Observations on Reactions


The Living Force
Observations on reactions in practice NOTES.

I started this thread and prepared this post a while back to look a little bit deeper into the subject of our reactionary nature, our mechanical self, programs and more. I put this together but there is obviously more to elaborate on this subject. I thought i would share. Anything to refference on this to polish this idea is appreciated. Some things are a bit hard to do in practice and hope it doesn't sound too overly complicated.

I have been looking into the role of emotions as part of the daydream, thought loop and programs, the personality as the expression of the essense swiming in programs, bigs programs that need small programs to run, the thinking/emotional loop structure of daydremaing as a repetitive wheel to find intellectual stability and the repression of emotions a bit closer. Also the idea that there are primary emotions such as anger and secondary emotions or emotions that are structured with intellectual influences such as pride , I am going to present some obeservations here.

Action (Blank) Reaction.

We react by external stimuly..
Well there is a whole amount of processes that take place from external stimuly to a reaction.

I am dividing this process in two main parts, internal and external.

The internal reactions are those which are the ones that take place at the subconcious level such as intant associations of color and those that reflect on the concious level, such as the voice in the head. Emotions, and psysiological changes.
These type of reactions are the most abundant

The external reactions are those which are transmutated from thought or internal comunication to actions such as voice or physical activity etc.

When looking at the internal reactions, one is meet with a vast amount of material, one subconsious process leads to another, and translated into a thought, which translates to an emotion which translates to actions.

I noticed also the external reactions are usually limited to the sense of motion and sound, i was thinking light even when i read keyhole's post https://cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php/topic,42996.msg682646.html#msg682646
and in social forms of understanding.

To express a reaction there needs to be a medium, for motion we need space, for social interaction we need the social medium, language etc, for manipulation we need programs as a medium.
And it goes on and on. The medium as expressed in G. Table of hydrogens must correpond to matter/medium/vibration logic. When looking at reactions "matter" is very fine.

It seems to get heavier and heavier from internal reactions starting in our senses, then processed in our brain, in which all the internal reactions take place, in this order from observations.

{ Sensing-emotional intellectual then comes back down and gets denser
intellectual-emotional-moving. Assuming the initial impression is not caught in a emotional/intellectual loop (thoughtloop) or daydreaming

First, the receptive phase where we sense and all the information in its raw form, it reaches the brain,

Second part associating/filtering phase
Once in the brain the "processors" and "filters" wrong alignment of centers i.e. Programs , process the information .
at this point is where all our missunderstandings take place, our programs prevent the smooth flow and processes info wrongly.

There seem to be an order to this and i could be wrong, my thought is that the emotions are felt after the raw information is processed, the program takes the info and sorts it out to meet the requirements of the program(s) and the program(s) are usually designed to feed itself out like a circuit and take up more energy normaly not needed to process any given event that while for one person is irrelevant for another can issue great stress and needs more energy to process.
To run a program takes up energy.

Anyhow, the program then calls on the necessary emotion to reflect the need of the program so in a simple example if we take shame, the needed internal requirement is pride.

How programs are structured seem to be unique to each program and more emotions are involved, some more some less, but there is an structure to them.

The program of pride requires anger to be triggered internaly to create the defence scenario where "i" needs to be protected.

My thought on this is that every program thinks of itself as the Real "I", and that is why anger is needed, to protect the "i" whatever form the inpostor takes.

Third part
After this internal process takes place, there comes the second internal process , where the expression of internal anger triggers the narrative, (making use of the intellectual center in the "walking concious" voice in our head.

The way the voice in our head works, is by activating the thinking/emotional centers together actively, to access the "waking consious" part.

{. S u m m a r y

The First is

Reception of impressions and information in its raw form through senses

The Second, is
-the filter of raw impressions
-The first set of original emotions.
-then meets the program(s),
-then this sorts out the info, unconciously.
-then the second set of emotions from programs.

The Third is
-the activation of the "waking consious", the voice in the head, narrative and so on, by accessing the "waking consious" thinking/emotional
through an
"emtional path way".}

My theory is that somewhere in the scheeme, the lower emotions have the ability to conect the consious and subconsious together. In the middle there is a barrier or buffer , preventing both minds to connect more succesfully.
I think this is a barrier of programs crystalized more escencial to the personality, thid wall is the personality.
The slow melting and concious integration of the personality with the real self, seems to be the way to go about this process.

When there is a program or a conflicting thought there seems to be a configuration/clog/program that prevents the flow of comunication from one system to the other.
The effort to be honest with the self is important to actively achieve that comunication.

Looking at this theoricaly is very dificult without examining a real example of this process.

Example 1
We have all 5 senses to perceive and the mind to process them, when there is an observation, one moment, waking up, the amount of inpressions at that moment is a huge amount of signals of all the senses into the brain.

How can the brain keep up and how is it we can't notice this process???

My guess is a form concious effort, and the key element of how the brain asseses where goes what, and in what amount, that is attention, the ability to focus.

Attention can also be affected by emotional factors, thus giving priority to something rationally less important to other things.

