Aaahh.. the psychopath speaketh. This is like the speech from the villain in the middle of the movie where he thinks he's got everything under control and just cannot help but explain his plan for the viewers, as it is so magnificently brilliant in its buildup and conclusion. An example of "stark accuracy, when convenient". Very interesting indeed! I'll make an attempt at translation of some parts of it.
Every country will have to reassess its own contribution to the prevailing crisis. Each will seek to make itself independent, to the greatest possible degree, of the conditions that produced the collapse; at the same time, each will be obliged to face the reality that its dilemmas can be mastered only by common action.
Here he suggests that all countries should evaluate their part of the blame, but then later he also says that most countries had to play by the rules set up by the US. So the root of the problem is known, but he's trying to get some "we're all to blame" thing going. But here we also have the root of why this financial crisis has come about: to FORCE countries into "mastering" the problem by "common action". And by common action he doesn't seem to be suggesting making decisions together as separate states, but rather the introduction of new supra-national organisations, as he later also refers to the Europeans as being limited by their national thinking.
The nadir of the existing international financial system coincides with simultaneous political crises around the globe. Never have so many transformations occurred at the same time in so many different parts of the world and been made globally accessible via instantaneous communication. The alternative to a new international order is chaos.
If I'm reading this correctly I think this means that freedom of speech on the Internet is going bye-bye in order to avoid "international chaos" because of how transformative information exchange can be. Sleep. Don't listen, don't talk, don't think. STS at its finest.
The financial and political crises are, in fact, closely related partly because, during the period of economic exuberance, a gap had opened up between the economic and the political organization of the world.
The economic world has been globalized. Its institutions have a global reach and have operated by maxims that assumed a self-regulating global market.
The financial collapse exposed the mirage. It made evident the absence of global institutions to cushion the shock and to reverse the trend. Inevitably, when the affected publics turned to their national political institutions, these were driven principally by domestic politics, not considerations of world order.
So, it was then important for the markets to become globalized, for the financial institutions to act internationally, so that when this system was deliberately broken the above argument could be made, that the political scene was lagging, and instead of again nationalizing economy, which would seem like a more logical conclusion, the argument is instead made to globalize the political structures as well. Nations are obsolete and arbitrary, from a psychopath point of view, and "order" (=sleep) can only be accomplished on an international level.
Every major country has attempted to solve its immediate problems essentially on its own and to defer common action to a later, less crisis-driven point. So-called rescue packages have emerged on a piecemeal national basis, generally by substituting seemingly unlimited governmental credit for the domestic credit that produced the debacle in the first place - so far without more than stemming incipient panic.
The packages are then also an important piece of the puzzle, as they served to undermine the national constructs, and point to how weak and powerless nations are to handle this constructed crisis. Panic is not the result of this, it was the goal to begin with.
In the end, the political and economic systems can be harmonized in only one of two ways: by creating an international political regulatory system with the same reach as that of the economic world; or by shrinking the economic units to a size manageable by existing political structures, which is likely to lead to a new mercantilism, perhaps of regional units.
Here he indeed points out the two alternatives: a new world order, or a "regression" to a more regional thinking. A thinking which is more likely to be environmentally friendly, support local economies, and give more power to the people, who are by definition local. The choice is easy!
A new Bretton Woods-kind of global agreement is by far the preferable outcome. America's role in this enterprise will be decisive. Paradoxically, American influence will be great in proportion to the modesty in our conduct; we need to modify the righteousness that has characterized too many American attitudes, especially since the collapse of the Soviet Union.
This is puzzling, because this would seem to indicate that it is important for Obama to be president, since his conduct is definitely more modest in appearance, compared to Bush. If Bush continues to be president, for some reason, it seems like getting to a new world order would be more difficult. In a week we will know, but if the C's are right, then Bush will still be president, and this will then maybe abort the new world order, and instead expand the American empire, which in the end will lead to its destruction. Obama=new world order, Bush=empire. Is that it? It is made even more clear in the next segment:
Not since the inauguration of President John F. Kennedy half a century ago has a new administration come into office with such a reservoir of expectations. It is unprecedented that all the principal actors on the world stage are avowing their desire to undertake the transformations imposed on them by the world crisis in collaboration with the United States.
The extraordinary impact of the president-elect on the imagination of humanity is an important element in shaping a new world order. But it defines an opportunity, not a policy.
