

Jedi Master
I did not intend to post this particular dream because I did not want you all to think that I thought it mean anything in significant. It might actually mean danger or it could mean absolutely nothing which I am pretty sure is the case.

Well here is my dream I had two dreams the first one I was at highschool (graduated) and I was sitting with my old classmates and we was playing a number game. the game went like this you just ask the person you are in competition with a multiplication question like what is what x what. I was appearently winning and being mean and shoving it in there face I also had a dream about the group (us) but I forgot what that was about.

So I woke up for a couple of minutes read my book and went back to sleep this the second dream I had was at my brothers house. And my younger cousin was there to and I ask my cousin what was the address to what I have no clue. Then he told me he will give it to me and I got paper and a pen and he gave me these numbers 406380-40380-403860. The reason for the extra numbers is because I forgot the exact order of it I don't even know if some of those numbers was in the dream. But I do remember 40-38 this dream was weird because of the numbers I remember that my cousin had told me. And when I awoke up it was the first thing to come to my awareness.

Again this dream has no special value to me just sharing it because I have not been active to much on the forum it was a chance to get me started again. Although I do think this one is strang in its context I decided to share it with you all to get your veiws on this I am concluding this dream was about numbers.
Hi celtic!

celtic said:
I was appearently winning and being mean and shoving it in there face

Could this be a hint towards a program in yourself? Thus, maybe something to look at closer?

celtic said:
But I do remember 40-38 this dream was weird because of the numbers I remember that my cousin had told me.

Even in case that these questions are superfluous, because you surely network this dream because you have no clue about it:
Is there anything that comes to your mind concerning this? I mean, just anything?
Do you 'do' a lot with numbers in your life? Do these numbers stand for something, mean something to you, or trigger associations?
If so, what exactly?
celtic said:
Again this dream has no special value to me just sharing it because I have not been active to much on the forum it was a chance to get me started again. Although I do think this one is strang in its context I decided to share it with you all to get your veiws on this I am concluding this dream was about numbers.

Hi celtic. Puzzle asked the questions I was going to ask, so I'll mention another possibly simultaneously occurring angle.

Since you had been wanting to start participating on the forum again, maybe the dream was advance notice that you were going to make a thread named "Numbers" and mention 40-38 in your first post?

Don't laugh ( :lol:). Dreams can work like that, OSIT. :D

Welcome back!
Bud said:
Since you had been wanting to start participating on the forum again, maybe the dream was advance notice that you were going to make a thread named "Numbers" and mention 40-38 in your first post?

Don't laugh ( :lol:). Dreams can work like that, OSIT. :D

Welcome back!

Lol, Bud! I had a smile over this, and it's quite a possibility! And in that case, celtic, I'm welcoming you back as well! :) Dreams can be our friends. :D
Even in case that these questions are superfluous, because you surely network this dream because you have no clue about it:
Is there anything that comes to your mind concerning this? I mean, just anything?
Do you 'do' a lot with numbers in your life? Do these numbers stand for something, mean something to you, or trigger associations?
If so, what exactly?

Hi puzzle the only thing that came to me was my old locker combination from highschool but I think that only goes to sixtie. Also my brother who apartment I was in in the dream knocked on my door today and I am suppose to go to his place to get a hair cut today maybe that was related who knows.

Could this be a hint towards a program in yourself? Thus, maybe something to look at closer?

I do have a strong emotion towards those in my highschool because of there narcissistic behaviour and I still feel anger towards a lot of them truthfully. And maybe I still have some of that aggressive attitude in my system (like when I was in highschool) and I guess that dream is telling me it is still there.

Since you had been wanting to start participating on the forum again, maybe the dream was advance notice that you were going to make a thread named "Numbers" and mention 40-38 in your first post?

Don't laugh ( ). Dreams can work like that, OSIT.

That is a very good possibility bud maybe even telling me I need to be more active on the forum :)

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