The mind runs these programs and has these buffers also to keep up with the pressure of the environment, and flow of impressions all at once entering the brain, while the consious mind can't handdle it, the subconsious can, but is always met with barriers and the personality.

The attention narrows the impressions by assimilating only the details wanted, to keep running the processes of suport of the personality, a person with programs uses the programs to limit the flow and feed the programs to keep it from walking into unknown territories of experience. Simply because this is the path of least resistance, growing in ones ideas or personality furthers the structures that binds us to a 3D or subjective perception.

From a little experiment, there seems to be a point in having a personality, in order to have a polarity and conciousnesd and have an organization, and not becoming totally neurotic,
there is a problem with looking at life as a bunch of reactions rather than having experiencing them in oneself, we grow from the decrystalization and recrystalization safely in this manner.
The brain has these abilities and the ability to absorb what it can in the subconcious mind but we have no access to it because of how our programs binds us to this level of perception. Identificarion and so on.

Example 2
A person who has never experienced sound gets scared, and the intense amount of new impressions, the inexperience on how to manage them for the very first time and having no resources created a state of panic. The new experience is fightening, creating fear. And even this person has a system in place to experience fear, and another to experience sound.
This suggests to me that we also have systems to experience different levels of reality, but we don't have the "ears" open yet or the body structure to process higher information.

Example 3
The programs of superiority for example that originated in a form of fear, need a special emotion to close itself, like a circuit, the circuit , or script of the program, narrows the expression of the original fear to not distabilize the system, to be alive needs to feed off emotional energy to keep runing. So the mind creates the original emotion of fear, perceives it, sends it to the program that in turn generates pride. The second emotion must overopwer the fear.
To keep it alive the person must contstantly run this program in the form of daydreaming, or thought loops or habit loops to prevent the original fear from overwhelming the system.

(side notes)

>When a person has no landscape view of all the posibilities and concious access to all reactions, the person is unable to navigate certain scenarios or emotional expressions in a socially coherent way even if the information is already in its mind

>personality demans a sense of indentification while the real self demands a sense of "present" as in present at all times at the present moment. Maybe a clue on dissociation.

>The daydreaming is a way to replay the scenario we are afraid of experiencing over and over to find all possibilities to react in control, instead of just experiencing fear as a human and very normal emotion.

>A person with programs cannot see nor can he learn something new as new. Everything is measured on a scale of fear and the program to protect the fake personality from fear. he sees it through the eyes of the program, and it is not new or reasonable because the task becomes protection not reason (Cognitive dissonance).

>The mind is actually massive, more than one can think off,

>Every mind is shaped differently, and the more we are isolated and secluded to experiences we are doomed to grow deep into dynamics of daydreaming dramas and thought loops,

>the pressure of a pure emotion can destroy us, because we have no system to process the pressure of the impact in us under our current state, to process pure emotions my guess is that we must have a clear system, (centers working in harmony) in which case, pure emotions wouldn't be the term, but rather pure energy and vibrations from higer orders.

>The programs in a way shileds us from accessing higher information AND higher energy.

attention and focus
It is also a question of self-observation and attentiveness, when one is looking at the process of attention.
I have no observations here, except that focus is the factor to not have a soup of colors, shapes and impressions, it gives us contrast and shape to what we see.... And that the focus in a mechanical person with a program is tuned to find the details to keep the program alive, Like tuned to hunt i.e the predator's mind

Experiment 1
It brings me to the subject of the division of food in the machine,
We have three centers to divide the impressions, emotions and food.
In every order there is an emotional intellectual and physical aspect.

I was doing some meditation and had an experience while sensing the body, the body had reaction of iching, which i could not find in physical origin (being the one of the purposes) , i did find the emotion of not scratching created instinctive disconfort, and kept scalating until other emotions such as anger and frustration and fear appeared.
What is the reaction of distress at level of intellect?
Because there comes the intellect acting as a buffer for this event taking place in the moving center,
The emotion crossed over the intelligence of the moving/instinctive center and activated the buffer, the mind was requested to help because the body alone was prevented by the will(mind/focus) to not scratch, At this instant, the mind is activated, the buffer is called uppon by the emotion-intelect , bringing images of frustration and visual events narratives even, to convince the will(mind/focus) to stop the process preventing the scratch.

At this point in the reaction, other things that take place in the emotional and thinking center become much more dificult to evaluate (because other programs were triggered) , there are many systems at play conflicting with one another.

The emotion of frustration, this appeared to form after the original disconfort, this activated stress, which in turn took many forms, this stress crated thoughts,
The stress was able to comunicate the moving center and the intellectual center.
It created interfierence in the mental state of concentration, the emotion was able to alter the thinking process and thus reach the attention of remaing still, making me move.

The mind lost part of its concentration in originaly sensing the reactions of the body and the mind in a silent state, the stress itself, recalled events of stress from other situations such as incomformity with another person or similar things,
This process was weird, the imagination was activated in solving the drama of the figures and situations being displayed.

This observation is important because, this simple thing was able to trigger a state of disociation that was disconected from the original disconfort, like self lying at the moving center level,

Why is the image of a situation that bothered me earlier showing when in reality i am only uncomfortable because my foot is itching?

