Nine arrested in Denmark's 'most serious' terrorism case


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Nine arrested in Denmark's 'most serious' terrorism case

Sep 05 8:43 AM US/Eastern

Nine men have been arrested in Denmark suspected of planning terrorist attacks, the Danish intelligence service PET said in what the second major anti-terrorism raid in less than a year.

Danish Justice Minister Lene Espersen told Danish television TV2 the terrorist case was "the most serious in the country".

Authorities provided no details on the target of the attacks, but said the police raid overnight had uncovered "materials" for the production of explosives.

[Could the "materials" have been a paperclip, a stick of gum, and a video of McGuyver re-runs?]
The sting comes a month after British police uncovered a plot to blow up several US-bound airliners using liquid explosives.

In October 2005, another Danish anti-terrorism operation led to the arrest of seven young Muslims in Copenhagen.

The identity of the new detainees was not revealed, but authorities said they were aged 18 to 33 and arrested during a police raid overnight in the heavily immigrant-populated neighbourhood of Vollsmose in the town of Odense.

PET chief Lars Findsen said in a statement that the arrests took place without incident after a lengthy period of surveillance.

He said PET decided to "intervene now" because it was "difficult to determine at what stage the preparations were."

"The PET's primary mission is to thwart and prevent terrorist acts, and the (intelligence) service decided it was time to go ahead with these arrests now after receiving information indicating that some people in the group were preparing a terrorist act," Findsen said.

Abu Bashar, an imam in the Vollsmose neighbourhood who knows several of the suspects personally, said the arrests did not come as a surprise, and that he felt the alleged terrorist attacks were linked to Denmark's participation in the war in Iraq.

"I'm afraid that there will be a terrorist attack in Denmark because there are Danish soldiers deployed in Iraq, and I'm afraid of what (terrorist organisation) Al-Qaeda may do if Denmark doesn't withdraw its troops," he told Danish news agency Ritzau.

Dude, errr, I mean imam, they hate you because of your freedoms. So give 'em up! It's for your own safety.
A staunch ally of the United States, Denmark has some 470 troops stationed in Basra, in southern Iraq, under British command.

The intelligence service said meanwhile it had been in contact with Muslim community officials "to inform them of the situation", as relations remain tense in the wake of the Mohammed cartoons row sparked in Denmark earlier this year.

Several of the suspects were to appear before a judge on Tuesday to be placed in detention.

In October 2005 Danish police arrested seven young Muslims, aged 16 to 22 and including one woman, in Copenhagen who were suspected of plotting terrorist attacks.

Four of them, of Bosnian, Palestinian, Syrian-Palestinian and Moroccan origin, were charged last month in Copenhagen with plotting attacks in Europe. The three others were released.

According to Danish authorities, the four men are linked to two accomplices arrested in Bosnia, a Swede originally from Serbia-Montenegro and a Dane originally from Turkey, now jailed in Sarajevo.

The pair have been accused of terrorism and illegal possession of weapons and explosives. Their trial opened in July in Sarajevo.

Meanwhile, the four in Denmark have been charged "for having, together with the two people detained in Bosnia, procured weapons and explosives with the aim of committing terrorist acts" in Europe.

The quartet have denied the charges during questioning. No date has been set for their trial.
They should have bought Twinkies instead of gum...
An update.
According to a Danish paper only 7 men (and not 9 as reported elsewhere) were arrested and with very flimsy evidence. In the intial hearing the judge could only keep 2 of the men for a further 4 weeks, whereas the other 5 are being held for another 3 days. The evidence were far from sufficient for keeping the arrested men for longer.

The artikel that i quoted from is found here
It is only in Danish. The English version of same newspaper has not updated this and is still carrying the story of '9' men arrested in terror plot.

It looks like another wild goose chase designed to support the war on terror and further demonise the Muslim population. It should be mentioned that Denmark has 470 troops in Iraq and has supported the American-British war in Iraq, so I guess the Danish population has to be kept in line, just like the British with similar fake terror attacks. :rolleyes:


I live in Denmark, quite near to Odense where the arrests were carried out.

In the article that you mentioned, it is stated that the judge only found enough evidence, to put two of the arrested in jail.
The article is also titled: "Protest against imprisonment in new terror case" and further "the evidence was far from 'evident'"...

By the way the arrests were made in a predominantly "ethnic" residential neighborhood called "Voldsmose".
They could not have picked a better place, if they wanted to "demonize" the ethnic minorities/muslims.
They being the hidden hand controlling this.

Even if the evidence does not hold water, the impression will be the same. That extremist muslims are near(actually the news used the term "home-grown" terrorists - how convenient) and that we have to fear them. So same story as elsewhere.

Also the news yesterday brought an interview, where the "journalist" questioned the mother of one of the arrested. Questions like "did he often attend to the mosque" or "did he read the koran often". Holy smokes.
An update on this case.

The above is from the danish broadcasting corporation.
The five who were only held for 3 days initially are now been held a further 4 weeks. This comes after the police found fertiliser in a garden shed and some metal bits. The article makes sure that people don't start thinking to much about the 'odd thing' of finding fertiliser in a garden shed and clarifies that fertiliser also can be used for making bombs (apart from homegrown terrorist :rolleyes: )

To rule out any niggling independent thoughts a list of the 7 'terrorist' and their religious affiliation is given which are:

