The Living Force
"NC Ignores Science, Tries To Make Sea Level Rise Illegal
It’s the legislative equivalent of plugging your ears, closing your eyes, and screaming “I can’t hear you!”
North Carolina’s General Assembly has proposed a bill that would prevent scientists from using modern, scientific models to accurately predict what might happen to sea levels if climate change continues unabated.
Let that sink in for a minute.
Rather than use science to accurately predict what might happen to its valuable coast areas, and thereby educate its citizens about what can be done to prepare for this change, North Carolina’s political leaders would rather just make the truth illegal."
It’s the legislative equivalent of plugging your ears, closing your eyes, and screaming “I can’t hear you!”
North Carolina’s General Assembly has proposed a bill that would prevent scientists from using modern, scientific models to accurately predict what might happen to sea levels if climate change continues unabated.
Let that sink in for a minute.
Rather than use science to accurately predict what might happen to its valuable coast areas, and thereby educate its citizens about what can be done to prepare for this change, North Carolina’s political leaders would rather just make the truth illegal."