Old dream with a decrepit threatening big elephant.


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Would memories from old dreams could be consider a remainder of what is being unresolved?

I have been remembering lately and a lot an old dream in where I was being chasing by an old decrepit and threatening big (10 meters high) elephant, I remember entering a house with no furniture, I kept hidding, mostly trying in doing so, because windows of the house were big from floor to roof and the elephant kept finding me in every room from outside until I woke up from the desperation. I do quite remember this old decrepit and threatening big (10 meters high) elephant, mostly its face, it was full of hate.

I was told once that I needed to confront this elephant, asking my self or my subconscious to bring again the elephant and ask it what the hell it wants?...but certainly I had hadn't done it, I hadn't be that brave...would this action will be effective or are there other ways?

I think that this dream is coming back due to certain things that I had been working while reading Trapped in the Mirror ...



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mabar said:
I was told once that I needed to confront this elephant, asking my self or my subconscious to bring again the elephant and ask it what the hell it wants?...but certainly I had hadn't done it, I hadn't be that brave...would this action will be effective or are there other ways?

I've done this before. Usually it is most effective after the POTS. Sometimes you'll get some clues about what its related to at the time, or if nothing makes sense or you get nothing, pay attention to the dreams.
Just think of a dream memory, and don't try and dictate/control the images....just let it be. Ask what it is/to be shown what it is...

I noticed that a lot of my 'running from things' dreams where to do with diet and stress as well as past emotional issues, so this may be important to consider.
RedFox said:
mabar said:
I was told once that I needed to confront this elephant, asking my self or my subconscious to bring again the elephant and ask it what the hell it wants?...but certainly I had hadn't done it, I hadn't be that brave...would this action will be effective or are there other ways?

I've done this before. Usually it is most effective after the POTS. Sometimes you'll get some clues about what its related to at the time, or if nothing makes sense or you get nothing, pay attention to the dreams.
Just think of a dream memory, and don't try and dictate/control the images....just let it be. Ask what it is/to be shown what it is...

I noticed that a lot of my 'running from things' dreams where to do with diet and stress as well as past emotional issues, so this may be important to consider.

I went to bed yesterday quite sad, thinking about this elephant again with raw emotions, reciting pots helping me to sleep was a difficult task, … so definitely I think it is time to face it, I used to have bright, vivid, dreams and I even had a diary, registering things, emotions, colors, places … maybe it is the time to start doing it again…

I remember that around this elephant dream I dreamt (more than 3 times) also of a cousin that was … I really love her and I miss her, she has been dead for almost 20 years, and even though after all this time, she represent to me of what I am/was not… having so strong character and self steem and was beloved by many people and had many friends. I hadn't had dreams of her lately but I keep remembering her this lasts months.

Thanks RedFox,

mabar said:
I do quite remember this old decrepit and threatening big (10 meters high) elephant, mostly its face, it was full of hate.

mabar said:
I remember that around this elephant dream I dreamt (more than 3 times) also of a cousin that was … I really love her and I miss her, she has been dead for almost 20 years, and even though after all this time, she represent to me of what I am/was not… having so strong character and self steem and was beloved by many people and had many friends. I hadn't had dreams of her lately but I keep remembering her this lasts months.

I'd suggest a connection between the loss of you're cousin and the elephant then.
If you saw hate in its face....do you perhaps feel responsibility (and thus hate towards yourself) for her death? Or perhaps the elephant is your anger....and you are angry at her death?
One thing I learnt about my 'running from' dreams is exactly that...it usually running from an emotion, because we perceive the emotion as too big and scary to be part of us....it 'pursues' us seeking recognition/expression/integration....and we fight for our life to avoid (feeling) it.....thinking we will be consumed by it and lost/destroyed.
RedFox said:
mabar said:
I do quite remember this old decrepit and threatening big (10 meters high) elephant, mostly its face, it was full of hate.

mabar said:
I remember that around this elephant dream I dreamt (more than 3 times) also of a cousin that was … I really love her and I miss her, she has been dead for almost 20 years, and even though after all this time, she represent to me of what I am/was not… having so strong character and self steem and was beloved by many people and had many friends. I hadn't had dreams of her lately but I keep remembering her this lasts months.

I'd suggest a connection between the loss of you're cousin and the elephant then.
I think, that in my confused state of mind when this kind of emotions resurged I did not wrote other “dots” to make a better connection.


No, no, … my cousin was killed by a drugged/drunk guy when she was 18 years old changing a wheel with the help of a taxi driver of her wrecked car.

RedFox said:
If you saw hate in its face....do you perhaps feel responsibility (and thus hate towards yourself) for her death? Or perhaps the elephant is your anger....and you are angry at her death?

Yes I am angry towards myself because of many things, I have been thinking that perhaps the elephant could be myself, since I had read that elephants could symbolise inner strength and wisdom (from this link: http://www.dreamsleep.net/meaning-of-elephant-dream.html), myself being angry with myself…that would be to easy –as extracting the meaning of the dream-, isn't it? I think there is something more, and an elephant banging it's head because I am not getting it, could be less aggressive …

In relation with dreaming with my cousin, that was around the same time, I was then in a some sort of psychology/meditation group sessions? .. and the psychologist told me that since my cousin had represented to me strength and self-steem that I was lacking … I somehow was calling her soul for help, and that I need it to assure her that –having touched those emotions- I will be fine and she can go to …the light, thinking I am remembering the fact that I once “called her in my dreams” since I am sort feeling … mmm …buf!–not very comfortable feelings? … raw emotions, its a better choose of words. …could be like grabbing onto something? ..her again, in this case.

Maybe I resent her still for not being in flesh with me …in the dreams I kept asking her –why she was here, if she was dead?¿?

RedFox said:
One thing I learnt about my 'running from' dreams is exactly that...it usually running from an emotion, because we perceive the emotion as too big and scary to be part of us....it 'pursues' us seeking recognition/expression/integration....and we fight for our life to avoid (feeling) it.....thinking we will be consumed by it and lost/destroyed.


… I have be reading about emotions, but I think I need to read/learn more … I am actually almost finishing the 2nd from the 5 bigs? … take notes, track my programs, reset myself, unfortunately it can't be done pushing the red botton….

thank you

I already started writing again the dreams, since I got unaccustomed … I did not recall that much … writing dreams is the most difficult thing to do physically, I mean … I am barely awake with not so much energy and I have to grab a pen and write the “universe” of memories coming at once!! … :P

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