facebook, the producers are clearly visible:

Deiaa Dughmoch and Rami Jarrah are co-founders of ANA Press. Sarah Dadouch works for ANA Press and is based in Istanbul, Turkey according to her Facebook page.
Co-initiator of the #AleppoIsBurning campaign is Lilah Khoja who has been instrumental in promoting the “Worldwide Red Protest”. Khoja is on the team of the Karam Foundation as their advocacy co-ordinator. While there is minimal financial information on the Karam Foundation, set up in 2007 by co-founder and CEO, Lina Sergie Attar, Attar is on the board of the Muslim Brotherhood Syrian American Council.
“The Syrian American Council is one of the largest American based Syrian lobbying organizations and key SAC leaders are tied to the Muslim Brotherhood in the US:
The last known SAC President was Talal Sunbulli (aka Talal Sunulle ) who was listed as the Syrian coordinator in the international phone book of Muslim Brotherhood members seized by federal investigators during the Holy Land Foundation investigation.
The last known SAC Chairman was Hussam Ayloush, Executive Director of the California office of the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), a part of the Us Muslim Brotherhood.
US Muslim Brotherhood figure Louay Safi is known to have been a leading member of the SAC.” ~ GlobalMBWatch
Attar is in fact Chair of the Humanitarian Committee as well as being on the National Board of Directors under one of her many name variations, Lina Segie.

According to Attar’s biography on the Karam Foundation site, she is a Syrian-American architect and writer from Aleppo.
“Sergie Attar frequently travels to the Syrian border in southern Turkey to run Karam’s Smart Aid programs.”
Perhaps of even greater interest, Attar “serves on the board of directors” of the Soros and Avaaz/Purpose created Syria Campaign.
“Heimans, the Avaaz front man of Purpose, is a darling of the high-finance corporate world. “In 2011, Jeremy received the Ford Foundation’s 75th anniversary Visionaries Award. The World Economic Forum at Davos has named him a Young Global Leader, and the World e-Government Forum has named Jeremy and Purpose co-founder David Madden among the “Top 10 People Who Are Changing the World of the Internet and Politics.” [Source]
The New York public relations firm Purpose has created at least four anti-Assad NGOs/campaigns: The White Helmets, Free Syrian Voices , The Syria Campaign and March Campaign #withSyria.” ~ Cory Morningstar

Lina Attar of Karam Foundation/Syria Campaign/SAC with Ex US Ambassador to Syria and known terrorism supporter, Robert Ford.
In February 2016 Attar appeared with alleged death squad creator and ex US Ambassador to Syria, Robert Ford at the “War on the Innocents: The Syrian Humanitarian Crisis” conference held at Phillips Exeter Academy. Ford has been singularly involved in the creation of the so called “moderate rebels” in Syria, a euphemism that is rapidly losing all credibility despite his best efforts to shore up their crumbling facade of respectability.
The final member of the #AleppoIsBurning marketing team we will discuss is Noha Kamseh, based in Gazientep, Turkey. Kamseh works for the Syrian Forum.
According to their website, the Syrian Forum is registered in Turkey, Austria and the US. It supports “Local Administration Councils as an utmost priority” and “Aspires to contribute to the rebuilding of a democratic Syria under the Rule of Law.”
“Local Administrative Councils (LACs) are well positioned to take the place of government municipalities, especially in the areas of the north devoid of government services. The SOC [Syrian Opposition Council] should provision funding and resources to the identification, development, and training of civil society groups in watchdog functions so that they can monitor the LACs for transparency and accountability where appropriate.” ~ Local Councils in Syria report.
Are we seeing a US NATO funded Syrian Shadow State creation supported by the Syria Forum? They aspire to “rebuilding a democratic Syria under the rule of Law”, one wonders which law they are talking about as there is no mention of the existing Syrian constitution, nor any reference to the recent widely accepted, reformed and democratic elections.
The Syrian Forum operates with institutionalized, yet dynamic processes that seek out unique and creative initiatives. Its work is supported through private donations from Syrians, and international partnerships with governments, foundations, academic institutions, and other non-profit organizations
So which governments and foundations are supporting the formation of a “Syrian shadow state”?

The Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development and the Qatari Ministry of Foreign Affairs, various UN Agencies and a few other organisations heavily invested economically and geopolitically in “regime change” in Syria.
Qatar has defended Riyadh funded and Al Qaeda affiliate Ahrar Al Sham currently besieging and daily shelling or sniping the Idlib villages of Kafarya and Foua among many others across Syria including the village of Madaya where Ahrar Al Sham terrorist factions are occupying the village and stockpiling humanitarian aid before selling it at extortionate prices to the civilians. This narrative was naturally distorted by many members of the same team, now generating the #AleppoIsBurning reports.
“I am telling you that Ahrar al Sham is a Syrian group, they look for their liberation, and they are working among other moderate groups,” ~ Qatari Foreign Minister Khalid al Attiyah
As Canadian peace campaigner and writer, Ken Stone said in 2013, Canada has also been pivotal in the war against Syria and the “regime change” objectives of the US and NATO alliance.
“1. Organizing the covert mercenary war against Syria through the Group of Friends of the Syrian People (“Friends of Syria Group”);
2. Establishing a regime of economic sanctions against Syria and hosting, in Ottawa, the Friends of Syria Group’s International Working Group on Sanctions;
3. Funding and supporting the so-called “rebel” side;
4. Planning for an overt western military action against Syria;
5. Working with Syrian-Canadians antagonistic to the Assad government;
6. Contributing to the demonization of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and to the de-legitimation and isolation of his government.”

Burned out bus in Aleppo. Photo: Shababeek Media
The Aleppo Narrative from Doctors in Government Held Areas
On the 30th April we received an exclusive report from Dr Nabil Antaki also based in western Aleppo, in which he stated the following facts:
1: The majority of Aleppo civilians are living in the Syrian government held sectors of western Aleppo. Over 1.5 million in these areas compared to 300,000 in the primarily Al Nusra occupied eastern sectors.
2: The western media lies and distorts the truth. They do not mention the terrorist blockade of western Aleppo or the constant food, water and electricity shortages.
3: Terrorist bombardment of civilians in western Aleppo is relentless and unreported. Mosques and hospitals are regularly targeted. No sector is spared the onslaught.
The 21st Century Wire report: Aleppo Doctor Attacks Western Media for Bias, Censorship and Lies.
We also asked Dr Antaki to verify the existence of the MSF “supported” Al Quds hospital allegedly bombed by Syrian or Russian air-strikes, consistently denied by both governments. We sent him the Channel 4 video allegedly taken from the hospital CCTV recording of the last moments before the attack. This was his response:
This hospital [Al Quds] did not exist before the war started. It must have been installed in a building after the war began. I dont know anyone in the East of Aleppo who could confirm this hospital is Al Quds.”

Dr Zaher Hajo who is head of Forensic Medicine in Aleppo also confirmed the deaths of 90 civilians of whom 30 were children from the US and NATO backed terrorist hell cannon and mortar fired into western Aleppo sectors over the last week. 8 of those murdered were targeted as they left the Mosque in the Bab al Faraj area after Friday prayers on the 30th April 2016.
Dr Hajo reported over 500 civilians injured in the ongoing terrorist attacks.
The following report has just come in from Al Masdar News on Tuesday 3rd May 2016:
“The jihadist rebels from the Free Syrian Army (FSA) and Jabhat Al-Nusra (Syrian Al-Qaeda group) fired several rockets at the Dubayt Hospital in government controlled Aleppo City on Tuesday, killing and wounding several patients and staff members.
According to local reports from Aleppo City, the Jihadist rebel forces were seen targeting the Dubayt Hospital with multiple rockets; these fighters were from the Free Syrian Army and Jabhat Al-Nusra. The total death toll is unknown at the moment; however, local activists stated the dead and wounded are still being rescued from the burning hospital.”

3/5/2016 Tweet from Leith Abou Fadel Al-Masdar News
On the 29th April, Al Alam reported:
“Terrorists targeted al-Razi Hospital with rocket shells and fired others on al-Jamiliyeh and al-Mohafaza (governorate) neighborhoods, leaving 4 people dead and 38 others injured and causing material damage to the hospital and the locals’ houses.”

Aleppo Christian Community Responds to Western Media Lies
“We have been under continuous bombardment over the past few days in Aleppo with civilian deaths, injuries and destruction.” Last night “in our neighborhoods we had four dead and over 15 injured, in addition to homes and buildings damaged. And these attacks are being carried out by the so-called “moderate opposition groups”. ~ Vicar of Aleppo: Msgr. Georges Abou Khazen
The Vicar went on to say that “foreign jihadists have been given the green light to intensify the bombing of civilians” by the US and NATO in response to recent Syrian Arab Army advances towards the liberation of Aleppo from the occupying and surrounding terrorist factions.
On a recent trip to Canada, Archbishop Jean-Clément Jeanbart, Melkite Catholic archbishop of Aleppo, Syria spoke about one Christian neighbourhood targeted by the US NATO “moderate rebels”. The 13 year old son of one family, Fouad Banna, was killed instantly in the attack:
“It was awful: a bomb that the rebels deliberately launched on a Christian neighbourhood, on a popular borough. It has blown everything apart, destroyed countless houses. Such was the case of Fouad’s home” ~ Catholic Herald
Where are the Syria White Helmets and Western Media?
One can be forgiven for asking where the neutral and unarmed saviours of all Syrians are when the US NATO terrorists rain missiles down upon Syrian people living in the government held western sectors of Aleppo. While photos circulating in western media are entirely of White Helmet “first responders” during the bombing of known Al Nusra terrorist zones, they are conspicuously absent from photos & scant reports covering the “moderate rebel” murderous excesses.
However one video released by the Syria White Helmets during the massacres of the Syrian people and targeting of civilian facilities in Aleppo, reveals what they were doing, while on the other side of the demarcation line, Syrians were dying.

