ordinary dream, or not?

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This might just be a meaningless dream, maybe not. The reason why I am posting it is that I have dreamt it VERY often in the past, and dreamt it again last night.

Just a bit of context: in real life I used to drive a little scooter, having stopped in 2001 after a nasty accident. Ever since then, I have this reoccurring dream that I am driving somewhere and suddenly realize that I forgot to refill the oil deposit with oil, and I start to panic. I'm afraid that the scooter will just break down and I will be lost with no one to help me. And the dream just finishes there, with me in this panicky state.

I am a complete dumb in what concerns interpreting dreams, so can't really make any sense of it neither of why it happens so frequently. I hadn't dreamt it for a while now so last night was a surprise. Yet, the "mood" of the dream was still very familiar.

Any thoughts are, of course, greatly appreciated.
Almost forgot to add!

In last night's dream, I actually stopped the scooter and had the time to look into the oil deposit. It looked like it was actually full, although I felt that at that point I was semi conscious and somehow controlling the dream so that I could have a better ending. I still woke up feeling panicky though.

edit: clarifying text
Perhaps it has to do with unprocessed fears concerning the scooter accident. For years I too had dreams about fear of cars/driving. It was only after I faced those fears and started driving that stopped those dreams. You may either want to "get back on the horse" or find some way to get past the fear surrounding that accident.

Another thought that just occurred to me is that maybe this has to do with some lack of awareness on your part. I don't know the circumstances surrounding your accident, but perhaps on some level you think it was because of some neglect on your part. This came to mind because in your dream, your fears seem to be about something that you forgot to do.

A completely separate thought is that this has nothing to do with scooters specifically, but rather how you are "driving" through your life and what responsibilities you choose to take. Perhaps you feel on some subconscious level that if you don't do what you need to do for yourself, you will be stuck.

From the last dream you posted, it seems that you are becoming more aware in your life and this may be spilling over into your dream life (possibly effects of the EE?).

I'm not the greatest at interpreting dreams, but these are just some things that came to mind. None of these may apply to you.
truth seeker said:
Perhaps it has to do with unprocessed fears concerning the scooter accident. For years I too had dreams about fear of cars/driving. It was only after I faced those fears and started driving that stopped those dreams. You may either want to "get back on the horse" or find some way to get past the fear surrounding that accident.

My apologies truth seeker, I should have been clearer in my post. After I healed from the accident I actually went back to driving the scooter exactly for that reason, to be able to address that fear. I stopped after a few months because I moved to another country and eventually ended up selling the scooter. So in a way, I feel that I have faced the fear and managed to surpass it. On the other hand, I notice that when in a car with someone else driving (I don't drive), I feel a lot more scared then I remember being as a child. That could be a reminiscent from the scooter accident, or that I am just simply more aware of the dangers of irresponsible driving...then again, this last hypothesis could have resulted from the accident as well.

truth seeker said:
Another thought that just occurred to me is that maybe this has to do with some lack of awareness on your part. I don't know the circumstances surrounding your accident, but perhaps on some level you think it was because of some neglect on your part. This came to mind because in your dream, your fears seem to be about something that you forgot to do.

At the time of the accident, the fault was from the other driver. Still, I think that is true, and I could have been more careful.
The feeling of having forgotten something in this dream is what really gets me all the time though, it is so strong...

truth seeker said:
A completely separate thought is that this has nothing to do with scooters specifically, but rather how you are "driving" through your life and what responsibilities you choose to take. Perhaps you feel on some subconscious level that if you don't do what you need to do for yourself, you will be stuck.

Yes. I can veeery well relate to that. But I am often not sure if is me just over worrying over things, as I do have that tendency, or a legitimate feeling of needing to be aware of my needs, and "on top" of my responsibilities to prevent me from being hopelessly lost.

truth seeker said:
From the last dream you posted, it seems that you are becoming more aware in your life and this may be spilling over into your dream life (possibly effects of the EE?).

It could be. I definitely feel more aware of my life. Although, it is a very painful type of awareness, in that I often feel completely overwhelmed with the immensity of programs and false personality I find. Sometimes I can only observe being overwhelmingly frustrated with what I am observing, and feel powerless against it... So I can say that I am more aware, but I can't really say that I am handling what I am seeing well.

My first instinct, and since I don't consciously feel affected by the accident, is to think that the dream doesn't have to do with that, but with something else that I am not seeing. I don't really know though, so am taking in all possibilities.
Also, and don't know if its relevant, but before I even drove the scooter, when I was a child, I would often dream of myself driving a car, and having some sort of difficulties.

Thanks truth seeker, I need do do some thinking on this. You have posed valuable questions that I hadn't considered.

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