Orange Beings?


Jedi Master
There was a dream I had over a year ago that keeps creeping back into my memory. The short part I remember seemed very vivid and real. I remember that I was very high up either on a high building or some sort of natural apex. The area (which wasn't very large) was covered with human type beings that were orange in color with what seemed like deep red mottling something like tiger stripes. I perceived them to be male and they had no no body hair or hair on their heads. They were all crouched down or sitting and seemed to be intentionally quiet like they were watching something or waiting for something to happen. The feeling I got was almost military like. I remember that I was one of them and seemed to have gotten to this gathering late and I was causing a disturbance. I was walking through them (I guess to get to my place) in almost a comical way (pardon me, excuse me, pardon me). Realizing I was causing a disturbance, I was trying to be really quiet and then somehow knocked what I believed to be a metal weapon (like a large curved knife) off of the side of the building or the area we were on top of. I remember everything changed to slow motion as I watched and heard the item fall and make a lot of noise as it fell to the ground which apparently was not good. I remember thinking "ooooooh sh****t". I woke up after that.

I don't think this was a monumental dream or anything and maybe represents my insecurities and feeling that I am a late comer in "waking up" and not at the level that everyone else is. However, it has made me curious and wonder if anyone has experienced or heard of beings like this or if it was just a representation of something else in my mind.
I remember Laura and the Cassiopaeans discussing aliens called the orange beings I can't find the session but I do remember them mentioning aliens like that but I only heard of them through that session interesting dream though.

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