Norman Finkelstein responds to hysterical jewish woman


I just saw this video, a short clip from "American Radical" with Norman G. Finkelstein, and even if it's a few years back, I couldn't find it on SOTT. It's a video with him giving a speech at the University of Waterloo repsonding to an hysterical jewish woman, and he is just so right on it with his response. Worth taking a look :)

Have a great day everyone!
Yes Norman Finkelstein counters well and given his family background, it is hard to attack him as an anti-semite etc. I did a search too, but didn't find it either.
I remember watching it before, but I can't recall when and where. Recently it was included in this SOTT Best of the Web, last video in the article:
Alana said:
I remember watching it before, but I can't recall when and where. Recently it was included in this SOTT Best of the Web, last video in the article:

Thanks Alana, I totally didn't see that :/
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