How is this misscomunication or wiring happening???

I have the guess that the brain conects stress 1 with stress 2 because it can recognize the hormone of stress the same and the pathway for the stressful situation and itching foot was created at that moment,
Wow, is this how hypnosis works??

Hence my theory that the emotions have the ability to connect both the concious/subconcious and thinking/instinctive and so on.

{ The thinking/moving seems a more complex process that i have no observations from only guessing a level of finer orrganization of the centers and energy }

The other aspect is NO, i don't want to associate itching foot with stressful situation, and therefore what is the solution to this problem???

My guess is that the brain can be rewired though any center by effort, ( because if forces it to arrange itself differently )
but importantly is that there is a conection already in place that conected both intances, and the way to address the emotional factor of one and the other is to address them separately. Thus consiously.

In the stress of the foot, the origin was disconfort/disharmony or loosing concentration created a feeling of unrest. The frustration.
The frustration seems to be yet another way my mind has to process events.(program)

In the stress situation, it was disconformity with someone's comment, which has a much longer, intertwined process behind it, but lets just say it originated in an unprocessed fear, that i have not solved.

Can this be a way to hint how the body can create illnesses when one says unprocessed emotions can make you ill?

Anyhow, in that example, what is the fear? Why is the body vibrating in multiple forms of fear, and making these conections? Is it multiple programs and i just haven't found them? Or is it a consequesnce of the body vibrating in fear and i have no consious way of separating events on that level of awareness...?

The brain may have grown in this fashion to process emotions affecting the whole system so as to trigger a reaction to remove the disconfort,

Objectively, how is the healthy process of the emotional center supposed to be?
On going work for recevership of higher vibrations is that only piece of the puzzle that can answer the question.

Can it be that the stressful situation caused the foot to itch instead and that is why that was the first association came to be?

It makes you wonder the masiveness and the interconective nature of our mind and how little amount of impression we are aware of.

That's all i have for now

Feel free to comment, share, input. Books. Refferences all welcomed and appreciated.
Hi Felipe4

Personally I find it very complicated and hard to read. As a layman I prefer a more accessable approach with lesser attention to details. I can't confirm the different steps you describe. It feels like this observation is too close to the subject and for me vague in its detailed descriptions of links and influences, too many questions. I'm not a neurologist ;P But maybe that's just me being not informed well enough to evaluate that level of abstract and intellectual description of brain/ consciousness processes, too many unknowns for me. It's like talking about a painting from a molecular point of view. There certainly is some connection but it's too difficult for me to see. For now it's out of my reach ;P So I'm the guy who steps back from the painting and wonders if you even need to know the molecular complexity of the paint to understand it's essence. For me it raises the question: In the attempt to observe myself, how close do I have to look? Is it possible to get lost in the details and not seeing the forest for the trees? Just my too cents.
I belive you are right, and your observation means that i may need to gather a better understanding and ability to communicate these ideas. i focused on the subject itself of how reactions happen within us, and even there i could not find the principle of the actual process of comunication from one center to another. I am still trying to understand things myself.

In reality what is ultimately useful for the work is having an understanding of the processes,
And 2 engaging in the actual "walk"
Like getting the map(theory), and then actually engage in the journey (practice)
In my case it am focused on reactions, but others may be working on other aspects of the work.

It is an experiment of observation and i put a little summary to present the gist and the main points just in case it was too complicated to read.

The mind seems to be constantly overwhelmed by impressions AND the self-imprinting from how we perceive the world and how our programs filter and twist information, like when one is emgaged in daydreaming, jealousy , etc, etc.

The practical piece for this kind of work is having the initial intention of work, and start by letting onself act naturally with an attentive eye on self-observing one self. Recording ones reactions, programs, habits etc in an spontaneus manner. The idea of letting oneself "be" is not to just give into bad habits with a clever justification , but to get the a real picture on how we actually are. Get to know the personality.

Then once there is a good number of "recordings" we can take one and examine, where, when, how, what, why, is this or that. To have the theory in place to understand how the machine works , what to do, and understanding of the concepts such as programs, daydream thought loops etc etc, have the theory in place.

Then once there is a picture or map, engage in the work of the emotional character, or healthy expression of emotions associated with programs, honesty is crussial for this, express fear as fear, and anger as anger, feel where is coming from , experiencing it, study it , instead of
Fear then anger, then jealousy, then vengance, then frustration then a twisted joy on revenge. On and on. Till internal confort is achieved while the initial fear was never allowed to have a helthy expression and reintegration through acceptance.

Then the part of reconciliation and balance, where the emotions that rule our programs are understood and expressed in a healthy manner, balancing onself and accepting these things as part of us, and reacting by helping others in their life struggles of similar nature (Service to Others)

In summary , is the exploration, observation, melting and reintegrarion of the personality, by means of emotional work. Emotional work, as identifying the emotions associated with programs and allowing expression and more importantly feeling then understanding.

Attention devoted to self-observation in one's natural state is the key to find the information we need for this kind of work.

It's an idea in progress but i admit it helped me reading this thread when things when programs were running and concetration dwidled and it is more useful in general terms for anyone.

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