(Open question) Existence of torture experiences on newborns or babies to improve cognitive abilities ?


The Living Force
(This question could fit in Our Orwellian World subsection, but I'm not sure about it, so I post it here.)

Has anyone of you heard about some experiences, made by Earth humans (M-IC, etc.) or maybe other beings, on several newborns / young babies to improve their cognitive abilities (and maybe other abilities) by torturing them, in the like of MK-Ultra ?

NB: I'm not talking about children, but really young babies (aged of months, less than one year I would say), before they're able to say a word.

And would you have any reference for that ?

(Yeah, weird question, I know.)
Concerning musical abilities, castrato comes to mind.
A castrato (Italian; pl.: castrati) is a male singer who underwent castration before puberty in order to retain singing voice equivalent to that of a soprano, mezzo-soprano, or contralto. The voice can also occur in one who, due to an endocrinological condition, never reaches sexual maturity.

Castration before puberty (or in its early stages) prevents the larynx from being transformed by the normal physiological events of puberty. As a result, the vocal range of prepubescence (shared by both sexes) is largely retained, and the voice develops into adulthood in a unique way. Prepubescent castration for this purpose diminished greatly in the late 18th century.

Methods of castration used to terminate the onset of puberty varied. Methods involved using opium to medically induce a coma, then submerging the boy into an ice or milk bath where the procedure of either twisting the testicles until they atrophied, or complete removal via surgical cutting was performed (however the complete removal of the testicles was not a popularly used technique).[1] The procedure was usually done to boys around the age of 8–10; recovery time from the procedure took around two weeks.[2] The means by which future singers were prepared could lead to premature death. To prevent the child from experiencing the intense pain of castration, many were inadvertently administered lethal doses of opium or some other narcotic, or were killed by overlong compression of the carotid artery in the neck (intended to render them unconscious during the castration procedure).
Did they ever perform this procedure on newborns? Well, I wouldn't be surprised. Anything is possible.
Has anyone of you heard about some experiences, made by Earth humans (M-IC, etc.) or maybe other beings, on several newborns / young babies to improve their cognitive abilities (and maybe other abilities) by torturing them, in the like of MK-Ultra ?

NB: I'm not talking about children, but really young babies (aged of months, less than one year I would say), before they're able to say a word.

And would you have any reference for that ?
Geez, you’re not beating around the bush with this ask, are you?!

So, for what it’s worth, yes, I have read thousands of case studies and studied and researched the “whys” and “how’s” of psychosis’s and the other side of the coin, the savant brilliance of, as you wrote “improved cognitive abilities”.

I wanted to know the biological reasons how and why these states of “hyper cognitive” abilities are achieved.
Yet, one will NOT find them in a neat handbook or a “how to”compilation.
It’s been a long and tedious gathering of mosaic pieces.

Odd bits of shattered clues and data, connecting the dots of how, to put it simply, “Nurture(harmful/or loving) dictates Nature”, it is NOT an either /or, the way “mainstream psychology” keeps repeating.
Please bear in mind, what I’m about to write as my response, does not conform to “mainstream dogma and/or beliefs” and is considered by many to be “quackery.”

The knowledge and the gained solid foundation I have, I studied many alternative sources, and the findings of Dr. Hamer have had the most valid provable information.

So, for what it’s worth,
Pre verbally traumatizing babies, is the ultimate Service to Self psychopaths choice of ”Greenbauming” or programming “their” minions, their children, at least as I’ve come to understand it.
Think about what the “Cs” said about Bill Gates being “Greenbaumed”.

A study of Somatic healing methods pokes the surface of acknowledgment of “traumatized baby’s” and attempts of healing “preverbal trauma”, but in my opinion, without understanding or taking into account the balance that has been made by the subconscious “biologically” to compensate for the trauma, the results can be a loss of attributes, in a lot of cases.
There are reports of people having extreme personal trauma AFTER healing a long standing trauma, and saying “they don’t know who they are, anymore”.

So, on that information then, yes, heightened intellectual abilities or “gifts” can and do happen, although it’s largely dependent on how the perceived “shock/trauma” impacted the individual, when they were shocked first.

Keep in mind, the “balancing” is done by the “biological” subconscious, the Psyche, and is biologically designed FOR the continued survival of these abused infant trauma survivors.
I’ve found it is horrifying and yet amazing to observe the incredible resilience all living beings on this planet have coded in our DNA.
For an added ponder, as far as Nature is concerned, procreation of the species IS the only important aspect, not sanity, not peace or joy, just that we procreate.
Apparently, that’s another Soul Crushing realization, here on this Service to Self ruled planet.
(This question could fit in Our Orwellian World subsection, but I'm not sure about it, so I post it here.)