The White Helmets are embedded in the eastern, terrorist held sectors of Aleppo. While the western media runs unquestioningly with the US NATO narrative of Syrian and Russian aggression against terrorists portrayed as civilians we have to ask the question, where is their objective reporting? Why are the massacres of Syrian civilians in western Aleppo being ignored?
Why are the White Helmets, icons and heroes for the misled and deceived, busy filming a promo video for the Soros “turn the world red” campaign when the Syrian people they claim to defend and cherish are being maimed and murdered a few blocks away?

As Doctor Nabil Antaki said on the 30th April:
“With regards to recent events in Aleppo, I state very clearly that the mainstream media are lying by omission. Since the beginning of the war in Aleppo that began 4 years ago, they have consistently failed to report all the facts.”
In 2013 Al Kindi hospital in Aleppo was targeted by the US NATO “moderate rebels”. Al Kindi was the 4th biggest hospital, specialising in cancer treatment, in the Middle East.
After days of heavy shelling, the terrrorists drove a truck up to the front of the hospital and detonated it. The remaining Syrian Arab Army soldiers defending Al Kindi were executed and this horrific execution was filmed by the US and NATO terrorists. Their videos are still available but are graphic and not for the faint hearted.
A Syrian tragedy ignored by a western media in the midst of fomenting anti Assad fervour.

The US NATO Media Campaign Objectives
The US NATO campaign driven by this team of Soros funded agents of change depends entirely upon unproven accusations levied against the Syrian & Russian governments of bombing civilians in Aleppo and the alleged bombing of an MSF “supported” hospital in eastern Aleppo, the Al Quds.
From the German Federal Press conference 29th April 2016 [Germany conducts aerial reconnaissance of Syria with Tornado units and they survey airspace]
“It is not very likely, but we cannot completely rule out the possibility that the anti-ISIS coalition [US NATO] has been responsible for the attack on the MSF hospital.”
Taken from campaign organiser, Fahtme Otman’s facebook page.
We have come full circle from the early “No Fly Zone” to the “Safe Zone” and finally to the “No Bomb Zone”. The objective is clear. This campaign like so many before it,is attempting to re-generate public outrage and support of the implementation of a No Fly Zone in Syria. A No Fly Zone that would ensure the unmitigated devastation of Syria and its reduction to a Libya style failed state in preparation for Imperialist looting and pillaging.
So our media are working as a megaphone for US and NATO propaganda, the Humanitarian NGOs in Syria are embedded in terrorist areas and are not saving lives, rather they are prolonging the suffering of the Syrian people.
The humanitarians who are calling Syrians “racist” for telling the truth should perhaps have more respect for those who are living through hell because they have consciously chosen to remain ignorant of the facts.

The second article is a breakdown of various different NGOs in Aleppo, who they're financed by, and their connections to the US and to terrorist groups. The most particular one of note lately are the "White Helmets", which is a group of individuals with white helmets who provide emergency response of al Nusra, while still providing a public face palatable to westerners who don't care to look too carefully at the phrase "moderate rebels". There's even a petition on to nominate this group for the Nobel Peace Prize. Could you imagine active Al Qaeda supporters getting a Nobel Peace Prize? Unfortunately, the answer is yes.


“Human Rights” front groups (“Humanitarian Interventionalists”) warring on Syria This page will continue to expand as more so-called “Human Rights” groups are outed for propagating anti-Syria war rhetoric and false allegations against the Syrian government and Syrian Arab Army. As it is, the list of players is quite extensive. Below, I’ll list the known HR front people and groups (many, if not most, with links to the US State Department and criminals like George Soros). As Rick Sterling wrote in his “Humanitarians for War on Syria” (March 2015):
“A massive campaign in support of foreign intervention against Syria is underway. The goal is to prepare the public for a “No Fly Zone” enforced by US and other military powers. This is how the invasion of Iraq began. This is how the public was prepared for the US/NATO air attack on Libya.

The results of western ‘regime change’ in Iraq and Libya have been disastrous. Both actions have dramatically reduced the security, health, education and living standards of the populations, created anarchy and mayhem, and resulted in the explosion of sectarianism and violence in the region. Now the Western/NATO/Israeli and Gulf powers, supported by major intervention-inclined humanitarian organizations, want to do the same in Syria.”

