Operation Noble Resolve, August 21st False Flag Terrorism?

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With all the recent stories and rumours of an impending terror strike in the mainstream media, I think many people will find this information to be of the utmost importance. I hope to get this article published and distributed to as many people as possible. Please feel free to post this article anywhere.

I do NOT believe in numerology, because I am not a witch or politician. I do not believe in the power of numbers. However, certain people in this world DO believe in the power of numbers. "They," are the type that gather once a year in northern California at the Bohemian Grove and worship a giant Owl named Muloch, and perform plays with mock human sacrifices. These are our world leaders, very powerful people. California is certainly filled with nuts and fruits, but these people really take the cake. It's no wonder why the world is so messed up. And it's no wonder why these literal fruitcakes worship numbers and practice numerology.

Taken from the Cutting Edge website:


Once the United States is thus reorganized, how will it be governed? The country will be divided into 21 bioregion councils. [Ibid. p. 3.]

As a side note, occultists love the number 21, for two reasons: First, it is derived from multiplying 7 [number of perfection] with 3 [number of the Pagan Trinity]. The actual number 21 literally means, to the Satanist, "Exceeding Sinfulness of Sin". ["The Secrets of the Illuminati", by Doc Marquis]

So it is not surprising to me that this Satanic system is going to be 'governed' on a local level by 21 'bioregions'.

Many people dismiss numerology as qwackery, conspiracy nut house nonsense, and they are absolutely right. Most people in the world are pretty sane, but the people who run the world are not. THEY believe in numerology, not me.

On 911 there were simply too many coincidences of the number 11 repeating itself to be ignored. In the occult the number 11 or any multiple of it is supposed to have special powers. And they call us the conspiracy nuts?

I personally do not believe the number to have any kind of magical traits, but I do think the number is used by practicing occultists as a kind of calling card, or form of communication. Our world leaders, most of whom are compromised individuals within ancient fraternal societies, love the occult and the esoteric numbers associated with evil, such as 666.

A prime example would be the end of World War I, which is officially recognized to have ended on the 11th month of the 11th day on the 11th hour. 11 or any multiple of 11 is said to have some kind of hocus pocus power.

Many like-minded people in the 911 Truth community have shunned even the discussion of numerolgy because there is no mainstream news article related to the subject and the topic itself cannot be proven in any kind of scientific fashion. But history has shown us and has proven that occult orders such as Skull and Bones Society, use numbers like 322 for some secret reason. Even Tim Russert mentioned the, "secret number," while interviewing President Bush on, "Meet the Press."

Another example of the global elite using numbers would be the Madrid, Spain attacks on 3-11, which happened exactly 911 days after 911. The mainstream media did actually report on that, but simply dismissed it as a coincidence.

After what happened in Spain, I curiously put pen to paper and tried figuring out the next logical numerological step. If a cop were left a 9 of clubs and the ace of spades at a crime scene, twice, would he or she dismiss these clues as nonsense? I think not, so I extended 911 days after 911 to include 911 hours, 911 minutes and 911 seconds. The exact time, counting daylight savings time, was April 19th, 2004 at 3:33 pm and 11 seconds. In central standard time, it was 2:33 pm.

Not only was April 19th the 9th anniversay of the Oklahoma City bombings and the 11th anniversay of the Waco massacre, it was also a very important date in American revolutionary history.

In 2004, the Sears Tower was purchased by Larry Silverstein, who also coincidentally bought the World Trade Centers property just before 911. The address number of the Sears Tower is 233, and it has a zip code of 60606. George Bush was in office for 233 days before 911.

As was reported by World Net Daily, and many other mainstream news outlets a plan to attack the Sears Tower was averted on April 19th, 2004. The last "Stairway to Heaven," on earth still stands in Chicago today, on the whispering winds of Lake Michigan.

40 months later and once again we are being told that an attack is likely within the next 90 days, and Trent Lott is even going so far as to publicly suggest leaving Washington, D.C. between now and the 6th anniversay of America's darkest day.

When the attacks on the Sears Tower were foiled on April 19th of 2004, there were 11 days left in the month.

