North Carolina tries to outlaw reality


The Living Force
"NC Ignores Science, Tries To Make Sea Level Rise Illegal

It’s the legislative equivalent of plugging your ears, closing your eyes, and screaming “I can’t hear you!”

North Carolina’s General Assembly has proposed a bill that would prevent scientists from using modern, scientific models to accurately predict what might happen to sea levels if climate change continues unabated.

Let that sink in for a minute.

Rather than use science to accurately predict what might happen to its valuable coast areas, and thereby educate its citizens about what can be done to prepare for this change, North Carolina’s political leaders would rather just make the truth illegal."

Re: Noth Carolina tries to outlaw reality

What an excellent idea. Just think of all the things that could be cancelled out by doing this. You Go North Carolina! Hehe. :O
They must've been talking to NYC's meshuggeneh mayor Bloomberg, who wants to outlaw soft drinks in sizes larger than 16 oz.!
What about South Africa making accurate weather reports illegal recently?

Geezus! The world has gone stark, raving, mad!
Hithere said:
North Carolina’s General Assembly has proposed a bill that would prevent scientists from using modern, scientific models to accurately predict what might happen to sea levels if climate change continues unabated.


Let's look at a few terms used here. Like "modern, scientific models" and "climate change".

Which model would that be? Perhaps the model used by the UK University of East Anglia and others to create the scary hockey-stick graph of catastrophic anthropogenic global warming, no matter what data was fed into it? That model? The one that the now discredited UN IPCC used to justify ruinous carbon taxes to pay UN bureaucrats, enforced by a world government?

What is meant by "climate change"? Is that what used to be called "global warming" until the recent warming trend up to about 2000 stopped, despite the continued rise in the CO2 level?

The so-called "climate scientists" computer models are junk, driven more by assumptions than the inadequate data series that are available, and useful only for getting grant money to fund their "research" and partially justify spending billions on building faster supercomputers.

While I don't doubt the ability of the North Carolina legislature to propose all kinds of dumb laws, this doesn't sound like one of them. If they're saying that state planning and budgeting should not be based on dubious predictions made by guesswork computer models built by self-interested academic flimflam artists, then they might be simply practical and quite right.
Very true griffin,

tom32071 said:
What an excellent idea. Just think of all the things that could be cancelled out by doing this. You Go North Carolina! Hehe. :O
Grass fed meat, speaking out about the War of terror, etc etc.

clerck de bonk said:
This is just as bizarre as the "zombie"-thread!
Yeah, how about the Wyoming Air Craft carrier clause that was taken out of their bill. So this is what being even a little sane looks and feels like in an insane world huh, it is comical at times, sad at others.

Laura said:
What about South Africa making accurate weather reports illegal recently?

Geezus! The world has gone stark, raving, mad!
Yep it has, how about those Italian seismologist that were tried for manslaughter because they couldn't predict the L'Aquila quake.

A mad house indeed, all the more reason to put my "house" in order.
griffin said:
Let's look at a few terms used here. Like "modern, scientific models" and "climate change".

Which model would that be? Perhaps the model used by the UK University of East Anglia and others to create the scary hockey-stick graph of catastrophic anthropogenic global warming, no matter what data was fed into it? That model? The one that the now discredited UN IPCC used to justify ruinous carbon taxes to pay UN bureaucrats, enforced by a world government?

What is meant by "climate change"? Is that what used to be called "global warming" until the recent warming trend up to about 2000 stopped, despite the continued rise in the CO2 level?

The so-called "climate scientists" computer models are junk, driven more by assumptions than the inadequate data series that are available, and useful only for getting grant money to fund their "research" and partially justify spending billions on building faster supercomputers.

While I don't doubt the ability of the North Carolina legislature to propose all kinds of dumb laws, this doesn't sound like one of them. If they're saying that state planning and budgeting should not be based on dubious predictions made by guesswork computer models built by self-interested academic flimflam artists, then they might be simply practical and quite right.

I didn't read it as they were saving their assets for better use. Any coastal area would benefit from increasing their knowledge about future possibilities regarding sea levels in my view - the erratic weather the last 10-15 years makes it harder to have faith in the status quo in my opinion.
Relative sea levels have been steadily increasing since the last ice age. There have been no acceleration in its rate as modeled by global warming computers. What have been observed instead was a slight deceleration in the last years by a few stations.
Passing laws on anything that occurs naturally is not only idiotic, but deeply pathological. It's like saying: rain is forbidden. We're really living in crazy times.
mkrnhr said:
Relative sea levels have been steadily increasing since the last ice age. There have been no acceleration in its rate as modeled by global warming computers. What have been observed instead was a slight deceleration in the last years by a few stations.
Passing laws on anything that occurs naturally is not only idiotic, but deeply pathological. It's like saying: rain is forbidden. We're really living in crazy times.

Or the unthinkable, gasp cometary bombardment. Stupidity knows no bounds I guess.
bngenoh said:
Or the unthinkable, gasp cometary bombardment. Stupidity knows no bounds I guess.
Yes, everything is possible when the reason is lost.
This really isn't anything new for North Carolina, where elephants are not allowed to plow cotton fields, and it's against the law to sing off key. Oddly enough I happen to agree with both statues. :P


Posted: February 3, 2001
Wild, Wacky Laws Are Still On The Books In N.C.

RALEIGH — Wacky, outdated North Carolina laws are like funny one-liners, they are just for laughs. For example, elephants are not allowed to plow cotton fields and singing off-key in the state can get you busted.

Research historian Ansley Wegner says, besides the strange laws, town ordinances were a bit far-fetched as well.

"For example, the Topsail Beach ordinance that says hurricanes would not be permitted within the town limits," she says. "You just wonder how they ever expected to enforce those [laws]."

A Charlotte ordinance requires women to cover their bodies with at least 16 yards of cloth at all times. There is even an ordinance forbidding women to wear tight clothes.

North Carolina laws are definitely changing with the times. What was considered illegal hundreds of years ago has become a way of life today. For example, two people who check into a hotel room, pretending to be married, may not raise any eyebrows today, but it is still against the law, It is also a misdemeanor for two unmarried people to co-habitate.

Four-term Ashville lawmaker Lanier Cansley says such laws are just unenforceable. Like in Chapel Hill, people can not ride their horse on the town's sidewalks. They also cannot ride their horse through public streets at unusually high speeds.

"I expect if we went through and searched all the statutes we can find a lot of things that, at the time, was probably very serious," he says. "Now, we scratch our heads and wonder what they were thinking of."
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