The Players:
Avaaz: “Avaaz is an online lobby organization founded in 2007 by Jeremy Heimans (now CEO of Purpose) and others. Start-up funding was provided by George Soros’ foundation. …they have been prominent in promoting neoliberal foreign policies in keeping with the U.S. State Department. …Avaaz very actively promoted a No Fly Zone in Libya. They are now very actively promoting the same for Syria. In-depth research and exposure of Avaaz can be found here. The titles give some indication: “Faking It: Charity Communications in the Firing Line”, “Syria: Avaaz, Purpose & the Art of Selling Hate for Empire”, “Avaaz: Imperialist Pimps for Militarism”. Avaaz justifies its call for No Fly Zone in part on White Helmets. Given the close interconnections between Avaaz and Purpose, they are surely aware that White Helmets is a media creation. This calls into question their sincerity.” [citation from: Seven Steps of Highly Effective Manipulators White Helmets, Avaaz, Nicholas Kristof and Syria No Fly Zone]
“Avaaz is the operational name of “Global Engagement and Organizing Fund,” a non-profit organization legally incorporated in 2006. Avaaz was founded by Res Publica, described as a global civic advocacy group, and, “an online community that has pioneered internet advocacy in the United States.”…The silent voice behind Avaaz, that of Res Publica, is, in the public realm, essentially comprised of 3 key individuals: Tom Perriello, a pro-war (former) U.S. Representative who describes himself as a social entrepreneur, Ricken Patel, consultant to many of the most powerful entities on Earth and the long-time associate of Perriello, and Tom Pravda, a member of the UK Diplomatic Service who serves as a consultant to the U.S. State Department….In addition to receiving funding from the Open Society Institute, Avaaz has publicly cited the Open Society Institute as their foundation partner. This admission by founder Ricken Patel is found on the website. The Open Society Institute (renamed in 2011 to Open Society Foundations) is a private operating and grantmaking foundation founded by George Soros, who remains the chair. …Avaaz’s stance on both Libya (now annihilated) and now Syria is in smooth synchronicity with the positions within the U.S. administration, positions such as those vocalized by the likes of war criminals such as Hillary Clinton (of “We came. We saw. He died. Laughter…” fame). The ugly iron fist of war is gently being spoon-fed to the public by way of a very dark velvet glove – that being Avaaz.” [citation from: Imperialist Pimps of Militarism, Protectors of the Oligarchy, Trusted Facilitators of War | Part II, Section I]
Amnesty International: “Amnesty does take money from both governments and corporate-financier interests, one of the most notorious of which, Open Society, is headed by convicted financial criminal George Soros (whose Open Society also funds Human Rights Watch and a myriad of other “human rights” advocates). Suzanne Nossel, Executive Director of Amnesty International USA, for instance was drawn directly from the US State Department …Amnesty International’s website specifically mentions Nossel’s role behind US State Department-backed UN resolutions regarding Iran, Syria, Libya, and Cote d’Ivoire… Nossel’s “contributions” then are simply to dress up naked military aggression and the pursuit of global corporate-financier hegemony with the pretense of “human rights” advocacy.” [citation from: Amnesty International is US State Department Propaganda]
Hand in Hand for Syria: “The UK Charity Commission’s website states that Hand in Hand for Syria exists for “the advancement of health or saving lives”. Until July 2014 the Facebook banner of Hand in Hand’s co-founder and chairman Faddy Sahloul read “WE WILL BRING ASSAD TO JUSTICE; NO MATTER WHAT LIVES IT TAKES, NO MATTER HOW MUCH CATASTROPHE IT MAKES”. The image was removed shortly after it was commented on publicly. Also on Hand in Hand’s executive team is Dr Rola Hallam, one of the two medics featured in ‘Saving Syria’s Children’. …On 30 August 2013, the day after the BBC’s initial report on the alleged Aleppo incendiary bomb attack, Dr Hallam appeared on BBC’s Newsnight programme expressing her profound disappointment at parliament’s rejection of a military strike against Syria. Dr Hallam’s father is Dr. Mousa al-Kurdi. According to a 2013 article by Dr Saleyha Ahsan – the other Hand in Hand for Syria volunteer medic featured in ‘Saving Syria’s Children’ [3] – Dr al-Kurdi is “involved politically with the Syrian National Council”.” [citation from: UK Charity Which Shares Syrian Opposition “Aims and Objectives” Benefits from Alan Kurdi Tragedy]
Human Rights Watch: “Human Rights Watch (HRW) is an integral part of the West’s propaganda machine. HRW shapes the narratives of conflicts, narratives which become solidified through repetition, and which eventually become regarded as undeniable facts. Moreover, the language HRW employs, far from being simply stylistic choices, is deliberately utilized to obscure the reality of war zones in the service of the Empire. This is undoubtedly the case with the Israel/Palestine conflict where Israeli actions are never outright war crimes, while Palestinian ones are. It is equally true of Ukraine. This is also the case in Libya, Syria, and Venezuela, countries where HRW has played a critical role in constructing narratives in the interests of its financier and corporate paymasters, not to mention of course the US foreign policy agenda. In both Libya and Syria, HRW has played a critical role in propagandizing the western public against the governments of those countries, thereby justifying the imperialist assault on them. More than simply “collecting the facts,” HRW cobbled together a completely distorted, and in many cases utterly dishonest and factually wrong, narrative which has buttressed the case for “intervention” in Syria, as it did in Libya….Human Rights Watch is undeniably an appendage of US foreign policy. It is in many ways part of the “soft power” arm of US power projection, a means of delegitimizing, demonizing, and otherwise destabilizing countries that do not play ball with the US.” [citation from: HRW: Human Rights Watch or Hypocrites Representing Washington (Part 2)]
Ken Roth: “Kenneth Roth, Executive Director of Human Rights Watch, has been vocal in his support for a full scale war on Syria in the name of humanitarianism. Roth has repeatedly called for intervention against the legal government of Syria, having recently tweeted statements such as “Like Sarajevo, could Douma market slaughter finally force Assad to stop targeting civilians?” (@KenRoth, Aug 16). The implication of the statement is quite clear: there should be military intervention, such as the US-NATO war on Yugoslavia and later Serbia, in order to stop the “slaughter” of civilians. It should be noted that this tweet was posted within hours of the news of the incident in Douma long before any investigation. Roth, and by extension his organization Human Rights Watch, further discredits whatever vestiges of impartiality he and HRW might have had with inane tweets such as “Douma market killings show how Assad chooses to fight this war: deliberately against civilians,” (@KenRoth, Aug 16), an obviously biased, and utterly unsubstantiated allegation. Roth could have absolutely no knowledge of either the identities of the dead, or the Syrian government’s motives, when he released the tweet the same day as the attack. He reveals himself here to be little more than a lackey for imperialism, a war hawk masquerading as a human rights defender.” [citation from: The Douma Market Attack: a Fabricated Pretext for Intervention?]
“Last week we found that Human Rights Watch director Kenneth Roth used an image of destruction in Gaza caused by Israel to accuse the Syrian government of indiscriminate use of “barrel bombs”. We wrote: “This is thereby at least the third time HRW is using a wrongly attributed pictures to depict current enemies of U.S. imperialism as having causing the damage the U.S. empire and/or its friends have caused.That is not mere bias by HRW. It is willful fraud.”[citation from: HRW’s Kenneth Roth Continues Unfounded Accusations With Another False Picture]
Medecins Sans Frontiers/Doctors Without Borders: “Doctors Without Borders is fully funded by the very same corporate financier interests behind Wall Street and London’s collective foreign policy, including regime change in Syria and neighboring Iran. Doctors Without Borders’ own annual report (2010 report can be accessed here), includes as financial donors, Goldman Sachs, Wells Fargo, Citigroup, Google, Microsoft, Bloomberg, Mitt Romney’s Bain Capital, and a myriad of other corporate-financier interests. Doctors Without Borders also features bankers upon its Board of Advisers including Elizabeth Beshel Robinson of Goldman Sachs. Complicating further Doctors Without Borders so-called “independent” and “aid” claims is the fact that their medical facilities are set up in terrorist held regions of Syria, especially along Syria’s northern border with NATO-member Turkey. In an interview with NPR, Doctors Without Borders’ Stephen Cornish revealed the nature of his organization’s involvement in the Syrian conflict, where he explains that aid is being sent to regions outside of the Syrian government’s control, and that his organization is in fact setting up facilities in these areas….In other words, the Wall Street-funded organization is providing support for militants armed and funded by the West and its regional allies, most of whom are revealed to be foreign fighters, affiliated with or directly belonging to Al Qaeda and its defacto political wing, the Muslim Brotherhood. This so-called “international aid” organization is in actuality yet another cog in the covert military machine being turned against Syria and serves the role as a medical battalion.” [citation from: “Doctors” Behind Syrian Chemical Weapons Claims are Aiding Terrorists]
Physicians for Human Rights (PHR): “They make bold but sometimes inaccurate assertions….A recent PHR press release is headlined “New Map shows Government Forces Deliberately Attacking Syria’s Medical System.” It looks slick and impressive but is inaccurate. For example, one of the most dramatic attacks on a Syrian hospital was the suicide bombing of Al Kindi Hospital in Aleppo. Yet the PHR map shows the attack having been carried out by “government forces.” Readers are encouraged to look at the 3 minute rebel video of the suicide attack which leaves no doubt who was responsible.” [citation from: About Those Chlorine Gas Attacks in Syria]
PURPOSE Inc.: “This is an international PR firm. CEO is Jeremy Heimans, a co-founder of Avaaz. President is Kevin Steinberg, previous CEO of World Economic Forum USA (antithesis of World Social Forum). Their website describes their goal: “Purpose builds and accelerates movements to tackle the world’s biggest problems.” In this case the “problem” is reluctance to take over Syrian skies and land. For a hefty fee, “Purpose” will dupe the public and break down that reluctance. Toward that end, Purpose created “The Syria Campaign”.”” [citation from: Seven Steps of Highly Effective Manipulators White Helmets, Avaaz, Nicholas Kristof and Syria No Fly Zone]
“Purpose Inc. (with its co-founders) is a favourite of high-finance websites such as The Economist and Forbes and sells its consulting services and branding/marketing campaigns to Google, Audi, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and many others that comprise the world’s most powerful corporations and institutions. In 2012, it raised $3m from investors. “Ford Foundation, which has given Purpose’s non-profit arm a grant, reckons it is shaping up to be “one of the blue-chip social organisations of the future.” Purpose, like many other foundations, such as Rockefeller (who initially incubated 1Sky which merged with in 2011), also serves as an “incubator of social movements.”” [citation from: Avaaz, Purpose & the Art of Selling Hate for Empire]

“The Syria Campaign”: “The Syria Campaign began in spring 2014…The Syria Campaign is managed by Anna Nolan, who grew up in northern Ireland and has very likely never been to Syria. In addition to promoting the White Helmets, Syria Campaign promotes a new social media campaign called “Planet Syria”. It features emotional pleas for the world to take notice of Syria in another thinly veiled effort pushing for foreign intervention and war. According to their website, The Syria Campaign received start-up funding from the foundation of Ayman Asfari, a billionaire who made his money in the oil and gas services industry. …One of their first efforts was to work to prevent publicity and information about the Syrian Presidential Election of June 2014. Accordingly, “The Syria Campaign” pressured Facebook to remove advertisements or publicity about the Syrian election. Since then Syria Campaign has engineered huge media exposure and mythology about their baby, the “White Helmets” using all sorts of social and traditional media. The campaigns are largely fact free. For example, the Syrian election was dismissed out of hand by them and John Kerry but taken seriously by many millions of Syrians.” [citation from: Seven Steps of Highly Effective Manipulators White Helmets, Avaaz, Nicholas Kristof and Syria No Fly Zone]
White Helmets/”Syrian Civil Defence: “This is a new organization, highly publicized as civilian rescue workers in Syria. In reality the White Helmets is a project created by the UK and USA. Training of civilians in Turkey has been overseen by former British military officer and current contractor, James Le Mesurier. Promotion of the program is done by “The Syria Campaign” supported by the foundation of billionaire Ayman Asfari. The White Helmets is clearly a public relations project. …White Helmets work in areas of Aleppo and Idlib controlled by Nusra (Al Queda).” “White Helmets primary function is propaganda. White Helmets demonizes the Assad government and encourages direct foreign intervention. A White Helmet leader wrote a recent Washington Post editorial. White Helmets are also very active on social media with presence on Twitter, Facebook etc. According to their website, to contact White Helmets email The Syria Campaign which underscores the relationship.” [citations from: About Those Chlorine Gas Attacks in Syria & Seven Steps of Highly Effective Manipulators White Helmets, Avaaz, Nicholas Kristof and Syria No Fly Zone]
UPDATED to include a different type of front “group” (one-man show) that purports to present information on Syria:
The SOHR (Syrian Observatory for Human Rights): “In reality, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights has long ago been exposed as an absurd propaganda front operated by Rami Abdul Rahman out of his house in England’s countryside. According to a December 2011 Reuters article titled, “Coventry – an unlikely home to prominent Syria activist,” Abdul Rahman admits he is a member of the so-called “Syrian opposition” and seeks the ouster of Syrian President Bashar Al Assad…One could not fathom a more unreliable, compromised, biased source of information, yet for the past two years, his “Observatory” has served as the sole source of information for the endless torrent of propaganda emanating from the Western media….The New York Times also for the first time reveals that Abdul Rahman’s operation is indeed funded by the European Union and a “European country” he refuses to identify…Abdul Rahman has direct access to the Foreign Secretary William Hague, who he has been documented meeting in person on multiple occasions at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in London.” [citation from: EXPOSED: Syrian Human Rights Front is EU-Funded Fraud]