May 1st 1776 is the official birthday of the Illuminati. May 1st is the international communist holiday. May 1st is also the satanic holiday of Beltane.

From May 1st 2004 to August 21st of 2007 is exactly 1,208 days. 1,208 backwards, is 8021. 8021 is the date of August 21st.

August 21st is a Tuesday, the same day of 911.

August 21st is the 233rd day of the year.

The day of 8-21 equals 11. The year of 2007 equals 9.

"As above, so below," is an occult belief and can be seen in the reversed, mirrored numbers above, 1208 to 8021 and 119 to 911.

Since August 21st is the 233rd day of the year, falls on a Tuesday, is the address number of the Sears Tower and is also 1,208 days after May 1st, 2004, I think this day presents itself as the perfect plan B option for the global elite to carry out an attack, "by the numbers." Which brings us back to the beginning of this article.

From August 21st to September 11th is 21 days, or a triple 7, "Exceeding Sinfulness of Sin."

From 9-11-2001 to 8-21-2007 is exactly 2,168 days.

21-6-8 can be interpreted as the 21st day, the 8th month on the 6th year anniversay.

8-21-2007 could be arranged by the month and days adding up to 11 and the year adding up to 9.

From 9/11/01 to 9/11/07 is exactly:

2,189 days after 911.

21-8-6 because a 9 in the occult can be reversed based on the, "As above, so below," maxim.

21-8-9, and 21-6-8 and the date 8-21-2007 are the same in the occult world of numerology!

Be on high alert come August 21st, 2007, and please spread this article.

A Dawning Dictatorship? (911-2B & NSPD-51)

DeFazio's Oregon is the target of "Noble Resolve," an upcoming 9/11-2B military exercise scheduled for August 20-24 that includes a nuclear attack on Portland. Pacific North westerners are increasingly alarmed that they may be the targets of a false flag nuclear attack, or the fallout from it. You can't blame them. After all, according to all sources, left and right, 911-2B is the only thing that can revitalize the war president and the war plan.
Hi, Zooamerica, it would help to back this article up with some corrobarative, factual, or even more circumstantial-evidence sources. To me, it comes off as mostly conjecture that not even you believe, but that causes you worry. I can't make heads or tails out of it. It features plenty of manipulative language and "stretching" that I'm guessing is hoped people won't notice, like "Many people dismiss numerology as qwackery, conspiracy nut house nonsense, and they are absolutely right." I don't think it's hard to find "many people" who believe just about anything. It's no less true that "many people" dismiss articles that contain so much errant spelling. How is Beltane a "Satanic holiday?" Wasn't it just a seasonal Celtic festival, much later appropriated by people who call themselves Satanists? What is the "occult" to which the author frequently refers, as if it is monolithic? What about the claim that World Net Daily is "mainstream?" "Many" people would dispute that, too. I've never before seen any suggestion that "our world leaders," which suggests all of them, visit Bohemian Grove.

The bottom-line advice is simply "be on alert" on August 21. How can hearing such a vague, unexplained recommendation be of "the utmost importance" to people, as claimed? This piece, to me, resembles a lot of other fear-based, distractive pieces that we've looked at on this forum. Just my opinion.
8/21 is my birthday and I happen to live and work in Portland... I guess I should get out of town that day? ;^)
It's now August 24th - no terrorism yet. I always wonder, with these never ending 'catastrophe on specific date' posts/emails/articles/radio shows, if it is just the human fascination with mystery and unseen forces that feeds such things, or if it is a coordinated 'fear inducing' stress-heightening system. Ramp it up, cool it down, ramp it up, cool it down - as Laura explained with her Pavlov article.

My question is to what extent are these things consciously promoted by the PTB to affect the populace as is so desired and to what extent are people just so desperate for some sort of fathomable order, system or grand scheme of things that they do it to themselves?

As I've written on another thread concerning such 'exact date predictions' - something IS eventually going to happen, and it's even possible that one of these prognosticators might just get lucky and it happens on their predicted 'exact day' - but is there really any meaning to it beyond that - and beyond it's clear effect of 'ramping it up' so it can be 'cooled down again' in preparation for the next 'ramp up'?

