NSA has approached linus torvalds and requested a back door for GNU Linux


The Living Force

However, this could all be irrelevant as some points brought up in last week sott talk show elucidate that if the PTB already have tools and backdoors at the hardware level then it doesn't really matter if software companies cooperate or not.

Also it would be next to impossible to this off effectivey because it's opensource and many people review the code and/or make their own spin-offs (with changes). I could be wrong but it seems like the government doesn't know how sharing and open-source work. In their blind quest for control they're overlooking the nature of what it is they are attempting to control. In this case anyways. Just my 2 cents.
trendsetter37 said:

However, this could all be irrelevant as some points brought up in last week sott talk show elucidate that if the PTB already have tools and backdoors at the hardware level then it doesn't really matter if software companies cooperate or not.

Also it would be next to impossible to this off effectivey because it's opensource and many people review the code and/or make their own spin-offs (with changes). I could be wrong but it seems like the government doesn't know how sharing and open-source work. In their blind quest for control they're overlooking the nature of what it is they are attempting to control. In this case anyways. Just my 2 cents.

I think there is levels of difficulties in understanding( or making sense ) of data depending on the data source and type. If we look at how computers work, there are different levels -(loosely saying) Hardware, operating system(OS), OS support software and Application software. Application software which often contains the databases that collect the data in structured format. Often the data is in unstructured format and it needs certain amount of effort in converting them to structured format to connect the dots (so to say) and bring some reliability to the data to use it( profile and control). That's why applications like facebook are pure EVIL. They are designed in such a way that data is directly stored in structured format for immediate consumption on MASS scale. Any resistance at any stage is commendable.

Unfortunately, In the above article , it is still not clear whether Linus Torvalds agreed for back door or not. I hope some body will check the code and confirm.

It still boggles my mind to read their hunger for the data. They already have SSN's, cell phone numbers, IP addresses , credit card numbers , credit card transaction records, medical records, tax records, travel records , internet search records. Facebook even boasts ability to predict who will marry will whom and how long it will last etc. Still they want more and more. What for?.

Probably, they are not able to connect the dots properly at MASS scale( which is a known challenge), so they keep on sucking in data in every possible way in a hope one day they will reach machine perfection OR that's the way companies involved in it make money OR both.
Sounds like they've moved into the paranoia zone as usually happens, and which feeds upon itself like an addiction... 'as above, so below', that and the expected 'desperation' of the transition which is reflected down and back up in a negative feedback loop to paranoia. I don't see a smilie for that but :curse: :headbash: :shock: :mad:

I remember a while back hearing how the MS OS used the LSASS.EXE or (Local Security Authority Subsystem Service) which couldn't be deleted, similar to Apple's backdoor... Linux used a file backup - the journal file, which didn't need to be enabled... haven't heard much lately on the subject, but with regular 'updates' it shouldn't be too hard for them to retrieve the data from willing customers, who really have nothing to hide except a stray sleeper waking up and learning to say no, even if silently at first. They seem so dependent upon corporations, companies and all us consumers just following these requests like a bully who's used to getting their way.
Unfortunately, In the above article , it is still not clear whether Linus Torvalds agreed for back door or not. I hope some body will check the code and confirm.

I agree. And as gdpetti pointed out, maybe the desperation for control signifies that something is going wrong for them. Or at least not going as planned. But that could just be wishful thinking.

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