Nigel Kerner


I want to ask if anybody knows something about Nigel Kerner?

On Internet I found he was the son of a naval officer on the British Fleet Air Arm in the war. I know he is the author of "The song of the greys".

Yesterday I read on Karmapolis an article, where he spoke about the greys and the great peril, they represent for the humankind as a whole .

I don't know if it's disinformation?
HI fille des bois,

If you use the search function on the top of the page you will find 2 other references to Nigel Kerner excluding yours.

Hi Fille des bois,
The references on this forum also come from Karmapolis articles. I personally haven't read anything written by this guy other than the Karmapolis articles mentioning him. So I wouldn't know if it's disinformation or not. He seems to focus on the greys.
Perhaps you could post the link to this Karmapolis article (if it's in English it's even better) or make a little research about him on the Web and post what you found here?

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