Has anyone of you heard about some experiences, made by Earth humans (M-IC, etc.) or maybe other beings, on several newborns / young babies to improve their cognitive abilities (and maybe other abilities) by torturing them, in the like of MK-Ultra ?

NB: I'm not talking about children, but really young babies (aged of months, less than one year I would say), before they're able to say a word.

And would you have any reference for that ?

(Yeah, weird question, I know.)
I hear about this by Ariane Bilheran, but it was in one of her interviews and also else where. The satanists take the adrenochrome from the blood of the baby that is tortured and scared. That give strength to those who drink the blood. Is it real? Is it a myth? I really don't know.
I hear about this by Ariane Bilheran, but it was in one of her interviews and also else where. The satanists take the adrenochrome from the blood of the baby that is tortured and scared. That give strength to those who drink the blood. Is it real? Is it a myth? I really don't know.
C's made comments about it. session-29-july-2023

Q: (Keyhole) Are there members of the elite who consume the bodily fluids and or body parts of other humans?

A: Yes

Q: (Keyhole) If so, why do they do this?

A: Sickness.

Q: (Keyhole) Is there any truth to the theory that human blood is consumed for adrenochrome?

A: Not exactly. It is extracted from the blood first.

Q: (Joe) And it's created in the way that people claim it's created...

A: Yes

Q: (L) Remember they described that to us. Remember I asked about a painful and torturous death, and they said it produces chemicals that they like to consume? And if that happens for aliens, then the possibility that they're alien hybrids...

(Pierre) What are the properties of adrenochrome?

A: Anti-aging, sexual potency, energy and somewhat psychedelic.

Q: (Niall) So it's a drug.

(Joe) When you say anti-aging, is it a pronounced anti-aging effect? We're not talking about rejuvenation in any literal sense, are we?

A: Temporary or Hillary and George would look younger.

Q: (Joe) So that suggested Hillary Clinton, George Bush...

(L) I don't think you're talking about George Bush.

(Joe) George Soros. Are they aware that they seek out adrenochrome, and take it actively? They have done?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) And they know where it comes from?

A: Yes

Q: (Gaby) Jesus!

(Chu) When they mention sickness above, it is the same as Obama, right?

A: Yes

Q: (Chu) Not that they're sick, but they are.

(Joe) And is it done via blood transfusion?

A: No

Q: (L) They said they extract it from the blood. And give it to them as a drug.

(Joe) Oh, yes, it's injected as a drug.

A: Yes

Q: (Andromeda) So basically, they torture people so that there's more of this in the blood.

(L) Children.

(Andromeda) They take the blood...

(L) Yeah.

(Gaby) That's very sick.

(This question could fit in Our Orwellian World subsection, but I'm not sure about it, so I post it here.)

Has anyone of you heard about some experiences, made by Earth humans (M-IC, etc.) or maybe other beings, on several newborns / young babies to improve their cognitive abilities (and maybe other abilities) by torturing them, in the like of MK-Ultra ?

NB: I'm not talking about children, but really young babies (aged of months, less than one year I would say), before they're able to say a word.

And would you have any reference for that ?

(Yeah, weird question, I know.)
I think you need to context or specific link to understand the origin of your enquiry. there is some serious rationalization of torture going on - whether it is naive religious opinion or conscious experimental or pathological or combination of them.

I haven't heard about it. But it is possible like in 'circumcision' of Jews in the first week. Even if they have better 'cognitive ability' as title of your thread suggesting, that is not for the benefit of the person. It is only useful for some body's benefit even if it is not MK-ULTRA style. there are so many ways we can be tortured. If you ask, they may even say 'for your own good'.

(Nuke) I do have a question that I don't really have much to go on, and that's why I thought of asking. It is a personal question though. When I was a kid, about three years old or so, we had a babysitter. Up until that point I have a few memories, but then there's chunks that are missing. And I thought about finding a therapist, but it's hard to find someone I could trust, so. So that would be my question. What happened there? Did she do anything there? What's the reason why I can't remember most of my childhood?

A: You were molested and shamed. It happens to almost half of all children in your society. SRT might be quicker and cheaper.
As a mammals, well being of the off spring is the highest priority and how did we be able to molest and shame 50% of children as a society? Even if we have 50% OP's who doesn't have conscious opinion, It is still a large number.
"The Wave" series between chapters 64 and 67 I guess.
Keyword "circumcision".
OK, I wasn't expecting such answer, but it may fit, indeed.

