Not breathing and its ok


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
It happend more than ten years ago...I was at work concentrating more in the music (instrumental) than the work itself and for an instant I realized or I believed I realized I was not breathing, I did not felt being in a body, everything was ... just light, and it was OK, for an instant...because as quickly as it came, the neurons of my brain began to work and I found myself thinking that it is not OK not breath much less being at work; somehow I do believe I can do it again if I concentrate is not that I want to do it again now...but when this memory come back I start remembering other things as well...around that time I was reading out of the body books and such, I thought my life was going just fine, good work, friends, etc...but I was not eating OK, and the stress from work was making its toll...then the trauma came (but that's another story)...I was wondering...that if talking about different I´s... maybe one of my I...choose to stop...whatever I was going in, I did stop it due to that trauma...the lessons sometimes ain't pretty... it took me almost ten years to "get out" from the trauma...the trauma itself -I think- its not the problem now, the problem are other things I programmed to my self...but I am working in them...almost...I would like to say finished...

...I do consider this thing as a memory...but may be it wasn't...I'm not sure

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