Oprah has a bad black box vote experience


Dagobah Resident
FOTCM Member
I wasn't quite sure where to post this, but it seems to fit best here.

Oprah's vote gets electronically flipped and she still doesn't really "get it". Here's the story and videos:

It is sad that most people in the US still dont get it!!!! There is no free and fair election anymore.
Both 2000 & 2004 elections were stolen. It is going to happen again.

Whoever PTB wants will end up as the "winner".
Yeah, i agree. All that is left for the PTB is to have the two sides appear to have a reasonably marginal difference in the polls for people to expect any result as probable and normal....

Currently (today), according to Reuters latest poll, Obama is leading with 6% (50 to 44 percent) and that with claimed margin of error of 2.9 percentage points.

So, according to this poll, that makes the "real" safe distance for Obama a mere 3.1%, which i suppose can be easily "fixed" by any combination of means like failed votes, misidentifications,

system crashes etc. than a 10% or 15% lead would be without raising too much suspicion. Or maybe this is how both sides are kept "on the edge" and thus willingfull to negotiate the exact

terms and conditions behind them receiving the Master Puppet title aka USA President possition until the very last moment...

But who can really tell exactly what forces are clashing behind the scenes on the occasion of the US elections? We do have some clues here but in a couple of days we will know more since it

is time for the PTB to make their next move... :/ I am curious to say the least! Just some thoughts on this...

Link to reuters USA poll article: _http://www.reuters.com/article/politicsNews/idUSN3134134020081102
I just saw today in a Portuguese TV news, a coffee house in some American city, that had the following "system" running: the client could choose the coffee cup accordingly to the candidate that he/she preferred.
The ratio according to the owner was 25:1 in favour of Obama.
As I can't recall the city where this happened, it could be explained by a high concentration of democrats if it where a place where democrats would be theoretically more prevalent, like a city in a blue state or whatever they call them.
this sums up my feelings about the so called "election" rather succinctly


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