orb sighting: april 16th, 2010


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
I was out on a walk with my cousin a few hours ago. We were walking along a country lane; it was around dusk. We were talking and I looked over to my left and saw a weird light in the sky. My cousin's no stranger to the concept of UFO's and we both stopped and stared at it. It was an orb that pulsated between yellow, orange, red.. orange, yellow, red.. etc. It moved at different speeds; speeding up, slowing down to a halt, drifting to the left and then the right.

It was a clear sky; we could see the stars. There were no airplane lights on it. No flashing lights or headlights etc. Eventually, as it was flying away, it just disappeared.

We talked about it for a while and then my cousin made the astounding observation that all passenger air travel in the UK is grounded at the moment. That shook us up quite a bit.
T.C. said:
I was out on a walk with my cousin a few hours ago. We were walking along a country lane; it was around dusk. We were talking and I looked over to my left and saw a weird light in the sky. My cousin's no stranger to the concept of UFO's and we both stopped and stared at it. It was an orb that pulsated between yellow, orange, red.. orange, yellow, red.. etc. It moved at different speeds; speeding up, slowing down to a halt, drifting to the left and then the right.

It was a clear sky; we could see the stars. There were no airplane lights on it. No flashing lights or headlights etc. Eventually, as it was flying away, it just disappeared.

We talked about it for a while and then my cousin made the astounding observation that all passenger air travel in the UK is grounded at the moment. That shook us up quite a bit.


About 3 miles from where your cousin lives, I was walking with a friend along one of the out-of-the-way country lanes. We were probably nearly a mile from the nearest street light and the sky was very clear (it was midnight). We saw 2 fast moving, white, star-like orbs darting across the sky in different directions. This was about 8 years ago. At the time we rationalised it away as being experimental fighter-jets, but the orbs were completely silent and had to have been travelling upwards of Mach 2 at least!

We were by the wind tubines if thats any help. I just wondered if the sighting was anywhere near there?

[Added Info: In case anyone is wondering, I went to school with T.C's cousin. Small world!]
Rhys said:
the orbs were completely silent

That's something I forgot to mention. The orb we saw was completely silent, too. That made it even more eerie.

We were by the wind tubines if thats any help. I just wondered if the sighting was anywhere near there?

No, we were about a mile from cuz's house, in his village. Funnily enough, we were on exactly the same walk we took around the time of the Beijing Olympics when we saw a stunning fleet of Chinese lanterns.

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