On the subject of Cartoons....


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Here's one I found particularly amusing that Antony Loewenstein linked to in his blog:


"Something's rotten in the state of Denmark" indeed.
Something is rotten in the state of Denmark indeedy.And another quote from the same play says it all for me.


Denmark's a prison.


Then is the world one.

Now as just about everyone uses and twists Shakespeares words to suit their own thoughts/ interpretation,so shall I.

Normally the reply from Rosencrantz is seen as him saying "dont be silly Hamlet, if Denmark is a prison so is the rest of the world,and as the rest of the world is not ,Denmark is not.

Unfortunately I see it as a kind of prophecy, meaning when Denmark has been taken by the dark forces,that means that indeed the world is indeed a prison.Denmark the oldest state,was the last bastion of sanity in the world,and now it has crumbled from the out side pressure.

Hamlets reply to Rosencrantz although being somewhat subjective as he lives in Denmark still carrys a great weight of truth.


Denmark's a prison.


Then is the world one.


A goodly one; in which there are many confines,
wards and dungeons, Denmark being one o' the worst.
Speakin of Danish Cartoons - anyone notice the orgy of media attention this cartoon business is getting? Talk about obvious control mechanisms... i was watching my dad watch the news and all he can think is "those towel heads hate our freedoms!"

I tried to point out that the coverage is one sided, only showing the chaos and violence, i've seen it labelled "the rage" in more then one medium. And as i've gotten it, all this crazy chaos is due to a handful of cartoons that were thought up and published in europe. People have died because of a cartoon? Does this make any sense? Of course not, but that doesnt stop the media from broadcasting that explanation over and over again. I even heard one talking head speak on the lines of "Well they're not used to freedom of speech, thus can't handle differing opinions, thus violence" and everyone nods their heads in agreement, knowing the poor muslims are obviously inferior in their understanding... ::shudders, shakes, vomits profusly::
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