I also liked the long reference list below the article:

Important Articles: *listed alphabetically
– About Those Chlorine Gas Attacks in Syria: Humanitarians Pushing for Intervention, Apr 3, 2015, Rick Sterling, Counter Punch
-Amnesty International is US State Department Propaganda, Aug 22, 2012, Tony Cartalucci, Land Destroyer Report
-Amnesty International, War Propaganda, and Human Rights Terrorism, Aug 8, 2013, Gearóid Ó Colmáin, Dissident Voice
-Amnesty’s Shilling for US Wars, Jun 18, 2012, Ann Wright and Coleen Rowley, Consortium News
-Avaaz: Imperialist Pimps of Militarism, Protectors of the Oligarchy, Trusted Facilitators of War, Sep 20, 2013, Cory Morningstar, Wrong Kind of Green
-Avaaz: manufacturing consent for wars since 2011, Mar 20, 2015, Wall of Controversy
-Avaaz, Purpose & the Art of Selling Hate for Empire, Sep 17, 2014, The Art of Annihilation
-Avaaz: the World’s Most Powerful NGO, Feb 11, 2015, Wrong Kind of Green
-Avaaz’s war on Syria: Soros Sponsored Sorrow Pleads for Foreign Intervention, June 26, 2012, Wrong Kind of Green [see also their Avaaz tagged articles]
-“Doctors” Behind Syrian Chemical Weapons Claims are Aiding Terrorists, Aug 25, 2013, Tony Cartalucci, Land Destroyer
-Doctors Without Borders Aiding Globalists in Syria, Oct 17, 2013, Brandon Turbeville, Activist Post
-Eight Problems with Amnesty’s Report on Aleppo Syria, May 14, 2015, Rick Sterling, Counter Punch
-EXPOSED: Syrian Human Rights Front is EU-Funded Fraud, Apr 12, 2013, Tony Cartalucci, Land Destroyer
-Humanitarians for War on Syria, Mar 31, 2015, Rick Sterling, Counter Punch
-“Human Rights” Warriors for Empire, Glen Ford, Feb 15, 2012, Black Agenda Report
-Human Rights Watch FAIL: Uses Photo of American Bombing Destruction To Condemn Assad, Mar 11, 2015, Syria Solidarity Movement, Dissident Voice
-HRW: Human Rights Watch or Hypocrites Representing Washington (Part 1), Aug 1, 2014, Eric Draitser, New Eastern Outlook
-HRW: Human Rights Watch or Hypocrites Representing Washington (Part 2), Aug 6, 2014, New Eastern Outlook
-HRW’s Kenneth Roth Continues Unfounded Accusations With Another False Picture, May 15, 2015, Moon of Alabama
-Kenneth Roth and “Human Rights Watch”: campaigners for war and terror in Syria, AMRIS
-MOSAIC SYRIA: Another Actor in the Anti-Syria War Propaganda Theatre, Eva Bartlett, In Gaza
-Mythology, Barrel Bombs, and Human Rights Watch, Jul 21, 2015, Paul Larudee, Counter Punch
-Nobel Peace Laureates to Human Rights Watch: Close Your Revolving Door to U.S. Government, May 12, 2014, Alternet
-Seven Steps of Highly Effective Manipulators White Helmets, Avaaz, Nicholas Kristof and Syria No Fly Zone, Apr 9, 2015, Rick Sterling, Dissident Voice
-Syria: Amnesty International, Regime Change and an Ambassador, Nov 3, 2011, Felicity Arbuthnot, Dissident Voice
-Syria: ‘Human Rights Watch’, Key Player in the Manufacture of Propaganda for War and Foreign Intervention, Feb 1, 2014, Tim Anderson and Mazen al-Akhras, Global Research
-Syria: ‘White Helmets are Soros sponsored anti-Assad propagandists’- Vanessa Beeley, Sep 2015, Sputnik Radio
-Syria’s White Helmets: War by Way of Deception – Part I, Vanessa Beeley, Oct 23, 2015, 21st Century Wire
-Syria’s White Helmets: War By Way of Deception –Part II~ ‘Moderate Executioners’, Vanessa Beeley, Oct 28, 2015, 21st Century Wire
-The Douma Market Attack: a Fabricated Pretext for Intervention?, Aug 21, 2015, Eric Draitser, Counter Punch
-The Imperial-Left and the Syrian Conflict The Campaign for Peace and Democracy Champions the Proxy War Against Syria, Jul 27, 2013, Jay Tharappel, Dissident Voice
-UK Charity Which Shares Syrian Opposition “Aims and Objectives” Benefits from Alan Kurdi Tragedy, Sept 10, 2015, Robert Stuart, Global Research
-Welcome to the Brave New World – Brought to You by Avaaz, Sep 13, 2013, Cory Morningstar, The Art of Annihilation
-‘White Helmets’: New Breed of Mercenaries and Propagandists, Disguised as ‘Humanitarians’ in Syria, Sep 1, 2015, Vanessa Beeley, 21st Century Wire
Thanks for posting this summary Whitecoast. I was looking for much the same thing yesterday.

It absolutely makes my blood boil to see these idiot western "humanitarians" parading around with their banners and hash-tags, thinking they are saving the world. Even people I know who are very much into the Palestine solidarity campaign are falling for the BS and going out to protest against Assad etc. No real respect for or interest in the truth, just the same old starry-eyed pasty white westerners with a saviour complex.

Forgive me, I'm a little disillusioned right now :P

Another one found on globalresearch here:

As US and NATO propaganda reaches another crescendo in Aleppo, it is important to remind ourselves of a few salient facts. First and foremost we need to understand that the prevailing force occupying Aleppo and terrorising civilians is US and NATO backed Al Nusra in the city itself and ISIS in Northern and Eastern outlying areas.

We are re-publishing an article written in 2015 with the testimony of an Aleppo civilian who remains anonymous because of the possible threat to their family and friends if their name were to be made public. The content of the article is still relevant, even now, as The Syria Campaign in familiar fashion twists the truth into the shape of western propaganda.

According to the Syria Campaign, every missile that has targeted civilians in Aleppo has been dropped or fired by the Syrian Government forces.

Please note that their infographic is based upon information supplied by the SNHR another US foundation backed NGO on the ground in Syria.

Notice the sharp contrast with reporting from SANA, the foremost Syrian media outlet with reporters inside Aleppo.
"Aleppo, SANA- Sixteen civilians were killed and scores others, most of them children and women, were injured due to terrorist rocket attacks on the residential neighborhoods of Aleppo city by the terrorists of Jabhat al-Nusra and other armed groups affiliated to it on Friday.

A source at Aleppo Police Command told SANA reporter that as worshippers were wrapping up Friday Prayer, terrorist organizations fired dozens of shells on the neighborhoods of Bab al-Faraj, al-Midan, al-Muhafaza, Seif al-Dawla, al-Iza’a, al-Martini and al-Nile Street.

Many citizens were killed, a number of houses were destroyed and fire erupted in two places in al-Nile Street and Bustan al-Zahra neighborhood due to terrorists using explosive shells to cause massive damage in the area.

A medical source at al-Razi Hospital said that 16 dead bodies arrived to the hospital in addition to 32 injured persons, some of them are in critical situation and most of them are children and women.

Nine civilians were injured, including 5 children, in terrorist rocket attacks that targeted the villages of Qastal Jando, Baflouna and Qatma in Efrin area in northwestern countryside of Aleppo province on Friday, local sources told SANA reporter on Friday.

The terrorist attacks caused material damage to the locals’ properties, the sources added."

All of the information seen in western media and it's proxies such as Al-Jazeera comes from these same groups who are funded by the same people who fund the media which is selling people lies. The level of sophistication and complete blanketing of propaganda we see is almost something to be admired - this is how the empire strikes back when it cannot win a fair fight.
Thanks for posting this summary Whitecoast. I was looking for much the same thing yesterday.

It absolutely makes my blood boil to see these idiot western "humanitarians" parading around with their banners and hash-tags, thinking they are saving the world. Even people I know who are very much into the Palestine solidarity campaign are falling for the BS and going out to protest against Assad etc. No real respect for or interest in the truth, just the same old starry-eyed pasty white westerners with a saviour complex.

Forgive me, I'm a little disillusioned right now

I feel exactly the same way. But I found comfort in venting about this with others and showing other angry peeps they're not alone out there.
Thanks Whitecoast, for Posting the article by Marianne Bedoun on the #AleppoIsBurning hashtag and related NGO information and a "Thanks" to Carl for Posting a complimentary link - that adds to the information base.

Many of the details found in both articles can be cross-reference with Postings and links entered into the "Putin - He's given it to the US with both barrels" thread.

Quoting from Whitecoast's link:
“The Pentagon has now designated “information operations” as its fifth “core competency” alongside land, sea, air and special forces. Since October 2006, every brigade, division and corps in the US military has had its own “psyop” element producing output for local media. This military activity is linked to the State Department’s campaign of “public diplomacy” which includes funding radio stations and news websites.

