one for all and all for Alito


A Disturbance in the Force
Well its not surprising that Justice Alito now sits on the left side of Bush. Daddy Bush nominated him in 1990 for the court of appeals, he's a Yale man and undoubtedly a scull & bones disciple, as if that matters any more. What does matter is his alleigance to the Federalist Soc. The federalists are the big daddys of the republicans who are mandated to control the democrats who are charged with populace management.

What chance do the congressional members have of vetoing another Scalia-type?

The National Security machine is married to the congress. The congress as a federal body is protected by the federal judges. The deceptions of congress are therefore dependent on the alleigance of its Judiciary to uphold the members and protect them from the public and especially progressive peoples media.

If however you decide to act upon your instinct and manage to bypass the federally assigned "buddy" in your life and consider bringing the whole pack of cards down exposing the deception of congress, then you are an NS risk. A risk to the security of the congress and a risk to the federalist system; far more importantly a risk to the US aristocracy and global corporates. Therefore to even consider standing up for the people of the US and nowadays the globe you need to swallow hard and say goodbye to your own personal liberty and security while you zip up your orange jump suit.

The exposure of the US congressional deception would make Watergate look like a quail shoot. Can you seriously imagine a brave individual or group approaching others within the cabal and suggesting they give up their BCCI fortunes, now more likely to be held by the BIS swiss account, and walk out alive?

Family legacies and inheritancies would be buried along with the martyed member of congress. Who would the congressional member turn to ? The justice of Congress? Another Yaley.. and federalist. The liberal congressional members are tokens as are the permitted libertarian voices of the US. Any force exerted by the progressives would be hung by the tree as examples to the brave. He who dares wins or in the case of political prisoners; rots.

WE run around in circles quoting the oil, war, human rights, detention camps, invasions of privacy, environmental destruction and change; meanwhile the National treasury is robbed and privatised coffers filled. It appears to me that its not the money if your an outsider but it is if your on the inside. And being on the inside of the cabal is really what its about. Bankers and lawers finance their family legacies and fortunes to manifest a material reincarnation of power for their offspring.

Thus If we imagine at this stage in the game that the fillial ties and bonds that exist within the ultra elite shake in their boots when public awareness rises, wrong. They simply invent new laws to "manage" the overspill of an otherwise sleeping and controlled populace.

The incredible litany of lies and murder that has occured on the behalf of power brokers is inditement enough. But where do you go to indite them. And who exaxtly are they. They are not "a few men in a room" They are many and far reaching. They have global power and they have "full spectrum dominance" over our lives and liberties.

But they don't have the ability to be compassionate and they don't have the ability to speak the truth. They cannot converse without spin and they are frightened. This is dangerous for us as their fear is our terror.

If they Imagine they are threatened by us they will take measures, as they do. The PR gang of Bush's cabal is undoubtedly the freindly face of their distaste for human life.

The productivity of the human race for them is our only asset. The stronger we manfacture and produce for their profit the longer they can sustain themselves. Self sustainability and interdependence between ourselves is thee greatest threat for them. There is no terrorist alive who could "attack them" for they are disperse and many. Do we really imagine they would weaken their hold by relinquishing power to a few? How do you hold power if you are few? you can't unless your brainwash the many. Are we the many? Are we the random element that is the NEO in the system the element that doesn't respond to controll. Are we Anti- authoritarian personality types? If so look after ourselves. if we imagine they are going to give us justice being the greatest threat to their babylonian system then think again and consider who you would rather have your last supper with.

Why do we imagine that the cabal is more powerful than we are. They aren't, but they have frightened us all and we are in retreat. That is all we are. WE exist in far greater numbers and with a far more reaching gift of life. So get off the merry go-round of chasing the tale of the beast of bullshit, and get off the productionline program before you find yourself cooking and cleaning for the meals that you grow in the mentally well institutions that halliburton are busy biulding for us. It's either them or us that shall reside in them. Pro - Choice? USE IT. That is if you are a mentally-well defective being that finds the goat story for children suspect.


Love medcan

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