What I'm looking for would be rather infos on experiences that don't leave any "traces".
Maybe even without parents' knowledge.
A very strange question indeed.
I'll explain later its origin.
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The satanists take the adrenochrome from the blood of the baby that is tortured and scared. That give strength to those who drink the blood.
I'm talking about experiences to improve those babies' abilities, as childs / teenages / adults ; not others.
Is it real? Is it a myth? I really don't know.
The Cs answered that in this session :
I'm talking about experiences to improve those babies' abilities, as childs / teenages / adults ; not others.

The Cs answered that in this session :
Oh, sorry. I did not understand your question.
I don't think that torture could increase cognitive abilities, but rather might skew them. In polyvagal theory trauma rewires the nervous system so that it can become more difficult to have the resilience and flexibility to return to a ventral vagal state where there is access to higher cognitive abilities. If the victim cannot access that state reliably, lives in some kind of functional freeze or shut-down, then they can't access those higher cognitive abilities. In the terms of McGilchrists work on left and right hemispheres of the brain, they may be more likely to have a LH dominance where cognition might be quick but with a higher likelihood of being wrong.

What was being used to measure cognitive abilities in your example and how were cognitive abilities defined?
you are very perceptive, Bastian. It is, indeed, one of the keys to be unlocked (and not to be publicly mentioned) of the characteristics of the STS path. But because the paths mirror each other, STS/STO, most or all STO gifted are tortured during their lifetime too. LKJ is one of them (how do I know? I do) as many others here. At the same time they, speaking about the STO candidates (so do the STS but let´s leave it for them) and Wanderers, they are equipped with capacities, resistance and knowledge that protects.
I have had several conversations with different people who are newly diagnosed by mainstream medical drug reps with one of the (abc) psychiatric labels.
Seems everyone getting diagnosed and drugged is so proud to be categorized, and claiming that they now are the next evolutionary leap for humanity!
I kid you not, my nextdoor neighbor, a 50 year old woman who’s a highly trained Paramedic, proudly listed off all the meds she is now taking, and floated the “ADHD is a evolutionary superpower” crap, last time we spoke.
Here’s an excerpt from just one of many sites popping up:
“Does ADHD Have Superpowers?
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a condition that many people think of as a negative, but it can actually be a superpower if managed correctly. ADHD affects how the brain functions and individuals with ADHD may have difficulty concentrating, controlling their behavior, and paying attention. However, there are many advantages to having ADHD, including creativity, joy, and goal-driven success.”[…]

Now, contrast this, with where I’m coming from:
A quoted excerpt from the Learning German New Medicine web page:

A research study conducted in Denmark in 2015 found that boys that had been circumcised have a 46% increased risk of developing autism (Source: International Business Times, January 20, 2015).

The stress and extreme pain of circumcision could certainly create an Autistic Constellation.

I don't think that torture could increase cognitive abilities, but rather might skew them.
In polyvagal theory trauma rewires the nervous system so that it can become more difficult to have the resilience and flexibility to return to a ventral vagal state where there is access to higher cognitive abilities[…]

This is where mainstream doctrine and a simplistic “plug and play” mechanical model steers us in the wrong direction, from what I’ve learned.
Its gonna look like a data dump, for readers without a foundational context of embryology, and biological laws, but here it is.

The biological Psyche responds instantly, initiating Instinctive biological survival responses.

Depending on the “type and method” of the trauma/torture,(gawd, this is awful just writing it like a “how to”) there are many different “programs” that can and are initiated in the very first nanoseconds of the perceived “trauma”.

First perception by the psyche, of the shock, then, to the brain, and that’s where it’s very intricate, not at all just a “left or right” choice, and then to a specific organ, or biological function.

Trauma doesn’t ALWAYS manifest as polyvagal deregulation.

In my observations, a successfully trauma programmed aggressively constellated person can definitely access “higher cognitive abilities” and out think/out maneuver the average calm, peaceful, deep breathing, non traumatized, navel gazing professional, but I could be wrong.

I’ve worked/observed and read dozens of case studies, of brilliant, highly intelligent clients who are able to go from hyper beta brain waves to theta/gamma meditation in minutes, yet they go into an absolute pants peeing, infant aged(clinically referred to as a “maturity stop”) panic at the sight of a “trigger” item, or a word, or noise.

The mainstream medical drug cartel, and most alternative therapies, view conditions such as hyper vigilance and hyperactivity, as diseases, and disorders of a mechanical broken machine.

Yet, the central nervous system can and DOES reset, IF resolution of the original “shock conflict” is resolved, which interestingly enough can happen during “talk” therapy, relaxation therapy or several other noninvasive and caring modalities.
That’s when the “theory” label gets to be applied, and it’s marketed and backed by mainstream, at least that’s been my observations.
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