Now, with that information in mind, consider the problems - "real journalist" - reporting facts "on the ground" have come under fire, been imprisoned and killed in War Conflict Zones, like recent developments in Turkey, Libya, Israel and elsewhere in the Middle East.
Then you come across a report, that seems out of place but is actually a puzzle piece "in plain sight" of activity behind the scenes. Yet, to those not vested in searching out the truth, the information is blotted out - as just another piece of script and noise, like this report:

US Increasing Funding to Train 750 Journalists Worldwide - Kerry

Washington has provided physical and digital training to more than 750 journalists worldwide and the US is increasing its funding to $2.5 million, according to US Secretary of State John Kerry.

The US Agency for International Development (USAID) is supporting independent media efforts in more than thirty countries, Kerry noted.


In the "Putin thread" this article was recently Posted - which gives details on the Syrian War and why "Assad Must Go".

Seymour Hersh Says Hillary Approved Sending Libya’s Sarin to Syrian Rebels

why Obama is so obsessed to replace Assad in Syria - the Party that Assad leads, the Ba’ath Party, was the subject of a shelved CIA coup-plot in 1957 to overthrow and replace it; but, actually, the CIA’s first coup had been not just planned but was carried out in 1949 in Syria, overthrowing there a democratically elected leader, in order to enable a pipeline for the Saudis’ oil to become built through Syria into the largest oil market, Europe; and, construction of the pipeline started the following year. But, there were then a succession of Syrian coups (domestic instead of by foreign powers – 1954, 1963, 1966, and, finally, in 1970), concluding in the accession to power of Hafez al-Assad during the 1970 coup. And, the Saudis' long-planned Trans-Arabia Pipeline has still not been built. The Saudi royal family, who own the world’s largest oil company, Aramco, don’t want to wait any longer. Obama is the first US President to have seriously tried to carry out their long-desired «regime change» in Syria, so as to enable not only the Saudis’ Trans-Arabian Pipeline to be built, but also to build through Syria the Qatar-Turkey Gas Pipeline that the Thani royal family (friends of the Saudis) who own Qatar want also to be built there. The US is allied with the Saud family (and with their friends, the royal families of Qatar, Kuwait, UAE, Bahrain, and Oman). Russia is allied with the leaders of Syria – as Russia had earlier been allied with Mossadegh in Iran, Arbenz in Guatemala, Allende in Chile, Hussein in Iraq, Gaddafi in Libya, and Yanukovych in Ukraine (all of whom except Syria’s Ba’ath Party, the US has successfully overthrown).

Of interest, in the article, is the further clarification of MSF, it's role in "international aid" and it's financial backers. One subject which has puzzled me, why are the casualties numbers of those killed, maimed and injured barely reported and their numbers low compared to those in Libya, which generally run in "the five thousand bracket for one month", between soldiers and civilians killed? Numbers of casualties in residential areas in the Syrian War are barely reported, as to their number killed or injuried. Does MSF have something to do with that? Is MSF - part of the "organ's-for-profit" trade, where organ's are removed and sold on the open market? Is there "a link" to the beheadings?

Quote from Whitecoast's link:
–Medecins Sans Frontiers/Doctors Without Borders: “Doctors Without Borders is fully funded by the very same corporate financier interests behind Wall Street and London’s collective foreign policy, including regime change in Syria and neighboring Iran.
{...} Complicating further Doctors Without Borders so-called “independent” and “aid” claims is the fact that their medical facilities are set up in terrorist held regions of Syria, especially along Syria’s northern border with NATO-member Turkey. In an interview with NPR, Doctors Without Borders’ Stephen Cornish revealed the nature of his organization’s involvement in the Syrian conflict, where he explains that aid is being sent to regions outside of the Syrian government’s control, and that his organization is in fact setting up facilities in these areas….In other words, the Wall Street-funded organization is providing support for militants armed and funded by the West and its regional allies, most of whom are revealed to be foreign fighters, affiliated with or directly belonging to Al Qaeda and its defacto political wing, the Muslim Brotherhood. This so-called “international aid” organization is in actuality yet another cog in the covert military machine being turned against Syria and serves the role as a medical battalion.”


Al-Nusra Front Terrorists Sabotage 'Silent' Period in Aleppo

Al-Nusra Front terrorists in Syria continue provocations seeking to escalate tensions in the northern part of the Latakia province and the city of Aleppo, which has resulted in the disruption of the "silent" period, the Russian Ministry of Defense spokesman, Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov, said Wednesday.

Al-Nusra Front Shells Residential Blocks in Syria’s Aleppo

Al-Nusra Front extremist militant group attempted to disrupt the so-called silence regime in Syria’s province of Aleppo by shelling the Syrian army positions and residential neighbourhoods.

[Video] "White Helmets" Exposed as US UK Agents Embedded with Al Nusra and ISIS

This organization is rightly considered to be the clean-up crew and public relations face to the west, for the activities of Wahhabi and Qutbist terrorist/invasion groups operating in Syria.

The US has admitted to funding this organization, and as well we know that they are funded through the UN's NGO structures.

Nusra Front Terrorists Launch 60 missiles on Syria's Aleppo

Nusra front militants have launched 60 missiles on Syria's aleppo, killing 9 people and 45 injuring civilians injured.

Two civilians killed 20 injured in terrorist attacks in Aleppo

Two civilians were killed and 20 others were injured on Tuesday in terrorist attacks with rocket shells that targeted al-Neel Street in Aleppo City.

On Monday, four civilians were injured when a mine planted by ISIS terrorists went off in Taban village in Hasaka southern countryside and a number of persons were wounded in another terrorist attack with rocket shells on Ayn al-Kroum village in Hama north-western countryside.
UN Emergency Relief Coordinator Stephen O'Brien said that non-state actors have carried out at least two deadly attacks on hospitals in Syria’s Aleppo in the last week.

Opposition Forces Attacked Hospitals in Aleppo

Non-state actors have carried out at least two deadly attacks on hospitals in Aleppo in the last week, UN Emergency Relief Coordinator Stephen O'Brien told the UN Security Council on Wednesday.

"In western Aleppo, currently controlled by the [Syrian] government, Ibn Rushed hospital was hit by mortars, allegedly fired by non-state armed groups last week, and just yesterday [there was] an attack on the Debeet maternity hospital in western Aleppo — again allegedly by non-State armed groups, resulting in three fatalities," O'Brien said.

On Tuesday, Russia’s Defense Ministry reported that the al-Nusra Front terrorist group shelled the Debeet hospital. According to local media reports, six civilians were killed and at least 39 were wounded in that attack.

The UN Security Council on Tuesday adopted a resolution condemning the attacks on medical and humanitarian personnel in Syria, and urged all parties to ensure the protection of humanitarian workers.

Earlier in the day, UN chief Ban Ki-moon said that more than 250 medical facilities have been attacked in Syria since the civil war began in 2011.

The al-Nusra Front is an al-Qaeda affiliate and is not covered by the cessation of hostilities agreement brokered by the United States and Russia.

While Washington is pouring billions of US taxpayer dollars into various training and arming programs in the Middle East and Central Asia, the US-backed fighters regularly defect to Islamists – Daesh, al-Qaeda, Taliban – taking their weapons and invaluable knowledge to "the dark side."

the Dark Side: Why US-Trained Fighters Defect to Extremists

There is something fishy about the Pentagon and the CIA's military training programs in Syria and Afghanistan, freelance journalist and geopolitical analyst Martin Berger writes in his article for New Eastern Outlook.

The journalist draws attention to the fact that over the past decade Washington has invested nearly $70 billion taxpayer dollars to develop the Afghan security forces, also known as the Afghan National Defense and Security Forces (ANDSF).

However, that's half the story.

In his mid-April article Nick Paton Walsh of CNN reported that Afghan security force members are defecting to the Taliban to train terrorists.

"CNN met two deserters in Helmand whose stories show the breadth of the problem, who have taken their skills — months of US taxpayer-funded training — to the Taliban," Walsh wrote.

It is not the first time the US-trained and armed fighters have defected taking the weapons provided by the US and invaluable military skills to "the other side."

Berger refers to numerous cases when the so-called moderate Syrian rebels defected to Daesh and al-Qaeda's affiliate al-Nusra Front.

Indeed, in late September 2015, Reuters reported that "the rebels surrendered six pick-up trucks and some ammunition, or about one-quarter of their issued equipment, to a suspected Nusra [al-Nusra Front] intermediary on September 21-22 in exchange for safe passage," citing Colonel Patrick Ryder, a spokesman for US Central Command.

Earlier, in March 2015 the International Business Times wrote that the CIA-backed Harakat Hazzm group in northern Syria joined al-Nusra Front and Daesh under the pretext that "the US failed to supply adequate resources."

"According to data obtained by IBTimes, the Hazzm movement received a total of about $6 million in 2014 from the US government — $500,000 a month for 5,000 soldiers," the media outlet elaborated.

In addition to these embarrassing cases, there are other episodes the Pentagon and the CIA can't be proud of.

For instance, the New York Times' November article entitled "New US-Backed Alliance to Counter ISIS in Syria Falters" narrated how Washington had made an effort to arm a newly created group of Arab fighters in northern Syria.

