Opening Up


The Force is Strong With This One
I need to, as the thread title states, open up here. It's not enough that I understand that a particular program skewed my view of the work here (see the Cassiopaea and Montalk thread for details). I don't think that's enough because it dawned on me that there are, in fact, many, many more that are doing a good job of keeping me from becoming involved in the work here. Seeing is believing...but now I need to fight through the malaise and turn believing into doing.

I think "malaise" covers it well. I experience a feverish unease because opening up makes me vulnerable, and vulnerable means there is a chance to be hurt. Despite this, I feel an opposing pressure that pushes against this uneasiness. I recall the C's warning about fence-sitters, and this opposing pressure grows. I need to jump off the fence now because I honestly believe that I am a prime target for pathological snipers - those hunters who love victims like me who present an easy target. If my recent experience with montalk isn't enough to convince me, then surely I deserve the splinters in my behind.

I would rather open up here, where I know there is a network, instead of some strange place where predators lurk. I need to expel the programming I have, and there is no way I can do that unless I apply myself to the work. I need all of you. Though she might not have intended it as such, Laura's request to share my private message about montalk to her with you all was a very clear message to me. I need to quit hiding in my room, so to speak, and come out into the open. Perhaps I need to climb up to the rooftop and start there.

I spent some time considering this thread...where can I start? Noise isn't going to cut it. I thought about it and it became clear to me that I need to share my experience with a pathological religious group I made a passing reference to in the message to Laura that I posted in the thread I linked above. I need to because to this day, 9 years after I left them, it is still an open wound that causes a great deal of confusion in my soul.

This will not be easy for me to do at all. Few people know about my experiences there...or even the basic fact that I spent 4 years amongst them. I don't discuss it. I basically disappeared from the face of the earth from 1997 to 2001. I broke all ties with my immediate family when I left to join these people. They couldn't understand why I would leave a budding career and a promising future behind to go live in the woods with a religious commune...but there you have it. This is exactly what I did. I felt the world was a sick, dark place...and in my blindness, I had no idea that I was entering into what would prove to be an equally sick and dark place.

I'll need to pause to collect my thoughts and focus, because I believe it is imperative that I work hard at cutting out noise so the real matter can be dealt with. I'll be hitting the bed soon (work early tomorrow), so I'll end this post at a place where I can start afresh tomorrow when I come home and can devote the time I need for this task. Thanks for bearing with me, and I'll come back here tomorrow to pick up where I left off.
Hi Bewildered,

I had moved your post to the Swamp, where it would be more private and away from prying eyes. However I realised that you only have 21 post and you need 25 to be able to view the Swamp, hence I've moved it back here for the time being. :)
truth seeker said:
Hi Bewildered,

Just want you to know that we're here for you and to take as much time as you need. :flowers:

Hey Bewildered

I second what TS has stated. Sharing things that have been big wounds on our souls can be very difficult. I don't think I've ever come close to dealing with situations that you've described but I have dealt with my share of pathologicals in my life and hurt is hurt so in that sense I relate and understand your pain.

One thing that I do suggest is that you begin to read (if you have not already) the Big 5 recommended psychology books.

Narcissism "Big Five"
Myth of Sanity - Martha Stout
The Narcissistic Family - Stephanie Donaldson-Pressman and Robert M. Pressman
Trapped in the Mirror - Elan Golomb
Unholy Hungers - Barbara E. Hort
In Sheep's Clothing - George K. Simon

And of course Political Ponerology - Andrzej Lobaczewski. Reading these books help us understand where our wounding comes form and helps heal these deep wounds that we all share in some way.

I also want to thank you for and commend your courage in taking steps to 'get off the fence'. It's a step by step process, and we all have to start somewhere.

Take as much time as you need in posting about your experience, we're not going anywhere :flowers:
Bewildered, is there anyway you can wait until you have the required posts to be able to post this in the Swamp? I ask this because it seems that this is a very private matter for you and the Swamp is closed to public view. You only need a few more posts so maybe you can make the required 25 posts and then continue your story in a more secure environment.
uumm..I have 36 post and still unable to enter the I missing something?
Bewildered said:
I would rather open up here, where I know there is a network, instead of some strange place where predators lurk. I need to expel the programming I have, and there is no way I can do that unless I apply myself to the work. I need all of you. Though she might not have intended it as such, Laura's request to share my private message about montalk to her with you all was a very clear message to me. I need to quit hiding in my room, so to speak, and come out into the open. Perhaps I need to climb up to the rooftop and start there.

Hiya Bewildered,

As others have mentioned, this portion of the forum is open and available to google's search bots and such. The question...which is COMPLETELY up to you, is do you want/need to address what happened to you publicly, so others can be warned by your experience?

For some people, publicly posting about the abuse they've experienced is very cathartic...and it also helps them to know that their exposure of a predator(s) might prevent someone else from being victimized.

You are correct that you have found a forum which does not allow predation in any form, and you'll find an abundance of support if you choose to address this painful period in your life here...however, I think it's VERY important for you to understand that there's not a single soul on this forum who will think any less of you if you change your mind, want to stop at any point, wait until you have access to the private posting areas, etc.

Take your time thinking about what you want to post, where you want to post it, and why. When you're done thinking on it, we'll still be here. :)
Hi Bewildered. On top of everything else that has been said, if you opt for privacy within the network by choosing the Swamp, then you could write out your posts wherever you are for the initially cathartic benefits and then post it in that more private place when you have access. Afterward, you would still have the option to make it public later in an open part of the forum and edited for the public, or not.

Of course, as Guardian and others emphasize, it's ultimately up to you. :)

Edit: Almost forgot: You also have the option of an evaluation by Moderator/Admin if you can't decide yourself. You just type out your post and PM it to one of them. :)
Thanks for the encouragement, everyone. :)

The cautions regarding privacy are a valid point. That seems prudent to me. While I would like nothing more than to "put it out there" to you all and take my first solid step into being part of the network as soon as possible, I should also listen to this network when you all have something to say. It seems the consensus is "wait a bit and move it to The Swamp once you have access." That it's 50 posts instead of 25 just means a longer wait. That's fine.

Once I hit 50 posts, I'll ask a moderator to move this thread to The Swamp. :)
Bewildered said:
Thanks for the encouragement, everyone. :)

The cautions regarding privacy are a valid point. That seems prudent to me. While I would like nothing more than to "put it out there" to you all and take my first solid step into being part of the network as soon as possible, I should also listen to this network when you all have something to say. It seems the consensus is "wait a bit and move it to The Swamp once you have access." That it's 50 posts instead of 25 just means a longer wait. That's fine.

Once I hit 50 posts, I'll ask a moderator to move this thread to The Swamp. :)

Yes, it is 50 posts, thank you for the reminder Guardian. :-[ :flowers:

In all actuality, you may be surprised how fast you reach the 50 posts. Regardless of how long it does take to reach that number, we will still be here, as Guardian said.

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