orange peels/raw cranberries and pain


Padawan Learner
Has anyone ever heard of orange peels or raw cranberries for pain relief?

Here's my story: For several years I've been waking up at night with muscle pains in my legs. Magnesium helps a little, but the pain is still there. It seems to migrate from place to place and it's bad enough to wake me several times a night.

The week before Thanksgiving I found a recipe for a relish that called for raw cranberries and a whole orange, peel and all. That's strange, I thought, but I tried it. It was better than I expected and we all ate some before bedtime. The next morning I realized that I had made it through the night without the pain.

I've been snacking on this mixture every night since then and the pains haven't come back. I realize that either one of these ingredients could be the cause, or maybe neither, but I wanted to share this in case it might be effective for anyone else.
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