"American officials said 50 tons of ammunition had been airdropped for Arab fighters with the new group. But already, things have not always gone as planned. Since the ammunition airdrop, American officials have privately acknowledged that the Arab units it was intended for did not have the logistical capability to move it," the media outlet wrote.

Berger notes that it turned out in November 2015, that the Pentagon spent almost $384 million "on the preparation of 180 fighters, instead of the almost 3,000 militants it originally planned to train." In other words, the Pentagon spent $2 million per fighter trained.

"The conclusion is pretty simple: over recent years Washington has started a large number of training programs in Syria, Afghanistan and other hot spots. Pentagon and CIA operatives have spent considerable amounts of taxpayers' money without ever achieving their stated objectives. Therefore, it won't be an exaggeration to state that those programs have become a gold mine for certain corrupted officers of the US armed and intelligence forces," Berger suggests.

"Some experts believe that the capture of those 'moderate opposition' fighters was a planned event, since those captured were able to pass their knowledge to the members of this terrorist organization at a time when Washington was unable to train them openly," he notes.

Whatever the truth is, the Pentagon and the CIA's programs aimed at arming and training American allies and proxies overseas have already become part of the problem, not the solution in the war-torn regions.

Washington has jumped at the opportunity to provide massive amounts of weapons to Syria's so-called moderate rebels amid the ongoing ceasefire; it seems that the White House is not bothered by the fact that half of its arms have found their way into the hands of al-Qaeda, Ron Paul and Daniel McAdams note.

Evidence Points to the CIA Targeting Assad, Not Daesh in Syria

The Syrian ceasefire is hanging in the balance, former Republican congressman Ron Paul and political analyst Daniel McAdams note in their Liberty Report; however, Washington continues to push ahead with its military program aimed at training and arming the so-called Syrian rebels.

To complicate matters further, there is enough evidence that the moderates have repeatedly teamed up with al-Qaeda affiliate al-Nusra Front on the ground, calling it a "marriage of necessity."

Even State Department spokesman Mark Toner has recognized that "there is some co-mingling" of al-Qaeda militants and the US-backed Syrian rebels.

Commenting on the issue, Daniel McAdams, the Executive Director of the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity, referred to the Wall Street Journal article that shed some light on Washington's plans to send various types of anti-aircraft weapons to Syrian rebels.

"Throughout this ceasefire the US is taking the opportunity to provide a lot of arms to the so-called moderates — three thousand tons by one estimate. But the logic is insane: [these arms] only will be available if the ceasefire fails. That is like telling a kid: 'You only get a cookie if you don't eat your broccoli'," McAdams noted.

But what looks even more suspicious is that the CIA has been supplying advanced anti-tank and anti-aircraft systems to the Syrian rebels. There is no doubt that these types of weapons are primarily aimed against Bashar al-Assad's tanks and aircraft, not at Daesh's Toyota trucks.

"The CIA agenda is definitely not anti-ISIS [Daesh], it's primarily anti-Assad. And I think that is evident by the kinds of weapons they provided. They provided TOW missiles which are only effective against the Syrian government's tanks. The Manpads, the shoulder fired missiles, which shot down two Syrian Air Force planes over the past couple of weeks. And even the Soviet-era "Grad" rockets, which are used to fight against the Syrian [Arab] Army. So, the types of weapons, I think, tell us a lot about what the CIA is focused on," McAdams remarked.

Therefore, the CIA is turning a blind eye to the fact that the Syrian rebels and al-Nusra Front's terrorists are "co-mingled."

There is yet another issue that prompts concern: it seems that the CIA and the Pentagon have two different agendas regarding Syria.

To add to the confusion, the CIA is supporting one faction of the Syrian rebels, while the Pentagon is backing another group of fighters.

It turns out that in February, 2016 the CIA-armed group Knights of Righteousness was attacked by the Pentagon-backed Syrian Democratic Forces in Syria.

"One hand of our government does not even know what the other hand is doing," Dr. Ron Paul noted.

The former US congressman expressed his concerns regarding Washington's unstoppable militarism in the region.

"What if what we are doing is making things worse — worse for us, worse for the people, worse for the cause of peace?" Paul asked.

However, this question remains largely neglected by the US policymakers. The lessons of the past remain unlearnt and what Washington is doing right now in Syria and Iraq is "the reactivation of the militarism," he stressed.

The former Republican congressman emphasized that while pursuing the idea of regime change overseas, the US establishment is not bothered by the fact that the nations' current governments may be better than anything Washington is going to suggest.

"We are sending more weapons in [Syria] because the foreign policy remains the same: it is a militant foreign policy of intervention, it's based on the assumption that we are responsible for the world at large, that we are policemen of the world, and chaos would break out if we weren't there to bring about order. And all you have to do is look at history and look at the Middle East, chaos, you know, follows our interventions," Paul underscored.

Though the extremely cautious nature of their statements means they didn’t offer much detail, the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) is expressing “extreme concern” about the possibility that ISIS is not only using chemical weapons, but is making them.

U.S. Backed Terrorist ISIS Producing Chemical Weapons, Extreme Concern From OPCW

The “possibility” is just their reluctance to confirm things they haven’t been formally authorized to confirm, as ISIS has bragged about their capacity to manufacture chemical weapons in multiple videos, and they have repeatedly launched such strikes, sickening large numbers of civilians and combatants. ISIS has captured a large number of empty chemical weapons shells over the course of the war in Iraq and Syria, remnants of those nations’ since dismantled programs, and has developed the capability to produce some more primitive chemicals to deploy in such weapons.

Adding to the number of hospitals being hit in the fighting in Syria’s Aleppo, U.S. backed ISIS rebels fired a flurry of rockets and mortars against a government-held district pounding Dabbit Hospital and leaving at least 19 civilians killed across the neighborhood.

U.S. Backed ISIS “Moderate Rebels” Strike Hospital 19 dead Including 3 Women In Syria

Today’s rocket fire hit the maternity wing of the hospital, with three women killed and 17 wounded in that wing of the hospital.

This is at least the fifth hospital or other medical site in the city hit in the past week, as part of a series of tit-for-tat strikes over less than a two week period that have killed nearly 300 people, almost exclusively civilians, in Aleppo. As talks continue on trying to get the “regime of calm” extended to Aleppo, alongside the various other areas where it has been at least marginally successful, Aleppo itself continues to see heavy shelling. The Syrian government strongly criticized the rebels for attacking amid the talks, but this just mirrors rebel complaints the day prior, and so on, as the two sides continue to trade fire.
UN keeps on insisting hospital in Aleppo came under air strike on April 27

The United Nations keeps on insisting Al-Quds hospital in Syria’s Aleppo was a target of an air strike on April 27, despite Russia’s evidence denying the very instance of bombardment.

Apart from that, at the United Nations Security Council meeting on Wednesday, Stephen O’Brien, the UN Emergency Relief Coordinator, presented updated data on death toll from the air strike and once again put the blame for in on Damascus.

“On 27 April, Al-Quds hospital – the most advanced paediatric care center in Aleppo – let me repeat, a hospital dedicated to treating children – was destroyed after being hit by a wave of airstrikes, which by all accounts were launched by the Government of Syria. Fifty people were killed, including several doctors, and eighty more people were injured,” he said.

Earlier, the United States said the alleged air strike claimed 20 lives.

Meanwhile, the Russian Defense Ministry on Wednesday denied the very instance of an air strike against Al-Quds on April 27, because the building, according to Russian military, had been ruined back last year.

The humanitarian organization Doctors without Borders claims that the hospital was destroyed in a recent air raid.

Earlier, the Russian Defense Ministry said that Russian planes flew no sorties in the area of Aleppo on that day, while a plane belonging to one of the countries of the so-called “anti-Islamic State coalition” appeared in the sky over the city for the first time after a long interval.

“The pseudo-sensational report of a bombing raid against the Al-Quds hospital has been replicated by many international mass media as an example of breach of the Russian-US agreement on a ceasefire in Syria,” Russian Defense Ministry Spokesman Igor Konashenkov said.

At a Defense Ministry briefing, Konashenkov presented two photographs. One, made by a Russian drone on April 29, “clearly shows the degree of the hospital’s destruction.”

“This is irrefutable evidence and nobody denies it,” he said.

The other image, taken by space reconnaissance means, indicates the very same damage, Konashenkov said, adding that the latter photo was made on October 15, 2015.

“The presented photographs indicate quite clearly that all ostensible “eyewitness accounts” about an air strike against the hospital are in fact another falsehood.

“More comments would be redundant,” Konashenkov said.

The spokesman for the UN Secretary-General, Stephane Dujarric, earlier said an air strike on April 27 left 20 dead. UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon blamed the attack on the Syrian military, who earlier disclaimed responsibility for the strike.

O’Brien told the United Nations Security Council that there were over 360 documented attacks on some 250 medical facilities during the course of the conflict. “More than 730 medical personnel have been killed,” he said. More to it, Samantha Power, the US Permanent Representative to the United Nations, said that Syrian government forces were to blame for 12 out of 13 recent air strikes at hospitals.
Terrorists breach truce in Aleppo by shelling residential neighborhoods

Aleppo, SANA- Terrorists of Jabhat al-Nusra and other terrorist organizations affiliated to it targeted with rocket shells the residential neighborhoods in Aleppo city, violating the truce in Aleppo which came into force on Thursday at dawn.

