Bar Kochba
Driving to work the other day, I heard a song on the radio that brought back many memories. A lot of music does this, sparking associations with certain times in my life, as I am sure it does for many people. Anyhow, it reminded me of how different I am now. I used to be asleep, my mind solely on selfish aims which were detrimental to myself and those around me. I was a mindless automaton, oblivious to the bigger picture. I can no more go back to sleep than I can suck my thumb again. I may still be an automaton, but I am trying to change that and its the hardest work I have ever done. But to me its worth it. Even tho I cannot share my work with anyone around me, I at least have this place which I am grateful for. I used to long to be oblivious to objective reality, to go back to sleep. No more thinking that nonsense! Regardless of how much progress I can make in this life, I will continue on with my best efforts.