In this sense, it has been absolutely crucial for the new world order that Bush has screwed up so royally, acted so intensely unilaterally, and being such a jerk in general, because it has built up such a great disgust that if Obama comes in as a seeming opposite, then there will be a "ooh yes, we will do whatever you want" kind of reaction to it. "Sanity at least! New world order? No more chaos? Global stability? Sure!!!". Also important to note that he refers to imagination specifically. It's a mirage, and he knows it, but as long as people believe in it, that's the only thing that matters.
The ultimate challenge is to shape the common concern of most countries and all major ones regarding the economic crisis, together with a common fear of jihadist terrorism, into a common strategy reinforced by the realization that the new issues like proliferation, energy and climate change permit no national or regional solution.
The fake terrorism threat, the fake climate change threat, the fake peak oil threat, all of these will be used as a common goal, the common fear, which will unite countries. To go against these fearbased beliefs, these lies, will probably not be acceptable, as they will endanger the order in this brave new world.
The new administration could make no worse mistake than to rest on its initial popularity. The cooperative mood of the moment needs to be channeled into a grand strategy going beyond the controversies of the recent past.
Things need to happen, and they need to happen fast. This is probably what Powell and Biden and others have been referring to. Something big, early on, to drive the change towards a new world order. That is, unless Bush stays on of course.
The charge of American unilateralism has some basis in fact; it also has become an alibi for a key European difference with America: that the United States still conducts itself as a national state capable of asking its people for sacrifices for the sake of the future, while Europe, suspended between abandoning its national framework and a yet-to-be-reached political substitute, finds it much harder to defer present benefits.
One wonders what kind of "sacrifice" he means. Being the target of a fake nuke attack perhaps?
The role of China in a new world order is equally crucial. A relationship that started on both sides as essentially a strategic design to constrain a common adversary has evolved over the decades into a pillar of the international system.
China made possible the American consumption splurge by buying American debt; America helped the modernization and reform of the Chinese economy by opening its markets to Chinese goods.
So it seems like he wants to look west (from a US standpoint) rather than east for partners. That China is a dictatorship is a non-issue, if global interests and financial policies is all that is concerned. It must be convenient to be a person who only looks at big pictures, since that avoids the dreadfulness of what goes on in the little picture, where individuals are tortured and brutalized. It is interesting to note the difference here between Kissinger and Brzezinski, Obamas mentor. Kissinger is definitely wanting to hug China, whereas (if I have understood things correctly) Brzezinski wants to undermine both China and Russia in various ways. So if Obama becomes president, with Brzezinski as mentor, will the new world order include China? Maybe a weakened China? Will be interesting to see what happens.
Both sides overestimated the durability of this arrangement. But while it lasted, it sustained unprecedented global growth. It mitigated as well the concerns over China's role once China emerged in full force as a fellow superpower. A consensus had developed according to which adversarial relations between these pillars of the international system would destroy much that had been achieved and benefit no one. That conviction needs to be preserved and reinforced.
Both sides have agreed to "tolerate" each other, for the mutual benefit of both. What happens with this deal when the US cannot fulfil its part, due to its consumers not being able to purchase goods from China? We will see.
It will not be easy to shift gears rapidly, and the Chinese growth rate may fall temporarily below the 7.5 percent that Chinese experts have always defined as the line that challenges political stability. America needs Chinese cooperation to address its current account imbalance and to prevent its exploding deficits from sparking a devastating inflation.
From the recent newsitems on this it seems like China is becoming less interested in the deal between the two. If that is the case, then a devastating inflation might well be the end result of it. How this will impact the US both financially, politically and socially I think others are more able to assess, but I can't be good.
Such a vision must embrace as well such countries as Japan, Korea, India, Indonesia, Australia and New Zealand, whether as part of trans-Pacific structures or, in regional arrangements, dealing with special subjects as energy, proliferation and the environment.
This is very interesting, because this "vision" seems to exclude Europe, Africa, the Middle East, and so on. Will they join and create a counterpart to the New World Order that Kissinger describes? 1984 anyone? And it is again interesting that he comes back to the big three lies of energy, proliferation and environment. Or rather, they are all true, but the devil is in the details.
An international order can be permanent only if its participants have a share not only in building but also in securing it. In this manner, America and its potential partners have a unique opportunity to transform a moment of crisis into a vision of hope.
This would again seem to indicate that there will be a massive generated crisis this year, to thrust everyone into wanting a New World Order. And when he says "securing it" that would also most likely include generating energy problems when necessary, generating terror attacks when necessary, and generating environmental catastrophies when necessary, in order to bolster that part of human nature which he has declared shall be the uniting force of this New World Order: fear.