Odd dreams


The Force is Strong With This One
Like many people in this forum I have had strange dreams all my life.
When dreaming I do have average dreams but there are ones that always left my wondering afterwards what was that was about.
These dreams tend to be more upsetting.

There was a dream I had where in it I was looking outside the sitting room window. I was with my little sister and in the sky there were about five or six objects that looked like comets.
When I first looked out there weren't headed towards us but more like streaked across the sky as if frozen. Then suddenly they turned towards where my sister and I stood and came down hitting the driveway.
I woke up as the fire came right on top of us. When I woke I couldn't remember if we were burned by the fire or if we were shielded from it. It was like I knew it would burn but I don't know if it did or didn't in the dream.

Another dream I had was when I was in college a few years back. In the dream I was with people I never met before and in this place there was a 'creature' after us. We couldn't see the creature. I got the impression it was female if that makes sense and covered in a white light. I said to the others not to look at it in the eye or it will kill you. Unfortunately it caught up to us but I was so angry I went to fend off the creature. During this I couldn't see what it was I was fighting.I woke up then but it wasn't immediately. I was confused and it was like I was still dreaming. I thought I saw a white human size shape down
near the foot of my bed. As I became more aware it was gone.

The worst dream I had I was outside a little way from my house around the corner from where I live. I was talking to a man I never met. In the dream it was like there was a connection between us.
We started talking about the problems the world is facing. Although I can't remember specifically what we discussing. The topic turned towards the cassiopaea website when in mid conversation the atmosphere changed suddenly. It felt so cold and very lifeless as if everything was still. Both the man and I knew we had to get out of there fast. We started to run back in the direction of my house. He was in front of me so it seemed he got away but when I was moving in that moment some force spun me around against my will and I was face to face with what I think may have been a 'lizzie'. It most certainly looked reptilian.
It was green (pale green I think), flat nose and scales over the face. The face itself seemed flat and this thing was bald with no hair. It was about my height which is 5'8''. I was very scared.
Without moving its lips it said "That's enough" and immediately I woke up.

I wonder if anyone has any insight or experience any similar encounters. I don't know if what I saw truly was a lizzie. I not sure if there are different types ( I thought they are taller). I read that the c's say they don't appear that often in peoples dreams. (can't remember where I read it). If it was a lizzie I wonder why it was in my dream.
Hi Clarekav,

I'm not sure about the first dream, but the last two sound like dark man dreams. Not sure if you've heard or read about it yet, but just in case, here is a thread related to it. It may also be helpful for you to read the link(s) in that thread. Let me know if you have any questions. :)
Thanks truth seeker,

The thread most certainly helped and lead me to http://www.cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php?topic=14058.0 (sorry about the URL I'm not sure how to link to other threads) the possibility that
those dreams may be something attached to me is starting to make sense.
I hope I haven't confused this in my mind as I haven't found a direct definition to dark men (probably not that simple) but from the topics I read it sounds like they are beings that attach to a person's psyche due to unresolved issues and starts feeding from the negative emotions a person generates or is it that they are darker aspects of one own self?

From another thread http://www.cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php?topic=18149.0 I found
"The dark man dream tells a person what predicament they are facing. The dream tells about a cruel attitude toward the dreamer. Like Bluebeard's wife, the dreamer can consciously gain hold of the 'key' question about this matter and answer it honestly, and can then be set free. ...

"The dark man appears in dreams when an initiation - a psychic change from one level of knowing and behavior to another more energetic level of knowledge and action is imminent. The initiation creates an archway which one prepares to pass through to a new manner of knowing and being....
I think the dreams might be telling me of certain fears I am currently having and is a sign to recognise and handle these fears. A dream I had the night after I posted the first message seems to point to that. I was with my sister in the dream and she had lost her book mom gave as a gift, one to each of us and she wanted my one. I wouldn't give it to her and she got upset so I decided we share the book. I then went into my bedroom and picked it up from around the bedroom window, I looked up and outside the window I saw a woman with a dark cloak floating as if the cloak itself was keeping her in the air.
I saw her face clearly, she looked very ordinary with a bit of brown hair showing from the cloak. She opened her mouth to sing a very eerie song, frighting and siren like. I closed my eyes tight as I could and held the book close to me but I still could hear the song in my left ear. I woke up with the song lingering. I think it might be feeding from a fear of losing my family which I've always had.

Seeing frightening woman in my dreams is nothing new for me they come and go. Usually I've never been able to see their face before. Most of the time I can't sleep at night because of them so I haven't had a regular sleeping pattern for awhile. I need to find away to protect myself. I want to do the 'Beatha' part of the EE program but I'm a little afraid of what it might unleash yet if I do nothing I think the dreams will always remain.
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