Operation Destabilize Region for Imperialistic Interests ... Again


Dagobah Resident
"Stuff" has been going on in Malaysia, and SOTT's carried a couple articles on it, here and here, but I just want the SOTT people to know that it's the CIA doing their thing again.

Even if you aren't familiar with the setting, characters, plot... you will recognize the archetype.


The standoff in Sabah has all the trademarks of a cleverly orchestrated plan to topple the current administrators of Sabah with influence from world superpowers.

The Sulu Sultanate claim is just a smokescreen.
I recognise here a modus operandi characteristic of US imperialism's geostrategic interests in other parts of the world.

If they can put a puppet "Sultan of Sulu" in charge of an independent Sabah, they will have him so beholden to them that they can rape its resources, especially its oil.
Ohoho!! I can see where this is going. The Sultan Sulu (the jungle king) guy, as instructed by a certain opposition leader back in KL (of course, with the backing of CIA and the likes) wants the authority to open fire.

Such action will definitely throw Sabah (and Malaysia by extension)into a state of uncertainty. Hence, paving way for interference from international community into Malaysia territories.

What more, with election around the corner. This is a sure fire way to overthrow a presiding government.

Oh wait, its also killing two birds with one stone. The Sabah waters and Mindanao are full of oilfield.
Thank you Muxel, i did not know it. I would like to add a few facts about this region, to make the picture bigger.

We know that the relations between China and Japan are quickly deteriorating because of the Senkaku islands ownership issue. According to this article, the tension is rising in this area and military gear has already been displayed.


Now the Japanese air force is weighing whether to fire warning shots if Chinese aircraft come into its airspace, for the first time since 1987, when the former Soviet Union intruded. For General Peng Guanqian of the Chinese Academy of Military Sciences, interviewed on a Chinese web portal, this would amount to the first shot of “actual combat”. China should then “respond without courtesy”, he said. The Japanese press reported that America had also warned Japan against firing shots.
A widely read, if shrill, Beijing newspaper, Global Times, has argued that Japan might not be deterred and “we need to prepare for the worst”. Japan, it said, had become the “vanguard” of an American strategy to “contain China”. The implication was that China should also be ready to take on America, which has made clear that its security treaty with Japan covers the disputed islets.

Furthermore, the Indian navy is ready to interfere in chinese sea to protect its oil interests.


India has sparred diplomatically with China in the past over its gas and oil exploration block off the coast of Vietnam. China claims virtually the entire mineral-rich South China Sea and has stepped up its military presence there. Other nations such as Vietnam, Philippines and Malaysia have competing claims.

"Now, are we preparing for it? Are we having exercises of that nature? The short answer is yes," he said. (Navy Chief Admiral D.K Joshi)

I thought that we had avoided WW3 in the last months of 2012 when the US refused to attack Iran. The zionist lobby seems to be losing influence over there.
Well… South east Asia is another “hot spot” and the result may be the same.

Peace !
Thanks for the links, muxel. I really didn't know what to think of this when I first heard about it. The timing was certainly fishy though. Most Malaysians are still enamoured with the racist politics that they fail to see the whole picture and how the global power network influences our little 'cocoon' here.
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