Nightmare or attack?


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
After my session of breathing and meditation tonight (a few hours ago), I went to bed and fell asleep as my head it the pillow. For the last week or so, my daughter as nightmare as well, she will suddenly start to cry in the night and I will find her sitting in her bed. I will ask if she had a nightmare and if she want to talk about it but, every time I could see that even if her eyes are open and she look at me, she is not there and I can't get any answer. I will take her then and go sleep with her in the guess bedroom, the last time was the day that Laura posted announcing Martha is dead. That night, it happened as I finished reading Judith post. After I put my daughter in the guess room, I did the pipe and meditation next to her and fell asleep. That night I had a nightmare where my daughter was abducted, not by alien but by a psychopath, and I was searching for her and finally found her but, I could barely recognize her. Physically it was her but, it was not her personality. I woke up thinking that and attack of that sort on my daughter is my greatest fear, my weakness. I remembered Judith post and thought that my dream may have been a kind of warning, to stop participating in the forum and doing the work and EE breathing or live with the consequence. I didn't take the warning seriously and I will not stop what I think is the right thing to do anyway. I do not want to be rule by fear.

Tonight nightmare was different, as I realize that the attack was targeting me. Here is the dream, judge by yourself.

I'm with my daughter and wife in the house where I grew up after my parent divorced, a old farm house more than a 150 years old, fill with bad memories. The atmosphere in the house is the same as it was, I can feel fear in the air. My daughter as done something wrong, she broke the door and I'm very angry, I want answer but she run away. She ignore me and frustration fill me. I corner her in her bed, my wife is there and ask her to listen to me but she doesn't want to listen and still ignore me and the anger that rise in me. My wife leave the room and I grab my daughter, turn her around and give her a spank. Then, every thing get crazy. I hear my daughter calling behind me, I turn around and see that the call came from a teddy bear. As I look at it (her) her head is cut off (the teddy bear head), as I look back at who I thought was my daughter still on my lap, some nightmarish version of her jump at me and grab me, arms around my neck and legs around my waist. I fight to get it off me but I suddenly feel something grab my testicles and more I try to get out of the arms and leg grips, more it tighten it grip on my testicles. This is not me I realize, this is not who I am, this program is, was, my father program. I realize that I dream but that thing hurt me and seem to try to keep me in the dream and accept that hellish version of me, I fight but it tighten it grip even more, I can see that the arm and leg are now like a dark shadow and what grab me between the leg is it tail. I will never be like that, I never spanked my daughter and will never do it. I'm aware that that program should have been in me but, I have swear that I will never be like my father. That entity try to attach itself to me in my dream, it know that this program is rapidly identify when I am awake but it root are deep in my psyche and maybe thought that it as more chance to find me less vigilant in my sleep. Aware now of what is going on I can fight it, as real as everything was, I pass my right arm under it arm grip and push that thing off me.

I woke up hitting the pillow on my right side with my elbow inch from my wife head. I still feel sore for a moment where it grab me. I don't remember ever feeling any physical pain in a dream, fear yes but pain never. This was not just a nightmare and it was not the first time that my daughter get me out of trouble, as I often come in her dream to help her. Something or someone is trying to break our bond is what I feel, we both felt something negative in the air lately. Be vigilant all the time, even in your dreams. It is late now 2:36 am, Time for a last cigarette and go back to bed.
Hi Laurentien,

Whoa that sounds like some very upsetting dreams!

I wonder if the first dream was related to your worries about your daughter's nightmares. Fwiw, some time ago, my son had a few nightmares. He had never had them before. Normally he sleeps like a log, so this was very unusual. He told me that in the dreams monsters were eating him. I suggested that he try to "fight back" in the dream. The next morning he told me that he had fought back by growing big in the dream and that he had chased the monsters off. He hasn't had a nightmare since.

Laurentien said:
That entity try to attach itself to me in my dream, it know that this program is rapidly identify when I am awake but it root are deep in my psyche and maybe thought that it as more chance to find me less vigilant in my sleep. Aware now of what is going on I can fight it, as real as everything was, I pass my right arm under it arm grip and push that thing off me

Hard to be certain what is going on, but your analysis makes sense to me. Whatever are weak point/program is, it can be targeted, or actually amplified in some way even in our dreams. Awareness of our programs is key to dealing with this.

Laurentien said:
Be vigilant all the time, even in your dreams.

Yes, as has been said on other threads, there is something in the air, an uneasiness and tension that is building, and we all need to be vigilent and alert and watch each others backs!

Thanks for sharing this.
Hey Laurentian;

This past week I have also had a string of nightmares (I rarely have them). For me, it followed on the great revelation about my biggest Achilles' heel, and how it has been used against me so effectively for years. Upon that realization last week, I vowed to cut the feeding off, and deprive my enemies of the food they have sucked from me for so many years. I began to gain both countenenance and power in my decision, and found then that I had a barrage of nightmares which have plied open old wounds, sundry of them, like a fiend biting at me desperately. Also in waking life, several old wounds have been re-opened 'coincidentally' this past week by others.

I could guess that it is somehow: A) my subconscious, in which case something powerful is happening; or B) Demons/STS/parasites, in which case something powerful is happening.

to quote Ben Affleck, "I'm going with 'other'"

It sounds like you may also be challenging your feeders as well. I definitely also feel as you stated:

[quote author=Laurentian]thought that my dream may have been a kind of warning, to stop participating in the forum and doing the work and EE breathing or live with the consequence[/quote]

that the path of least resistance is gleaming comfortably before me.

