One, two, buckle my shoe...


The Force is Strong With This One
I'm reading more and more of The Wave... There's a lot of information and it's taking a long time to get through, but so far I'm up to Chapter 6, I believe. As I was reading about animals and how they are 2D, and how the munchkins in the Wizard of Oz represented 2D life forms, I had this thought (and maybe it's a little naive) that even though their perceptions are 2D, their bodies are not. We perceive them as three dimensional, having height, length, and breadth....... I mean, that's the basic formula for 3D stuff, right? So the thought occurred to me, that if these 2D beings have 3D bodies (and perhaps are not fully aware of it), then maybe we as 3D beings also have 4D bodies, and aren't aware of it, or are perceived by 4D beings in a 4D way?
Hi ambienttransient --

One thing to keep in mind here is that the terms "dimension" and "density" are not equivalent, even though they are sometimes used that way in the earlier transcripts. Here is a good explanation from session 2/3/96:

A: Dimensions are not densities!!!! Dimensions are strictly the result of the universal consciousness as manifested in the imagination sector of thought. Density means level of development as measured in terms of closeness to union with the one...

So your question is correct in terms of dimensionality (in the traditional sense that we think of physical objects, having height, length and breadth), but incorrect because you are conflating this with the idea of density. Density has to do with awareness, and I believe that beings of any of the first three densities could probably exist in realms of various dimensions (i.e. you could have a third density consciousness in a second-dimensional or fourth-dimensional realm, since the dimensionality would merely reflect the physical "rules" of that realm). There may be an indirect correlation between the two, but in our realm densities one through three all exist in three-dimensional space, whereas fourth density and above apparently enjoy a hyperdimensional (i.e. greater than three-dimensional) existence. This is my current understanding, and I hope it helps to answer your question.
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