Old woman with changing eyes


The Living Force
I had a strange dream last night and I don't remember most of it, but one part right before I woke up was very interesting/frightening that I thought I should share.

In the dream, I remember I was with a whole bunch of people, and we were talking to an old woman psychic. She looked kind of like an old gypsy woman. She was telling us that she could tell our fortunes and hypnotize anyone. I told her that I didn't think she could hypnotize me, because I had some knowledge and could protect myself. So she kind of dared me to look into her eyes, and I did, and as I did... she began to chant something (in some language I don't know) and her eyes began changing colors from dark brown, to blue, to green to red and I became frozen and paralyzed. I didn't have control over my body anymore and became very frightened. I remember my thought process was like

"oh my god I'm frozen. What is she doing? What if she's programing me to do something and I won't even know I did it. How could I be so stupid and let her do this."

As this was going on, suddenly I woke up.

I think the dream was telling me to keep vigilant and never doubt anyone's abilities to manipulate or 'spell bind' you. Because in the dream I was so sure that she wasn't for real or able to harm me. I think this was a warning to me about my arrogance.

If anyone else could think of anything else this might mean, please share your thoughts.

Thank you!
Deedlet said:
I think the dream was telling me to keep vigilant and never doubt anyone's abilities to manipulate or 'spell bind' you. Because in the dream I was so sure that she wasn't for real or able to harm me. I think this was a warning to me about my arrogance.

What stands out is the way you were hooked in the dream, via the dare, right there is where consent is given, free will given up. So maybe something about ego/self importance, and how letting that take over relates to free will. Just my 2 cents.
In The Wave: Wherever you see is the face of God.

"!That does not happen to me! I'm an exception" It is very interesting. ;)
Your dream has a Medusa-like quality to it. You know the story?

Just an observation...
Alada said:
Deedlet said:
I think the dream was telling me to keep vigilant and never doubt anyone's abilities to manipulate or 'spell bind' you. Because in the dream I was so sure that she wasn't for real or able to harm me. I think this was a warning to me about my arrogance.

What stands out is the way you were hooked in the dream, via the dare, right there is where consent is given, free will given up. So maybe something about ego/self importance, and how letting that take over relates to free will. Just my 2 cents.

yes this was pretty much my take on it as well.

Alma.Innovadora said:
In The Wave: Wherever you see is the face of God.

"!That does not happen to me! I'm an exception" It is very interesting. ;)

Hmm I'm not quite sure what you're saying. Could you please clarify a bit more?

Galatea said:
Your dream has a Medusa-like quality to it. You know the story?

Just an observation...

I do know the story, and interesting observation because it kind of did feel like I was having a staring contest with Medusa and she was winning... :/
In The Wave: Wherever you see is the face of God.

"!That does not happen to me! I'm an exception" It is very interesting. Wink

Hmm I'm not quite sure what you're saying. Could you please clarify a bit more?

In this chapter beginning says: The STS mode always chooses the thought of desire "¡That does not happen to me! ¡I'm an exception!"

Maybe if you re-read that chapter, find something you serve to deal with it. Other angles perhaps.
Hi Deedlet: well, first of all, my apologies for my English, I speak Spanish... So I hope you understand me something.

I think your "dream " is very interesting ... And I also think it is more than just a dream, I mean "those dreams that are not dreams". I tell you this, basically because of the impression this dream left by on you, plus some other details that indicate what could be our own "shadow", and something external too.

I remember a few words of don Juan Matus in relation to the act of some predators in dreams, and how they take forms more or less known to us as a any person or anything... even some objects... but either way, the signal about those "presences" is that they dreams are very vivid like the one that you had.

I do not think it was just your "arrogance", but also a defiant attitude that is also very necessary to confront this part of our psyche, predators or whatever you call it. Without doubt the worst is a submissive attitude in front of these "intruders of dreams "....

I think your attitude in your dream was a reflection of a good thing to do, but I thing it was some "fearless" too (or bold??)... maybe had been "better" if you screaming strongly to that “woman” with the purpose that she had been "out of place", but do not fall into her trap, in this case, in her hypnotic eyes. Sometimes it's like entering a forest, and for that we must know the land that is stepping.. and your experience of dreaming was a very good lesson in that sense ..

Well, anyway I do not know to what extent could have "recipes" for this, or if we can have some "control" over these situations, but apparently it's good.

Thanks :)
Alma.Innovadora said:
In The Wave: Wherever you see is the face of God.

"!That does not happen to me! I'm an exception" It is very interesting. Wink

Hmm I'm not quite sure what you're saying. Could you please clarify a bit more?

In this chapter beginning says: The STS mode always chooses the thought of desire "¡That does not happen to me! ¡I'm an exception!"

Maybe if you re-read that chapter, find something you serve to deal with it. Other angles perhaps.

Oh yes I think I understand what you mean. You're pointing to the fact that my attitude towards the woman's offer to hypnotize me was ""¡That does not happen to me! ¡I'm an exception!" right? But I will re-read the chapter, thanks.

IronFloyd said:
Hi Deedlet: well, first of all, my apologies for my English, I speak Spanish... So I hope you understand me something.

Your English is fine! And thank you for your post it gave me food for thought :)
Alada said:
Deedlet said:
I think the dream was telling me to keep vigilant and never doubt anyone's abilities to manipulate or 'spell bind' you. Because in the dream I was so sure that she wasn't for real or able to harm me. I think this was a warning to me about my arrogance.

What stands out is the way you were hooked in the dream, via the dare, right there is where consent is given, free will given up. So maybe something about ego/self importance, and how letting that take over relates to free will. Just my 2 cents.

I thought exactly the same. Coincidentally, I was meditating yesterday how being a "rebel" makes you as usable as being obedient and how I keep falling on that. Inverse psychology I guess.
;) I think be open to all possibilities. The protection against dangers won't come magically, you have to use your knowledge. She, the woman itself, began to manipulate you and hypnotize you even before you watched directly to her eyes, with the provocation to the ego, the ego now that I see, is very dangerous to everyone.
Yep, that's what I meant. ;)

I remember reading that STS loves a challenge. And as practically in the "dreams" we are vulnerable, until wherever the knowledge him permits, go little by little, learn about that "land".

Cass in at one of the first sessions, I think they were talking about gravity. One of his first meetings in public. cass where I think that says something like: "Believing there is a separation is the illusion"

So, if STS accumulates gravity and STO expands gravity. And I think we spend enough time accumulating gravity. And this leads to what has been tried at the beginning "Know thyself" for then expand it. STO through STS, know your other face.

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