[quote author=Laurentian]Aware now of what is going on I can fight it[/quote]

Apparently this miracle is the truth.

[quote author=Laurentian]Something or someone is trying to break our bond is what I feel[/quote]

Using a deep fear (losing daughter) against you may be typical. In fact, fear may be the parasites' only real tool. Meaning also that your resolve and knowledge may also lead you to new and powerful positive ways that you don't yet suspect.

Thanks for having the courage to share. You are not alone!

BTW, "High Strangeness" is a good place to read up on aspects of STS manipulation
Posté par: manitoban

I wonder if the first dream was related to your worries about your daughter's nightmares. Fwiw, some time ago, my son had a few nightmares. He had never had them before. Normally he sleeps like a log, so this was very unusual. He told me that in the dreams monsters were eating him. I suggested that he try to "fight back" in the dream. The next morning he told me that he had fought back by growing big in the dream and that he had chased the monsters off. He hasn't had a nightmare since.

Last year, my daughter started having regular nightmare and I explained to her that in her dream, if she is aware, if she realize that she is in a dream, she can fight back or use any mean to evade predator. The result was quite immediate and I'm amaze how fast she learned to defend herself, be it by flying away or creating a horse that will carry her away or she will run as fast as the wind. We discuss dream often, usually at breakfast she will tell me last night dream and how she could fly around or ride horse that she create. With this awareness she stopped suffering from nightmare and learned to fight back but, lately it is different she doesn't remember her nightmare, when the next morning she wake-up next to me in the guess room, she as no memory of waking up and crying. Something is different, I never had a nightmare like that, feeling the pain, realizing that I could feel physical pain doesn't correspond to any experience that I had in that state.

Posté par: manitoban
Yes, as has been said on other threads, there is something in the air, an uneasiness and tension that is building, and we all need to be vigilent and alert and watch each others backs!

Yes, be it physical, emotional or psychic people as reported feeling and increase in symptom, been more sensitive. I wonder, could the recent catastrophe be related to this. Is the Earth overload and releasing back to us that negative energy, if yes what will be the effect on the rest of the unaware population. Trying to find some answer this morning I searched in Isotm and gnosis for reference that I remembered but so far nothing. Anyway, I take last night nightmare as a lesson.

Posté par: Potamus
Using a deep fear (losing daughter) against you may be typical. In fact, fear may be the parasites' only real tool.

It sure had made it proof. I would say that it may not be it only weapon but may be it ultimate.

It sounds like you may also be challenging your feeders as well.

Yes, definitely, it just brought new mode of attack.

that the path of least resistance is gleaming comfortably before me.

Wishful thinking from their part.

Thanks for having the courage to share. You are not alone!

Thank for sharing your thought as well Potamus, we are here to help each others.

I like to finish with a quote from Yoda in the revenge of the Sith:

The fear of lost is a path to the dark side.
Death is a natural part of life.
Rejoice for those around you that transform into the force.
Mourn them, do not. Miss them, do not.
Attachment leads to jealousy.
The shadow of greed that is.
(Anakim) What should I do , master Yoda.
Train yourself to let go... of everything you fear to lose.
Hi Laurentian,

Laurentien said:
That night I had a nightmare where my daughter was abducted, not by alien but by a psychopath, and I was searching for her and finally found her but, I could barely recognize her. Physically it was her but, it was not her personality. I woke up thinking that and attack of that sort on my daughter is my greatest fear, my weakness.

Just sharing here on the Forum imo goes some way to protect from these events, to build up more awareness to not let oneself to be overcome by the fear and to fight back. It's one thing if it's just you who is effected, but the if children are used to derail us from the Work that makes it much harder to protect them as well.

I just wanted to add to the theme of 'something in the air'. I believe it was Friday night I had a 'dark figure' almost nightmare. I was asleep but aware of my surrounding in my room (could have been an OBE). Whenever I have similar dreams/events I either wake up due to fear and sense of danger building up inside due to the coming presence. This time around it was a black figure that stood in the corner. Not sure what it was trying to do as haven't had many visits from these figures (usually just a presence) Maybe it tried to feed on my fear. The reason I write this is that I don't get these type of dreams/visits much these days, especially since I started E/E so could be a sign of things 'opening up' not just on a personal level but also globally. (as discussed the thread about Methane bubbling up from arctic )

Also another weird dream I had last night, I was in a movie theater and on the scene on the screen was a large airport with runways in the back. The theme of the scene was that of alien life being brought in from outer space by this military type. FWIW not really sure what to make of that.
Just want to add that there seems to be a whole lot of EM activity going on here on the BBM and that could be activating a lot of things including doing a sort of "forced resonance" on people, causing lots of old stuff, fears, programs, etc, to come to the surface in the marvelously symbolic language of the subconscious.
Laura said:
Just want to add that there seems to be a whole lot of EM activity going on here on the BBM and that could be activating a lot of things including doing a sort of "forced resonance" on people, causing lots of old stuff, fears, programs, etc, to come to the surface in the marvelously symbolic language of the subconscious.

Yes, I realize how deeply buried program are and how strongly attach they are. Looking back today at many dreams that I had in the past year, it now appear evident that it was all part of the process of cleaning the house, identifying my programs or fears and deal with them. They were processed one at the time, like you said surfacing from the inside where they hide. I'm glad that this last "piece of junk" is deal with, it affected me for so long.

Thank Laura, you are a mother.

love you, Laurentien.
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