Jedi Master
Not quite sure where to post this. It's a bit of a rant too.
I was smoking a cigarette in the Whole Foods parking lot here in Brooklyn, NYC when the guy comes up to me and tells me to put it out that there's no smoking on Whole Foods property. He points to the numerous signs and gives me that "don't you know smoking is bad for you" look. Of course I give him the "are you serious" glare and proceed to shuffle off very slowly and meander about the parking lot to the sidewalk still puffing away. In my head I'm thinking how absurd this situation is as this particular Whole Foods is built right next to the Gowanus Canal which is an EPA/Environmental Protection Agency superfund cleanup site. I mean who knows what toxic cocktail he's inhaling every single day, but hey, I sure hope my second hand cigarette smoke doesn't give anyone cancer. I mean really, this is a canal that on any given day is the color of anti-freeze and has had dead dolphins, seals, rats and even human bodies floating in it. And even more shocking, Whole Foods set up nice little park benches next to the canal so people can eat their "healthy" food pretending like they're in Venice or the south of France or something. Harumph!
I was smoking a cigarette in the Whole Foods parking lot here in Brooklyn, NYC when the guy comes up to me and tells me to put it out that there's no smoking on Whole Foods property. He points to the numerous signs and gives me that "don't you know smoking is bad for you" look. Of course I give him the "are you serious" glare and proceed to shuffle off very slowly and meander about the parking lot to the sidewalk still puffing away. In my head I'm thinking how absurd this situation is as this particular Whole Foods is built right next to the Gowanus Canal which is an EPA/Environmental Protection Agency superfund cleanup site. I mean who knows what toxic cocktail he's inhaling every single day, but hey, I sure hope my second hand cigarette smoke doesn't give anyone cancer. I mean really, this is a canal that on any given day is the color of anti-freeze and has had dead dolphins, seals, rats and even human bodies floating in it. And even more shocking, Whole Foods set up nice little park benches next to the canal so people can eat their "healthy" food pretending like they're in Venice or the south of France or something. Harumph!