Just some thoughts.
anart said:
My question is to what extent are these things consciously promoted by the PTB to affect the populace as is so desired and to what extent are people just so desperate for some sort of fathomable order, system or grand scheme of things that they do it to themselves?
I think the PTB consciously promote these type of things, allow them to spread, because they know human nature too well: human beings don't like to be hanging mid-air knowing/feeling that a catastrophe is upon them but not knowing the how, when, where. We would prefer to have a date. And above all, i think we'd rather have it sooner than later than go through this exhausting, nerve wracking waiting. It might give some a feeling that they are in control somehow, OSIT.
Fear is the key to making the sleepers beg the “benevolent rulers” to rule with an iron fist in the name of keeping them safe from the unknown by removing liberties like pieces from a Jenga game. Irrational fear is indeed the mainstay fuel for the “War on Terror”.

On the flipside…
It seems possible, as well, that perhaps there is a desensitizing effect in consistently raising red flags and keeping the fear fresh and tasty.
People don’t stay comfortable in a state of constant fear and trepidation and seeking comfort is a human constant.
Eventually in seeking comfort many will just begin to tune out all of these non-stop “chicken little” declarations of immanent terror - most likely just in time for somebody with legitimate proof of a pending disaster to pop up and find that the audience is jaded and unreceptive thus maximizing the horror when the real thing comes to pass.

The sword slices in both directions.
Remaining calm and objective is definitely an art to be mastered.
Well just as this "threat" disappears a new threat has appeared. Posted on the 24th, seems like someone has made a huge bet, $2 billion worth that the markets will crash around the third week of September. I don't understand the technicalities of the trade and perhaps someone can have a look and decipher it for us. It sounds very similar to the bets on airlines stocks just before 911 or perhaps as Anart mentioned above,
......preparation for the next "ramp up"?
Edited later: The first entry was on the 22nd and not on the 24th. Apologies.
I don't know -- these things are kind of hard to read when you're not that expert, like me. I do see the spikes in put-buying across the range downward to a 20% fall in the value of the put options (which should correspond to quite a bit less than that percentage in the actual market), however, the spikes seem to have started around August 15, which was around the bottom of the bad week that the markets had last week -- am I correct? Maybe someone else can look. This doesn't really strike me as unusual because, on every fall of every security, some people bet on it to continue, some bet on a rebound.

I'm using a consumer trading site, so if someone has more sophisticated software and an eye for these things, maybe they can make a more definite comment.

I'm also somewhat familiar with trading forums and found them to be a swamp of ignorance and disinfo, with people crying wolf about one thing or another almost constantly. So, though the trades may be real, interpretation of the activity by amateur market-watchers may leave something to be desired. Just a thought.

Also, I thought the infamous 9/11 trades were against specific stocks like airlines. Is that right? These trades are betting on a fall of, essentially, the whole market.
Yes, AdPop, I agree. I ain't no expert in the markets and like you say, this could just be "ignorance and disinfo, with people crying wolf about one thing or another almost constantly". I suppose we do need someone with more insight into these things to have a look and make a more definite comment.
Vulcan59 said:
Yes, AdPop, I agree. I ain't no expert in the markets and like you say, this could just be "ignorance and disinfo, with people crying wolf about one thing or another almost constantly". I suppose we do need someone with more insight into these things to have a look and make a more definite comment.
I discovered the first broker I ever used for future trading had a degree in Philosophy! When pressed for explanation, he explained that mastering stocks or futures trading, involved as many psychological skills as technical skills (e.g. understanding and using Consumer Confidence measures, etc.).

That said, information drives perceptions of the market, which drives price moves. Whoever has information, and has it first, has an advantage (i.e. insider traders). Early moves affect later moves. Supply and demand. Price hikes and price drops. Bear markets and bull markets. Thus, info, or disinfo, can be leaked to manipulate perceptions and control price moves.

Which is why if a false flag dirty bomb doesn't bring down America, then the "dirty bombs" of FOX Financial News will. Now that Rupert Murdoch, owner of FOX News, has bought The Wall Street Journal it'll be a steady stream of false supply and false demand. False price hikes and false price drops. False Bear markets -- and lots of real Bull.

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