Dagobah Resident
"Stuff" has been going on in Malaysia, and SOTT's carried a couple articles on it, here and here, but I just want the SOTT people to know that it's the CIA doing their thing again.
Even if you aren't familiar with the setting, characters, plot... you will recognize the archetype.
Even if you aren't familiar with the setting, characters, plot... you will recognize the archetype.
The standoff in Sabah has all the trademarks of a cleverly orchestrated plan to topple the current administrators of Sabah with influence from world superpowers.
The Sulu Sultanate claim is just a smokescreen.
I recognise here a modus operandi characteristic of US imperialism's geostrategic interests in other parts of the world.
If they can put a puppet "Sultan of Sulu" in charge of an independent Sabah, they will have him so beholden to them that they can rape its resources, especially its oil.
Ohoho!! I can see where this is going. The Sultan Sulu (the jungle king) guy, as instructed by a certain opposition leader back in KL (of course, with the backing of CIA and the likes) wants the authority to open fire.
Such action will definitely throw Sabah (and Malaysia by extension)into a state of uncertainty. Hence, paving way for interference from international community into Malaysia territories.
What more, with election around the corner. This is a sure fire way to overthrow a presiding government.
Oh wait, its also killing two birds with one stone. The Sabah waters and Mindanao are full of oilfield.