A source at Aleppo Governorate told SANA reporter that terrorist organizations targeted with 20 rocket shells the neighborhoods of al-Ashrafyia, al-Zahraa, al-Midan and al-Sulimania, Family House area and al-Farah School in Aleppo city.

The source added that the attacks caused material damage to private and public properties.

The 48-hour truce came into force in Aleppo city as of 1 a.m. on Thursday May 5th, 2016.

Terrorist organizations targeted in the last 10 days the residential neighborhoods in Aleppo with hundreds of rocket and mortar shells, claiming the lives of tens of citizens, injuring hundreds and causing massive material damage to citizens’ houses and to al-Razi and al-Dabeet hospitals.


Syrian forces attacked a truck packed with explosives and assault rifles on a road in Aleppo province and seized its cargo that was destined for terrorist hideouts.

The seizure was made along the Khanasser-Aleppo Highway in the Southeastern parts of Aleppo province as the vehicle was carrying the ammunition for the militants, however the Syrian army forces, tipped off by intelligence reports, tracked and stopped it.

The truck's driver has been arrested by Syrian soldiers and turned in to the authorities in the city of Aleppo after the operation to seize the consignment went on without any incidents.

The development comes as the Syrian forces on Thursday pushed back terrorists in the Western districts of Aleppo city after cleaning another neighborhood from the presence of terrorists .

The militant left behind many dead and injured members as they fled.

Syrian forces have recaptured several strategic building blocks in Western Aleppo.

Arms Cargo Seized by Syrian Army in Aleppo

"The seizure was made along the Khanasser-Aleppo Highway in the Southeastern parts of Aleppo province as the vehicle was carrying the ammunition for the militants, however the Syrian army forces, tipped off by intelligence reports, tracked and stopped it," the military sources said

The sources added that the truck's driver was arrested by Syrian soldiers and turned in to the authorities in the city of Aleppo after the operation to seize the consignment went on smoothly without any significant incident.

The development comes as the Syrian army and popular forces on Thursday pushed back terrorists in the Western districts of Aleppo city after purging another neighborhood of foreign-backed militants.

The terrorists left behind scores of the dead and wounded members as they fled the scene of battle.

Many sources confirmed that the Syrian army recaptured several key building blocks in Western Aleppo on Thursday.

Major weapons bust in southeast Aleppo: update

The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) stopped a large truck along the Khanasser-Aleppo Highway on Thursday after the driver refused to stop at the military checkpoint.

Once the driver was officially stopped by the checkpoint guards, the Syrian Armed Forces searched his truck and found unauthorized explosives and weapons.

According to a military official, the Syrian Armed Forces seized over 26,000 rounds of ammunition and 32 mortar shells, along with several other explosives.

The source added that the driver was a member of a local rebel group operating in the Aleppo Governorate.
The first U.N. humanitarian summit is planned for May 23-24th and MSF has already elected to pull out before it even gets started? Claiming ..... it won't address the growing needs caused by war and violence. Well, how do they "know" that - the Summit hasn't happened - yet? Is the MSF afraid that they might be confronted with questions, over their recent claim that Al-Quds hospital in Syria’s Aleppo was bombed - even though Russia has evidence - it never happened?

Doctors Without Borders pulls out of UN humanitarian summit

The international medical aid agency Doctors Without Borders has pulled out of the first U.N. humanitarian summit, saying the meeting won't address the growing needs caused by war and violence across the world because of its non-binding nature.

Eighty governments and 45 world leaders are expected to attend the first World Humanitarian Summit in Istanbul on May 23-24.
About 6,000 people, including 250 private sector leaders, heads of aid groups and representatives of civil society, affected communities and youth, will also take part in the summit.

But Doctors Without Borders, also known by its French acronym MSF, said in a statement Wednesday that it's pulling out "with considerable disappointment" because "we no longer have any hope that the (summit) will address the weaknesses in humanitarian action and emergency response, particularly in conflict areas or epidemic situations."

According to the international organization, the World Humanitarian Summit will be a missed opportunity.

"The summit neglects to reinforce the obligations of states to uphold and implement the humanitarian and refugee laws which they have signed up to," MSF said.

Insisting on the needs caused by violence in Syria, Yemen and South Sudan, the treatment of refugees and migrants or the Ebola epidemic, MSF said the meeting won't help improving assistance.

"In all of these situations, the responsibilities of states in their making, and the diminished capacity of the humanitarian system to respond causing yet more suffering and death, will go unaddressed," MSF said.

U.N. spokesman Stephane Dujarric rued the agency's decision, but insisted the summit is "clearly needed."

I'd say it's disappointing because I think the summit was going to deal with a lot issues that are vital to MSF, and MSF traditionally presents a strong and influential voice," he said. "Whether that's preventing and ending conflict, accountability on the implementation of obligations under international humanitarian law, protection of civilians, protection of health workers and health facilities and unimpeded humanitarian access."

According to a pre-summit report in February by U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, the cost of humanitarian aid for the 120 million people in need last year was $19.5 billion, an all-time high. Yet, despite record contributions, the gap between funds needed and donated widened "to a staggering 47 percent — $9.3 billion — in 2015," it said.

U.N. humanitarian chief Stephen O'Brien said earlier this week that the world has a shared responsibility to close the gap, which ought to be possible in a $78 trillion global economy, and that is the focus of the summit.

Over the past few days, the Western corporate press has kicked into overdrive with reports of hospital bombings, dead civilians, and war crimes all blamed predictably on the secular government of Bashar al-Assad.

A Tale Of Two Hospitals: Fabricated Bombing Incident vs. Open Terrorist Targeting Of Facilities In Aleppo?

According to Western governments and their media mouthpieces, Assad’s forces have targeted civilian hospitals in order to . . . well . . . no one knows why Assad’s forces would logically target civilian hospitals. Still, the Western harpies – both media and “human rights NGOs” – continue to hammer the unsubstantiated claims and misinformation at the tops of their lungs that the SAA is dropping bombs on civilian medical facilities.

The First “Hospital”: al-Quds The bombing being attributed to the Syrian military is the destruction of the “al-Quds” hospital, an alleged Médecins Sans Frontières hospital located in Aleppo. Even officially, however, it is important to note that the alleged “hospital” was not an MSF facility but one which was “supported” by MSF. This might seem like a small technicality but it is actually an important difference since MSF (aka Doctors Without Borders) is well known to be anything but an impartial observer in the Syrian crisis. As Tony Cartalucci wrote in his article, “’Doctors’ Behind Syrian Chemical Weapons Claim Are Aiding Terrorists,” in 2013,

While it is often described by the Western media as “independent,” nothing could be further from the truth.

To begin with, Doctors Without Borders is fully funded by the very same corporate financier interests behind Wall Street and London’s collective foreign policy, including regime change in Syria and neighboring Iran. Doctors Without Borders’ own annual report (2010 report can be accessed here), includes as financial donors, Goldman Sachs, Wells Fargo, Citigroup, Google, Microsoft, Bloomberg, Mitt Romney’s Bain Capital, and a myriad of other corporate-financier interests. Doctors Without Borders also features bankers upon its Board of Advisers including Elizabeth Beshel Robinson of Goldman Sachs.

Complicating further Doctors Without Borders so-called “independent” and “aid” claims is the fact that their medical facilities are set up in terrorist held regions of Syria, especially along Syria’s northern border with NATO-member Turkey. In an interview with NPR, Doctors Without Borders’ Stephen Cornish revealed the nature of his organization’s involvement in the Syrian conflict, where he explains that aid is being sent to regions outside of the Syrian government’s control, and that his organization is in fact setting up facilities in these areas. Cornish admits [emphasis added]:

Over the past months, we’ve had a surgery that was opened inside a cave. We’ve had another that was opened in a chicken farm, a third one in a house. And these structures, we’ve tried to outfit them as best as we can with enough modern technology and with full medical teams. They originally were dealing mainly with combatant injuries and people who were – civilians who were directly affected by the conflict.

In other words, the Wall Street-funded organization is providing support for militants armed and funded by the West and its regional allies, most of whom are revealed to be foreign fighters, affiliated with or directly belonging to Al Qaeda and its defacto political wing, the Muslim Brotherhood. This so-called “international aid” organization is in actuality yet another cog in the covert military machine being turned against Syria and serves the role as a medical battalion.

In a telling interview with NPR, which Cartalucci partially quotes in his own article, the Executive Director of DWB, Stephen Cornish, admitted the fact that the organization largely has provided medical aid to the death squads not just as a matter of unbiased Hippocratic Oath-based treatment, but what appears to be a “rebel”-based program.

[...] Returning to the question of the al-Quds hospital, however, it should be noted that the facility has been reported to be nothing more than a “field hospital” for terrorists trapped in Aleppo in the past, the bombing of which allegedly killed over 50 death squad fighters, at least according to reports byZiad Fadel of Syrian Perspective. After all, the hospital was being run in the “rebel”-held area of Sukkari.

The Second Hospital: al-Dhabeet Yet if the pinnacle of war crimes and brutality is the bombing of hospitals, the United States was forced to eat its own words when, after only a few days of propagandizing the Western public with reports of SAA hospital bombing, its very own terrorist pets would begin openly firing missiles at another hospital in Aleppo.

