This is one thing you could try that isn't mentioned on that thread I don't think.
set an alarm, so that you wake up every 90 minutes, starting from when you fall asleep. Most people have a sleep cycle around 90 minutes long. You would want to wake up directly after, or from, the REM period which is when people have their most vivid dreams. In the division I know of, a sleep cycle can be around 90 minutes... and REM is the last stage before it starts over again.
At the same time I don't really recommend waking up to an alarm that much. It could be disrupting to your health. It may be worth a shot if you really are serious on remembering your dreams. I would imagine once you are able to even remember fragments the process could get easier and easier.
This was suggested, but perhaps try this: when you wake up, keep your eyes closed and lay in bed. Try and remember any dreams of the night in this state. Also, like someone suggested "dreamwork" may be good. Before going to bed you remind yourself that you want to remember what you dream about.