"NIght wolves"


The Living Force
Why are some statesmen and people from the government of some countries in Europe (eg, Polish) fear the "Night Wolves"?
The leader of the "Night Wolves" Alexander Zaldastanov, unofficially, the third is a man of Russia, Vladimir Putin's best buddy.
By education maxillofacial surgeon (hence the nickname), and by choice of motorcyclists, this man of extraordinary charisma managed to hobby turned into a profession and therefore today living the dream. He is the founder and president of the most massive world motorcycle club "Night Wolves" (more than 5,000 members, the department in the Russian Federation, the former Soviet republics, Serbia, Macedonia, Bulgaria, Romania ...).
President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin has awarded the Medal of Honor Surgeon for outstanding merits in the patriotic education of youth, participation in rescue actions and contribution to the preservation of memory of the heroes of the Patriotic War.
His "Night Wolves" healthy lifestyle, fostering the Orthodox tradition, are active in helping the orphans and the fight against drug abuse, according to the website of the association.




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