Obviously, the United States made no mention of its own bombing of a MSF hospital in Kunduz, Afghanistan earlier this year.

Still, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry was forced to condemn the rocket attacks aimed at the Syrian hospital by Western-backed terrorists, albeit in a manner which would not directly attribute blame to the U.S. proxy forces.

[...] Conclusion

Obviously, the Western indignation over the alleged bombing of the al-Quds non-hospital was never anything more than propaganda aimed at drumming up support for greater U.S. military involvement in Syria and the increased attempt at destroying the secular Syrian government. At best, the information repeated to Western audiences was misconstrued. At worst, it was entirely made up.
Below is a incomplete list of "rescue" videos showing "kids being rescued" from "rubble" after "Syrian/Russian bombing" prepared by the U.S./UK financed Syria Civil Defence aka the "White Helmets".

The U.S./UK Financed "White Helmets" Shtick - Fake "Child Rescued" Videos

The group was created with the help of Purpose Inc, a U.S. company specialized in regime change NGO operations. Purpose Inc is also behind Avaaz which early on peddled fake war on Syria video propaganda. The White Helmets are financed, like all "Free Syrian Army" media propaganda, by USAID with some $23 million and by the UK Foreign Office with a total of some £23 million. The Netherlands and Japan also donated money to the scheme. The group was build up and trained since mid 2013 by a "former" UK military intelligence operator residing in Abu Dhabi. These are propaganda artists camouflaged as humanitarians.

The "White Helmets" cooperate closely with al-Qaeda. One of its leaders was recently denied an entry visa to the United States. More details about the group researched by Vanessa Beeley can be found here and here.

Back to the "rescue" videos. That shtick started in late 2013.
•NYT - December 23 2013: After Airstrike, Children Are Rescued From the Rubble
•Independent - January 25 2014: Astonishing video shows moment Syrian toddler pulled alive from rubble after Aleppo bombing This video, like others below, was also published by the New York Daily News, The Guardian, USA Today, Yahoo and many other news outlets.

After that great marketing success the movie script was serialized. Since then a new version of a "child rescued" video appears every other month or so. Here are just a few of these with all of them following the same script.

•BBC - July 12 2014: Baby cries as she is rescued from rubble in Aleppo

•Daily Mail Online - August 11 2014: Dramatic rescue of baby in Syria after his home is hit by air strikes

•Al Jazeera - August 12 2014: Baby freed from rubble after Aleppo airstrike

•USA Today - January 7 2015: Volunteers rescue children from rubble in Syria The video includes an interview with James Le Mesurier, a British “security” specialist and "former" British military intelligence officer who heads the White Helmets operation.

•CNN Newsroom - August 10 2015: Children rescued from the rubble in Syria

•VOA - October 3 2015: Volunteers Brave Bombs to Rescue Airstrike Victims in Syria

•Guardian - December 21 2015: Boy rescued from rubble after airstrikes on Idlib, Syria – video

•Time - April 28 2016: A Toddler’s Dramatic Rescue in Syria

•NBC News - April 28 2016: Young Girl Rescued From Rubble After Airstrike in Aleppo

•The Australian - May 25 2016 - SYRIA Children Rescued From Rubble Following Airstrikes

•MSN - May 31 2016: Child rescued from rubble after Syria air strike

•BBC - June 1 2016: Footage shows child being pulled from Idlib strike rubble

This May 25 video is typical. Someone fiddles with professional rescue air pressure mats to show off but those mats are never put to use. Someone else digs with his hands under or behind a concrete slab which has a rather large opening on the side. A smiling and laughing child, totally unharmed and its favorite pupped in hand, is pulled from under or behind the concrete slab to lots of Allah Akbar shouting by the (always male) bystanders. Not shown: kid gets the promised candies for such great performance.

Other typical features of these movies, see this one, are smoke (grenades) in the streets, dramatic but small open fires nearby, dust or some red color on the children's face or arms. The camera is often used in a hectic, intentionally amateurish first person view, a style extensively developed in the 1999 horror clip Blair Witch Project. Sometimes sounds of additional "bomb impact" bangs or screaming/wailing women are added.

All the above videos are just as (un-)real as the faked "Hero Boy" video showing a "Syrian boy ducking sniper fire to rescue a trapped girl". Fake "opposition" videos have been a major feature of the media war on Syria. These fakes are often easily recognizable as such. We can be sure that the media professionals at the BBC and other outlets know that these are not real rescue scenes. They distribute them nonetheless.
I received an email from about a petition that is 'taking off.' It has over 200,000 signatures at the time of this post. https: // It seems to be blatant propaganda.

Obama & Merkel: Please act to save our lives in Aleppo
Dr. Hamza Al Khatib
Aleppo, Syria

I am one of the very last doctors serving the remaining 300,000 citizens of eastern Aleppo.

Atrocities are being committed every day. The Syrian regime and Russian aircraft are systematically targeting civilians and hospitals across the city.

In the last week, I have written to both President Obama and Chancellor Merkel calling for their help. The United States and Germany have influence in the international corridors of power and I asked them to use their influence to help us. But their response is the same as it has been for the past five years: from Merkel we heard silence and from the White House our letter was met with yet another tepid condemnation - but no talk of action.

We have seen no real effort from President Obama or Chancellor Merkel to prevent the criminal attacks against civilians and our hospitals.

That is why I've started this petition. Obama and Merkel are not listening to my voice alone. Will you join me and make a call so loud they can’t ignore us?

For five years, we have borne witness as countless patients, friends and colleagues suffered violent, tormented deaths. For five years, the world has stood by and remarked how ‘complicated’ Syria is, while doing little to protect us.

Last month there were 42 attacks on medical facilities in Syria, 15 of which were hospitals in which my colleagues and I work. At this rate, our medical services in Aleppo could be completely destroyed in a month, leaving 300,000 people to die.

What pains me and my fellow doctors the most is choosing who will live and who will die. Young children are sometimes brought into our emergency rooms so badly injured that we have to prioritise those with better chances, or simply don’t have the equipment to help them. A few weeks ago, four newborn babies gasping for air suffocated to death after a blast cut the oxygen supply to their incubators. Their lives ended before they had really begun.

Despite the horror, we choose to be here. We took a pledge to help those in need. We have a duty to remain and help. All we ask now is for Obama and Merkel to do their duty, too.

We do not need their tears or sympathy or even prayers, we need them to act. We need them to prove that they are the friends of Syrians.

Please join us in our call. Ask Obama and Merkel to save the people of Aleppo.
This petition will be delivered to:

Barack Obama
Chancellor of Germany
Angela Merkel

The letter is sort of funny though. It should be obvious he doesn't care about Merkel or Obama's response. This is just about the 'hearts and minds' of the dupes caught in the lie. America, save us!
Here's the letter:
Letter to
President Barack Obama
Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel

Obama & Merkel: Please act to save our lives in Aleppo

I reported it to as misrepresentation. Maybe others would like to follow suit? The propaganda war is intense. Some of the comments show that many do care but they're falling for the lie and blame "the murderous Assad regime." Very sad. :ohboy:

Top comments

And Canadian prime minister Trudeau should also look into this!
Teresa Andreychuk, Thunder Bay, ON
7 days ago

Haven't enough citizens been injured or killed for the governments mistake? 5 years is enough these civilians don't deserve this especially the innocent children. If we can stand by and allow this to happen to another country than one day there will be a day where it will happen to us and the world will stand and watch. It's time for the madness to stop. We can't bring back the people who have passed by we can try and stop from more passing.
Fatmi Hattum, Calgary, Canada
7 days ago

I will not stand for this lack of humanitarian aid from the West, especially given their militaries have prior engaged in this conflict nor for the further needless decimation of hospitals and people.
Thaddeus Sherlock, Mississauga, Canada
7 days ago

Then again, how many of the people are real and not just planted to make the numbers look bigger? At any rate, things like this will be used to justify more killing and more intense pressure on Russia and Assad or for more boots on the ground from Western powers.
[quote author= sbeaudry]I reported it to as misrepresentation. Maybe others would like to follow suit? The propaganda war is intense. Some of the comments show that many do care but they're falling for the lie and blame "the murderous Assad regime." Very sad.[/quote]

Problem is I think that those people commenting simply don't care about the truth. Sure they like to think so. But many people whenever they 'speak out' do so out of some Self-righteous motivation.

In other words, they like to pretend to others and themselves that they care.

Deep down, they don't give a damn about the half million Syrian deaths and counting. But they can't or will never do enough soul-searching to find that out and chance themselves for the better.

This is the truth about Organic Portals, and it is also the truth about many who carry soul potential.

But if the truth becomes popular. And the lies of the MSM unpopular. They will rally behind you, but not because they sincerely care.

[quote author= sbeaudry]Then again, how many of the people are real and not just planted to make the numbers look bigger? At any rate, things like this will be used to justify more killing and more intense pressure on Russia and Assad or for more boots on the ground from Western powers.[/quote]

That's a really good question I think. Maybe many are just bots, or people paid to so do? They invested quite a lot in this. And for 'good' reason, people are more concerned about what the herd is thinking, instead of what is right by conscience. Dominating social platforms is crucial in the information war.
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