One short scene, and two more poems


The Force is Strong With This One
A Divine Proposal



SCENE Somewhere in a Cosmos “when the muse was hidden between contractions, bubbles floated by with paragraphs inside,”1 and THE WORD used them to introduce GOD’S Divine Paradox to its Self.

THE WORD: (Addresses BREATH) I could have lived alone forever; “Instead, I hurled
epithets until I was splattered with truth.”2 I encourage you to be the same.
(THE WORD appears vanished.)

INHALE: My True Responder, I can not live without “These beauteous forms…”3 for
there is no other way for me to “Know Thyself”4 without you, and your perfect
mirror of manifestation.

EXHALE: Oh My Bold Initiator, hold fast the beat, it is I who can not be without your
proposal, for you reflect liberation.

INHALE: Sweet Symphony, you sing to my heart by caressing truth and wisdom in
harmonious contraction.

EXHALE: Gentle Strength, I willingly cease, so you may be free, and in
patient faith I await your eternal abundance to return love to expansion.

INHALE: My Balanced Beauty, will you allow love to be formless creation?

EXHALE: My Understanding Discipline, will you allow love to be formed creation?

BREATH: I AM THIS I AM. And together love flows in perpetual uncondition.


End Notes
1. Rose, Doug. “Words” Notes From The Inside: On Love Nature and Other Philosophies. Qualicum Beach: Rose, Elizabeth, 1995. p1-2.
2. Rose, Doug. “Mirrors of Distinction” Notes From The Inside: On Love Nature and Other Philosophies. Qualicum Beach: Rose, Elizabeth, 1995. p19.
3. Wordsworth, William. “Lines” The Harbrace Anthology of Literature. Ed. Stott, Jones, Bowers. 4th ed. Canada: Nelson, 2006. p106.
4.Socrates. (469-399 B.C.) “ Know Thyself” is an English translation from Latin written above the entrance to the Oracle at Delphi.

Sleep to Dream, then Awake

Souls sleep deep in the dark heavy light of density,
To place on the mask of blind blissful forgetfulness.
We sink into the quiet noise of false tranquility;
Here we come to remember separate togetherness.

We freely dream, hidden inside illusions of the mind.
Our lifetimes gather into form, and in time we’re caught,
Unless we become aware of choices to be always kind,
Our bright eyes dim behind pains of troubled thought.

But awake, our questions answered when we go within;
For not one costly sense, or five, can point the way,
Nor is there rescue from gurus who preach of sin,
And trust not the head whose design is for us to stay.

Only joy in moments of the now feed the dove,
Where home we fly to live− in eternal love.

In My Mothers Garden

In my mother’s garden where beautiful life resides,
My mother’s gentle nature was never meant to hide.

In my mother’s garden her thoughts are like the rain,
She sprinkles love eternally across her vast domain.

In my mother’s garden, when her flowers need some care,
My mother loves them deeply ensuring their repair.

In my mother’s garden every flower is unique,
Each nurtured with generosity, every day of the week.

In my mother’s garden, sometimes the wind will blow,
But armed with pure compassion, her love is sure to flow.

In my mother’s garden divinity does embrace,
The beauty of creation, done with so much Grace.

In my mother’s garden, joy and kindness can be found,
Just listen to her feelings they’re musical in their sound.

In my mother’s garden, like Oak so strong and tall,
Her love without condition grows a legacy for us all.
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