Odd Stairs, Puppets and not doing my homework


The Living Force
Had a weird dream this morning I figured I'd relate.

The first part of the dream was moving into an old house with my family (who wasn't my family and I don't think I was me either). It was a strange house with an odd arrangement as far as the way the rooms were interconnected. Like, instead of having hallways each room kinda just ran into the next, it gave the place the impression of being a maze. The weirdest part about the bathroom (it was huge) was that there was a stairway that went up to one corner and another that was down below it, but when you walked up the one you came up the other. And when I looked down the stairwell it gave me the impression of the bathroom being right below it. Totally bizarre, like being able to walk through a mirror.

The next part was me being in school, and I was actually me this time and a teenager. So we're in this auditorium discussing a project and one of my roommates was asking me if I had completed my part of the assignment and I had no idea what she was talking about. Like having one of those dreams where you show up in school and there's a test you had no idea was coming. It wasn't even a big assignment, like a three page report on something, and I said I'd email it to her that night. I did feel absolutely horrible about it though.

Then I was watching some puppeteer's doing their thing with some puppets and they wanted me to try, but I was really hesitant. I guess I was a bit afraid of making a fool of myself, and watching the pro's do it was fascinating.

That's it, there's not a lot going on in my life right now. I'm just focusing on the diet/detox/EE bits and getting myself to martial arts 2-3x a week. It's been a nice break with school being over. My friends also seem to have a lot of craziness going on their lives right now so I try to be there for them and offer support when it's asked for. That's contrasted with May being crazy, I was sick and very weak most of it - from allergies I think, and miserable. June's been great so far and I feel much better and have a higher energy level. :D
Hi Puck,

Just had a quick read through your dream and had a few thoughts. The house usually represents self, and being the "old" house, might represent the "old" you, that was stuck in the maze.

School usually means lessons, and missing the assignment pretty common symbol for some lesson you need(ed?) to learn.

Now for the puppets. From the dream dictionary -

To dream that you are a puppeteer, refers to your tendency to control or manipulate someone or some situation.

Interesting themes of the old you, school and lessons, followed by a specific lesson/test - when you did not join in with the puppeteers.

Might be off, but fwiw.
No, I think the themes you identify are pretty spot on. My old self was kinda maze-esque. Confused, angry, and wallowed a lot in sex and partying in a vain attempt to deal. None of it works anymore, but I still have to wear that outfit every so often in an attempt to fit in with everyone in my life. Its mostly strategic nowadays, and to them I'm the same person, except I don't participate in the same ways that I used to.

There's definitely a lot of emotional manipulation going on in the people around me. I'm constantly observing my actions and watching for the clues that indicate im deluding myself. There's a particular flavor to the way my brain argues for or against something that typically tips me off that I'm attempting to lie to myself. I also am wary when I 'want' something a lot, its like a childish craving for a new toy - big clue.

Anyway I had another crazy dream this morning, so instead of putting it in a new thread I figured I'd just add it on here:

I'm in a huge house, its really nice. Its here in NYC and my family is moving out of the city. I don't wanna go, I like the city. We're in my bedroom packing up this and that, and its not until one of my friends tells me "You can always stay if you want." The possibility even occurs to me. We're leaving behind the ps3 ... See moreand my big TVs and the movers are like "oh we'll take it" and I get uppity and wanna keep them.

I walk out of the room and I see buffy battling some huge demon. She's getting romped hardcore, slashed up and eventually the think brings this big axe down on her and kills her. Howling in triumph, Buffy's body melts into a clear liquid, engulfs the thing and pulls it down into the earth. I follow it through layers of rock until I come out in the middle of some big battle.

There's monsters and men fighting with swords and stuff, hand to hand, and I know I have to help lead the fight. I have to find Buffy & Angel, so I start climbing up rocks and walls, trying to get a better view. When I get to the highest point and its still not high enough I jump into the air and start flapping these huge feathery wings.

Unfortunately I'm not used to them, and the muscles tire easily from all the exertion. I can't get high enough.

The next thing I know I'm drunk, wandering the East Village around 3rd & 23rd street, heading south looking for a particular bar. I random street people keep giving me directions and I walk a few blocks until I notice some of my favorite Lesbians hanging out in a living room right off the street.

I walk in and say hi, give hugs, and ask about the bar. They give me directions and tell me to leave through this one door, so I go through it and I'm in a clear in the woods surrounded by trees. I see a big barn type thing and hear music coming from it, so I head over.

Inside there's a troop of musicians singing and dancing, rehearsing this big production number. There's people with these red ribbons attached to the ceiling and walls that let them zoom around, like they're flying. I'm watching for a bit, when the woman in charge grabs a ribbon and hands it to me, so I start flying around the room, diving up and down, timing it with the music, making dramatic floor dives, and zipping through the crowd. Everyone loves it, and I get the impression I'm really good at it.

So then I'm taking a break, resting on the floor, when I hear silence and wonder what's up. Still catching my breath, I hear sirens like cop cars, open my eyes, realize its night out, everyone's gone, and the lights in the place are still on and I'm the only one left, in my underwear no less.

So I grab my backpack, turn out the lights, and run outside, seeing a cop car pull up, I hope over a railing and jet off into the woods, running through trees and brush in my bare feet. I know I need to stop and put my clothes on, but its not safe yet, so I keep running.

Then I woke up.

So I get the whole flying theme is me attempting to do extraordinary things. Like change the world through blogging, or become something bigger, more capable, and it's like I'm doing it, but I'm just not practiced enough yet. The whole moving idea, changing houses or changing who I am, and I'm resistant, I don't want to go, its like my ego struggling for survival. The TV/ps3 definitely represented 'entertainment' and the fact that I knew we couldn't bring them even though I wanted to screams how I don't wanna give it up.

Then the friend suggesting I stay is like how my friends are constantly trying to get me to just do the normal mid-20s partying thing, and how I'm always trying to stay away but not do so conspicuously.

Then there's the whole performance-running from cops drama which basically shows me that I wanna be this big awesome Do'er but am afraid of the authorities and their clamp down-age. ::shrugs::
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