AF: Palæstinenser fra Libanon. Omkring 18 år. Beskrives som en normal ung fyr, og er ikke særligt religiøs.
AA: Dansker, som er konverteret til islam. Omkring 31-33 år.
SA: Palæstinenser fra Libanon. Slutningen af 20'erne. Meget religiøs. Arbejder i en stor grønthandel. Gift og har flere børn.
MZ: Flygtning og statsløs palæstinenser med forældre fra Syrien. Omkring 33 år. Stærkt troende og kaldes 'Lille-imam', fordi han hjælper imamerne til fredagsbønnen. Pensionist, gift og nybagt far.
XX: Palæstinenser, har været kort tid i Danmark. Bror til MZ.
RD: Født i Danmark af palæstinensiske forældre. Cirka 18 år. Går stadig i skole. Kommer fra berygtet familie, som er kendt for kriminalitet. På grund af familieproblemer begyndte han at blive meget religiøs for nogle år siden.
AK: Irakisk kurder. Cirka 21 år. Begyndte for et par år siden med at deltage meget i moskeen. Læser til social- og sundhedshjælper.
SH: Palæstinenser fra Libanon. 24 år. Rettroende muslim. Førtidspensionist på grund af skade i krigen i Libanon, hvorfra han flygtede for 12-13 år siden. Hjælper nogle gange sin onkel i en grønthandel. Gift og har en søn og en datter.
JR: Kurder fra Irak. Cirka 33 år. Er kendt for at tale for fred og prøve at hjælpe unge mennesker på rette vej. Arbejder som slagter, er gift og har tre børn.
This translates to
AF: A Palestinian from Libanon. About 18 years old. Described as a normal young man, and not especially religious.
AA: A Dane, who convertet to Islam. About 31-33 years old.
SA: A Palestinian from Libanon. Late 20'ies. Very religious. Works in a big green grocer. Married and has several children.
MZ: a refugee and stateless palestinian with parents in Syria. About 33 years old. Highly religious and is known as the 'little imam', because he is helping the imams at the friday prayer. On a pension. Married and a new dad.
XX: Palestinian who has only been a short while in Denmark. Brother to MZ.
RD: Born in Denmark of Palestinian parents. About 18 years old. Still going to school. He comes from an infamous family known for crime. Due to family problems he started to become very religious a few years ago.
AK. An Iraqi Kurd. About 21 years old. Started a couple of years ago to participate a lot at the mosque. Studies social work and health studies.
SH: A Palestinian from Libanon. 24 years old. Devout muslim. On a pension due to injury from the war in Libanon, where he escaped from 12-13 years ago. He helps sometimes his uncle at a green grocer. Married with one son and one daughter.
Jr: A Kurd from Iraq. About 33 years old. Is known for talking about peace and tries to help young people finding their proper way. Works as a butcher, is married and has 3 children.
Given the negative publicity that has been given to Islam and to the Palestinians and Middle Easterners over the years these people have in the eyes of the press already been found guilty.

It further sends a strong warning out to any Muslim gardeners in Denmark, who might be using fertiliser to make their plants grow :lol:

Whether they are innocent or guilty is to early to tell, yet it is puzzling that it is blown out to be the most serious terror case ever in Denmark. It does not quite match the description given. The fake war on terror goes on.

It made me wonder when the next election is in Denmark, and also whether this was a little ploy timed to coincide with the next demand from NATO for more troops to Afghanistan/Iraq. Time will tell, if Denmark now will supply more of the 'needed' troops.

Hej Anders
Yes oh deary me.Yesterday on Danish T.V we were informed that an opinion poll was taken in ten countries which showed that Danish people where the most scared of terrorism. This was on the text page on DR1 and did not mention who did the poll.
This reminds my of Ostrovsky's book where he explains that the Mossad and the Danish security apparatus were very cozy, with it seems a respect of the latter for the former. The M-guys performed passport checking services for the Danish, i.e. run the names through their database. They could hand-pick some stooges, set them up, help the Danes track them down and be beyond suspicion.
Tonight in the news, it was told that some Top Secret documents, were found by coincidence on a street somewhere.
These documents, it was told, apparantly proved that explosives were found in the apartments.

The police had no comments to why these documents could be found in the street.

This reminds me of the way that the intact terrorist ID papers, were found in London or was it 9/11.
And exactly 5 years after 9/11.
I have wondered what happened in this case. Around the time, when the 4 weeks were up for keeping the arrested locked up, I looked on some danish sites, but were unable to find anything about the alleged 'terrrrists'.

Considering that this is the most serious terrorism case ever ( Denmark has a history of at least a 1000+ years with some things that would qualify for being close to the top of a 'most serious' list), then it is strange that so little news are available.
Did they let the 'terrrrists go for lack of evidence perhaps or are they perhaps waiting for evidence to come through from some poor fellow in Pakistan?

Would some of the forumites such as "Birger" or "the Rabbit" have any news about this case?


I think they are still arested, 5 of them, they have prolonged the custody imprisonment. In isolation as it is usually done in Denmark. (Being one of the countries using isolation the most.)
The trial has not yet started.

A month ago the police started confiscating fertilizer, saying that it could be used for producing bombs. And apparantly one of the arrested were working in a greenery? /greenhouse.

2 were released half a month ago, and they are claiming their innocence. Saying they did not know what had happened, other than being contacted by a strange man prior to the arrests.
One who tried to convince them about jihad(not entirely sure about the details here) I think, which they found strange. This contact should have been the reason why they were arrested.
So they felt that they had been framed, by this "secret agent" who disappeared after the contacts.

This last part is as I remember it from the news, and I do not have any reference to any other web pages right now.

These are the latest happenings, in this case so far. The trials should commence soon, as far as I have read.
Thanks for the update Birger. Interesting that so little news is available in the media.
The story about ordinary muslims being contacted by a stranger and encouraged to, where did I hear about that before...hmmm. A very familiar pattern.
Out of the nine, 6 have been released and three jailed. It now comes out that PET payed someone to infiltrate and provide information. It also appears that he was the one who came up with the ideas and supplied the money for the bomb making. It is very similar to Mossad tactics and those of other intelligence agencies, when the political wish is for them to come up with something.

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